Samoilova Galina: biography and creativity

Samoilova Galina: biography and creativity
Samoilova Galina: biography and creativity

In this material, Galina Samoilova, a Soviet and Russian film and theater actress, will be presented to your attention. She was born on December 5, 1962.

Samoilova Galina
Samoilova Galina


So, first, let's look at how the early years of an actress named Galina Samoilova went. Her biography began in Lipetsk. It was in this city that she was born. In 1985 she studied at GITIS named after Lunacharsky. Studied in the workshop of Lydia Knyazeva and Irina Sudakova.

Samoilova Galina played on the stage of the Moscow Pushkin Theatre. She performed her most ambitious roles in the productions of "The Scream" by V. Merezhko, "People's Malachi" by M. Kulish and "Eurydice" by Zh. Anuy. Since 1983, Galina Samoilova has been acting in films. She played the main roles in the lyrical comedy called "Next to You" and the melodrama "Grooms".

In 1995, in April, she, together with her husband Vadim Ledogorov, who is also an actor, and son Nikita went to New Zealand. The family began to live in a new country for themselves. The couple had a second son here. They named him Alexander. In New Zealand, the actress devoted most of her time to raising children. However, she did not part with the professionalactivity. In Auckland, she acted as the founder of the Russian Youth Cultural Center. Its activities are aimed at preserving the Russian language, as well as developing creative abilities. Under him, the Literary and Drama Studio of the Ledogorovs and the children's theater called "Dreamers" operate. In 2008, she was the organizer of the Days of Russian Cinema in Auckland.

Earlier, in the period from 1997 to 2010, she participated in the projects of the literary theater, held on the radio "Yaroslavna". Since 2010, he has been publishing the cultural Russian bulletin "Rodnik".

Samoilova Galina biography
Samoilova Galina biography

Films and TV

In 1983, Galina Samoilova starred in an episode of the film "Lethargy". In 1985, she played Christina in the film "Grooms" and took part in an episode of the tape "Do not go, girls, get married." In 1986, the picture "Next to You" was released with the participation of the actress in the image of Lelya. In 1987, she played a passer-by in the film Where is the Nofelet?, and in 1989 she participated in an episode of the films Goo-ga and Crime Quartet. Next was the role of Galina Silantieva in the film "Under the Dome of the Circus." Appeared as Zoe in the film Assuage My Sorrows.

Samoilova Galina Soviet and Russian actress
Samoilova Galina Soviet and Russian actress

Other arts

First, let's talk about the main performances in which Galina Samoilova participated. The actress played Alyonushka in the production of "The Scarlet Flower" based on the work of S. Aksakov. In the role of Tamara, she took part in the play "The Scream" by V. Merezhko. She played Love in the production of "People's Malachi" by N. Kulish. She embodied the image of the miller's daughter in the play"Betrothal", created on the basis of the work of M. Maeterlinck. She played Ella in the production of "I am a Woman" by V. Merezhko. She worked on the play "The Scum" by J. Głowacki. She played Marfusha and Katenka in the production of A. Chervinsky "From Flame and Light." In the image of Eurydice, she participated in the play "On the very edge of the night" by J. Anouilh. She played Senora Alba in the production of "One of the last evenings of the carnival" by C. Goldoni.

The creative activity of Samoilova Galina extended not only to the cinema and the stage. The actress also participated in radio shows. In 1993, she played Anfisa in Ostrovsky's Adventures of Balzaminov. In 1994, she embodied the image of Dona Dolores in Turgenev's "Indiscretion".

Samoilova Galina photo
Samoilova Galina photo

Activity of the actress abroad

Separately, we should talk about the activities of actress Galina Samoilova in New Zealand. In 1999, she hosted the evening "200 years of A. S. Pushkin." In 2001, she played Lukerya in F. Dostoyevsky's The Meek. In 2002, she directed a play based on Krylov's fables called Let's Laugh at Ourselves. In 2002 she worked on the production of The Snow Queen based on the work of E. Schwartz. In 2003, she played Natalya Stepanovna in the play "Proposal" based on the work of A. Chekhov. Next was the role of Elena Ivanovna Popova in the production of "The Bear". Also in New Zealand, the actress participated in the following performances:

  • "Two maples",
  • "Holiday nap before dinner",
  • "About Fedot Sagittarius, a daring fellow",
  • "What you follow is what you will find",
  • "Cinderella",
  • "My life, or you dreamed of me",
  • “The daughter of a Russian actor”,
  • Little Red Riding Hood,
  • "My happiness",
  • "12 months",
  • "Mowgli",
  • "Valentine and Valentina",
  • "Thumbelina",
  • "Baby and Carlson",
  • "Don't leave me",
  • "Scarlet Flower",
  • "To every kitten true friends",
  • "Many good people and one envious",
  • "Old New Year",
  • "New Year's miracles or Baba Yaga against",
  • “About a cat and about love.”

Now you know who Samoilova Galina is. Photos of the actress are attached to this material.
