Artistic ink for drawing

Artistic ink for drawing
Artistic ink for drawing

Artistic ink for drawing is a special paint made from soot. It is produced in three versions: liquid, concentrated, dry. You can also sometimes find a colored version of the ink, but most often the paint is black. This high quality mascara features a thick, rich black color.

ink for drawing
ink for drawing

Key properties of mascara

Artistic ink has two properties, without which we cannot talk about the high quality of paint. First of all, it is non-blurring. You can check this property like this: take a sheet of paper for drawing, it should be thick enough. Then draw several lines of different thickness, wait until the paint dries. Now you should place the sheet in an inclined position under running water for a minute. If the mascara is indelible, then it will not flow. The next property is alcohol resistance, due to which contaminated areas are degreased before staining. At the same time, the drawing, previously fixed with ink, is not violated.

pen and ink
pen and ink

Where and howapply

Today, the use of artistic ink for drawing is most often found in the field of creating comics and caricatures. It is worth noting that the drawings, in the creation of which soot is used, are distinguished by a special light resistance. This is explained simply: the main component of artistic ink for drawing is soot, and it is chemically inert. In order to create ink drawings, a brush or pen is used; in graphic technique, a dry brush is preferred. Another feature that is mainly inherent in ink drawings is the dashed style of execution. Drawing with artistic ink is not an easy job, as the pen is very sensitive and easily changes the thickness of the line. Here it is important to follow your every move and think through every stroke two steps ahead.

carcass history
carcass history

Interesting facts

Even before the middle of the nineteenth century, ordinary goose feathers were most often used by artists, and after some time a metal feather settled densely in the creative world. He was preferred at least because with its use you can get a thin and perfectly even line. If you move to the East of those times, then in those parts a reed feather was widely used. However, the pen is not the only tool with which you can draw with ink. Also widely used are brushes of various shapes, sizes and materials, as well as tampons. At the same time, it can be noted that much depends not only on the instrument, each artist has his own methods of working withink. Take, for example, Rembrandt, who painted not only with a pen, but also with various brushes, wood chips, sticks, and so on.

thin lines
thin lines

Ink drawing methods

Among contemporary artists, you can find such a method as using an ordinary match, which is sharpened in such a way that it becomes like a spatula. For convenience, the match is inserted into a collet pencil. Thanks to this technique, a fairly lively velvet line is obtained. The thickness of the strokes is also conveniently adjusted: depending on the angle at which the line is drawn, it can be thick, or maybe scalpel-thin, for drawing details. It is also worth noting that due to such properties as light fastness and water resistance, art ink is widely used in order to make notes on important documents. For example, in a passport, diploma, military ID and so on.

drawing tool
drawing tool

How else can you use mascara?

Drawing is not the only purpose of ink. Let's take a look at some uses for paint beyond artistic craftsmanship:

  • In the culture of Japan there is a national New Year's game called "hanetsuki". According to the rules, it is very similar to badminton, but instead of round rackets, rectangular and wooden rackets are used. The task for the players is simple - you need to make sure that the shuttlecock stays in the air for as long as possible. But the unfortunate one who fails to keep him is made a mark on his face with ink.
  • Another destinationmascaras are tattoos that are usually done at home. The drawing, which is applied with ink to the skin, is pricked with a sharp needle, usually a sewing needle.
  • Another interesting area of ink use is microbiology. Paint is used to form a negative stain. The mascara darkens the background, making it much easier to observe the bacteria as they are light in color.

There are enough unusual ways to use artistic waterproof mascara. It is a useful assistant in many areas. The most important question, how to draw with artistic ink, is considered quite difficult. The main technique used is strokes.

drawing technique
drawing technique

History of Mascara

The first mention of this type of paint can be found in the earliest treatises on art. It talks about black ink made from soot, which was actively made in ancient Egypt and China. It was used to fill with color the surfaces carved on the stone of hieroglyphs. Such mascara was based on coal. Sticky substances were added to it, for example, oils mixed with gelatin. According to legend, artistic ink was given to the world by a Chinese philosopher around 1200 BC.

Black ink was especially actively used in Ancient Rome, despite the fact that the Romans at that time knew the recipe for making purple paint as well. However, obtaining purple is a long and difficult process, so it was used only at court for writing important state documents. For purpleit was necessary to process a huge amount of mollusks, so the paint was banned for use outside the imperial court. The next important stage in the history of the development of artistic ink can be considered the 11th century, when the patriarch of the Jerusalem Church, in his writings on the paints and arts of the Romans, described some methods of making ink. The simplest of them was to get ink from soot, which is formed during the burning of wood. Moreover, the shade of the carcass depended on the type of wood used for burning.

Now what?

Until recently, the best black ink was considered to be made from soot formed from the burning of grape seeds. In ancient times, the composition of the paint did not always include adhesive components. In mascara, created according to old recipes, carbon molecules are in a colloidal bond with vinegar. Most often, as a link, shellac is used as part of the paint. The shelf life of artistic ink is about a year, usually no more. After this time, the paint begins to deteriorate and even emit an unpleasant odor. At the moment, colored ink is increasingly being used in the visual arts.
