How many chapters are there in The Master and Margarita? Summary and reviews

How many chapters are there in The Master and Margarita? Summary and reviews
How many chapters are there in The Master and Margarita? Summary and reviews

The Master and Margarita was first published in a magazine over fifty years ago. It was not only read, but also studied by writers for the presence of various clues, motives, hints. The novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" interests the reader from the very first lines.

illustrations in the book
illustrations in the book

Book description

The work describes two plots that are repeatedly intertwined, but at the same time they are separate stories. The main story takes place in Moscow in the 30s. The second story line takes place in the fictional city of Yershalaim thousands of years before the first. This side story is nothing more than the plot of the book's protagonist's novel.

If you want to know how many chapters there are in The Master and Margarita, then there are only 32 of them. Each of them alternately describes part of the novel created by the main character, the Master, and the memories of Woland, who was in histime to witness that story.

Let's consider a summary of "The Master and Margarita" chapter by chapter. The book begins with the appearance at the Patriarch's Ponds of an unknown person named Woland, who introduced himself to others as a professor of black magic. Together with him, a big talking cat Behemoth, regent Fagot, the vampire Azazello and the witch Gella arrived in the city.

illustration Cat Hippo
illustration Cat Hippo

On the same square between editor-in-chief Mikhail Berlioz and poet Ivan Bezdomny, a dispute arises on a religious theme. The magician unexpectedly appears nearby and tries to prove that the fate of a person is created by divine power and not everything is subject to the individual. He makes two predictions: the girl will cut off Berlioz's head, and his interlocutor Bezdomny will become a schizophrenic. The predictions subsequently come true. How many chapters are in The Master and Margarita? There are 32 chapters in the novel, and 18 of them tell the story that takes place in Moscow.

Master's Tale

In a psychiatric hospital, where Bezdomny ended up after Berlioz's death, he meets the Master. The latter explains to Ivan who Woland really is. After a fabulous win of 100 thousand rubles, the Master leaves his job and rents a small apartment. He begins to write his own novel, the main characters of which are Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

The master tells how critical people who rebelled against his written novel, he ends up in a psychiatric clinic. And there, behind the walls, lives his beloved Margarita, whom he oncemet and fell in love, and she reciprocated, although she was married.

Margarita meets Azazello, who sends an invitation from Woland to the ball and cream. Preparing for the evening and putting cream on her skin, Margarita turns into a witch, and goes to the ball of Satan on a mop. Woland invites Margarita to fulfill one of her wishes, she wants to see her beloved Master. And the last one appears in the apartment.

The second plot of the book is more similar to the description of the life of Jesus Christ and his execution by order of Pontius Pilate. How many chapters in The Master and Margarita are devoted to this story? 14 of 32 chapters. Levi Matthew tries to save Yeshua from execution, but fails. He appears on the roof of a house in Moscow, where Woland has gathered with his retinue, and invites him to take the Master and Margarita with him. The master dies in a psychiatric clinic, and Margarita - in the apartment where her lover once lived.

edition in English
edition in English

History and mysticism

It is difficult to determine in what genre Bulgakov wrote this work. It contains:

  • satire;
  • farce;
  • mysticism;
  • fantastic;
  • philosophy;
  • melodrama.

This is a bewitching masterpiece, which brought together the themes of love, death, immortality, the struggle between good and evil. How many chapters are in The Master and Margarita, and each of them is riddled with mystical events. The novel is considered one of the most striking works of world literature of the 20th century, as it is covered with many mysteries.

The Master and Margarita
The Master and Margarita

Reader rating

At the moment, there are several film adaptations and theatrical productions in several countries based on the plot of the book. Some people really like this book, fans re-read it several times, others do not like the novel. Some perceive the story as a fantasy, for others it is a story about true love.

How many pages are in the book "The Master and Margarita"? From 250 to 500 depending on the edition, font and illustrations. Fans of non-standard literature are not afraid of the number of pages, the book is read in one breath.
