A tale is a work of folklore or fiction

A tale is a work of folklore or fiction
A tale is a work of folklore or fiction

In some works - folklore and fiction - the narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, who uses individual speech in the presentation of events, which differs from the usual speech of the author himself. Such creations of folklore or copyright are usually called tales. And if we try to define a tale, it is, first of all, the presence of oral speech in the context of the description of events by a narrator, different from the personality of the author. But first, you should probably ask for help from explanatory dictionaries.

Meaning of the word skaz

How do sources define this word? We read that a tale is a work (both author's and folklore) or the very form of narration. In terms of intonation, it is specific. But one thing is important: this form produces oral speech that is different from the speech of the author. And the narration is conducted by the narrator, reproducing this speech. At the same time, the position of the narrator does not coincide with the style of presentation of the writer. This is how a certain artisticexpression, a peculiar effect of presence and complicity. A tale is also a special method in a particular literary work that forms the corresponding literary genre. In Russian literature, according to researchers, the founder of the literary tale as a genre was Gogol.

tell it
tell it

In Literature

In fiction, the author's tale is one of the ways to achieve originality of presentation. Tales are especially pronounced in the work of Leskov. His works, such as "The Tale of the Lefty and the Flea", and many others, tell about legends and heroes born by the Russian people themselves. The story is told by a subjective narrator (almost always one of the participants or witnesses of the events), separate from the personality of the author. Live folk speech sounds, and the narrator himself in the tale is a representative of a different level, social stratum than the listener. This is a merchant, and a monk, and a soldier. All of them have peculiar speech turns, which makes the narration livelier and more individual.

the meaning of the word tale
the meaning of the word tale

In the science of folklore

In this science, a tale is a combined generalized name for various folklore non-tale genres. These include epics and legends, legends. Passed from mouth to mouth, the tale is the embodiment of the wisdom of the Russian people, its splendor of oral speech, presented in a specific narrative about real events that happened a long time ago. By the way, this tale differs to a large extent from a fairy tale, where the events are mostly fictional and fantastic, and the characters and objects have magical properties.properties.
