Summary of The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov

Summary of The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov
Summary of The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov

Before us is the "Master and Margarita". A summary of the chapters of the novel will help the reader quickly understand whether the work is interesting to him. Mikhail Bulgakov completed work on it by 1937, but the first journal publication took place only 25 years later. Each of the two stories told in the “myth novel,” as Bulgakov called it, develops an independent plot.

summary of the master and margarita
summary of the master and margarita

The first story takes place in Moscow - the Soviet capital - in the 30s of the twentieth century during the May full moon. The second - at the same time of the year, but in Yershalaim two thousand years before the first. Chapters of new Moscow history are interspersed with chapters of ancient Yershalaim history.

Summary of The Master and Margarita, Part One, Chapters 1-12

On a hot May day at Patriarch's Ponds, the mysterious foreigner Woland and his companions meet with the editor of a literary magazine, Mikhail Berlioz, and the young poet Ivan Nikolaevich Bezdomny, the author of an atheistic poem. A foreigner pretends to be a master of black magic. His retinue includes assistant Koroviev, called Fagot, Azazello, who is responsible for "power" operations, a pretty assistant and part-timethe vampire witch Gella and the funny jester Behemoth, often appearing as a black cat of impressive size.

A foreigner wedged himself into the discussion between Berlioz and Bezdomny about Jesus, claiming that he really existed. The proof that not everything is subject to man was Woland's prediction about the sad death of Berlioz at the hands of a Komsomol member. Immediately, Ivan witnesses how a tram driven by a Komsomol girl beheaded the editor-in-chief.

The pursuit and the desire to detain Woland's ghostly gang led Bezdomny to a mental hospital. Here he meets the Master, ill from the one hundred and eighteenth room, and listens not only to the story of his love for Margarita, but also the story of Yeshua Ha-Nozri. In particular, the Master reveals to Ivan the true otherworldly essence of Woland, the king of darkness.

A foreigner with assistants occupied Berlioz's apartment, sending his neighbor Styopa Likhodeev to Y alta. The stage in the theater "Variety" becomes a demonstration performance of an infernal company. Muscovites are offered various temptations: a rain of money, clothes and perfumes. After the performance, those seduced bitterly regret it, finding themselves on the street naked and without money.

master and margarita summary of chapters
master and margarita summary of chapters

The master tells Ivan that he is a historian, a former museum worker. Having once won a large amount of money, he quit his job and began writing a long-planned book about the time of Pontius Pilate.

At the same time he meets Margarita, love arises between them. After the publication of an excerpt from the book, the Master gets into trouble,provoked by critics of the Moscow Literary Association and denunciation. In a fit of desperation, he burns the manuscript. All this leads him to a psychiatric clinic.

Summary of The Master and Margarita, Part One, Chapters 13-18

At the same time, another story develops. Pontius Pilate interrogates the impoverished philosopher Yeshua, who has already been sentenced to death by the local religious authorities. Pilate does not agree with the harsh sentence, but is forced to approve it. He asks in honor of the Easter holiday to have mercy on Ha-Nozri, but the Jewish high priest releases the robber. Bald Mountain is disfigured by three crosses on which two thieves and Yeshua are executed. As soon as one of his followers Matvei Levi remains at the feet of the dying philosopher and the executioner stops suffering with a merciful blow of a spear to the heart, an incredible downpour immediately covers everyone. Pontius Pilate cannot find peace. He calls an assistant and orders the execution of the one who betrayed Yeshua. In Levi's parchment, where he wrote down Ha-Nozri's speeches, Pilate read that cowardice is the most serious vice.

Summary of The Master and Margarita, Part Two, Chapters 19-32

Margarita accepts Azazello's proposal, becomes a witch for a while to meet her loved one again. She plays the role of hostess at the annual ball of dark forces, along with Woland and his henchmen. As a reward, the Masters are returned to her. They are carried away by the infernal retinue, and they find peace forever, because the Master did not deserve the light.

summary of the master and margarita
summary of the master and margarita

Summary of The Master and Margarita,part two, epilogue

Every year, walking under the full May moon, Professor Ivan Nikolayevich daydreams. Pontius Pilate and Ha-Notsri appear to him, who, peacefully talking, walk along the endless moonlit path, and number one hundred and eighteen, led by an incredibly beautiful woman.

Reader, be vigilant! A brief summary of The Master and Margarita can take away the abyss of pleasure from someone who does not dare to read the entire novel, which has become one of the literary masterpieces of the twentieth century.
