Turgenev's works are the work of a real Artist

Turgenev's works are the work of a real Artist
Turgenev's works are the work of a real Artist

The work of a true artist is distinguished by unity, which is saturated with a rich inner meaning, reflected in the individual elements of the whole. The basis of this integrity are the visible trends that distinguish Turgenev's works - the universalism of the author's emotionality and the elegiacism of artistic thought.

Turgenev's works
Turgenev's works

Starting a writer's journey

For I. S. Turgenev, from the very beginning of his writing career, was characterized by a desire to comprehend and perceive the world around him in all its diversity. In his early poem-drama "The Wall" he tried to reflect all aspects of human existence. It is this "inclusiveness" that characterizes Turgenev's works. The place of a person in society, as a person and individuality, his being in all manifestations - this is the key universal of the writer. It was she who determined his ideological and philosophical content of all creativity and all genre delights. At the beginning of his creative path, he tried "experientially" to find his genre angle of view, "collect" his artistic world, his writer's "I". ArtworksTurgenev show how wide the genre range of the creator - he is a playwright, and a poet, and a prose writer - this is how Ivan Sergeevich brought to life the search for his ideal artistic form, which would correspond to the universal task he had set.

Turgenev's works list
Turgenev's works list

From lyrics to prose

Turgenev's desire for universalization runs like a red thread through all of his early work, which mainly consists of lyrical works. However, neither the dramatic, nor the lyrical, nor the epic genre satisfied the writer, so he decided to realize himself as an artist in genres more suitable for his personality - the novel and the short story. Nevertheless, the experience of the playwright, poet and author of essays and stories became the stylistic basis of the writer's subsequent prose creations. If, studying the genre system of Turgenev's work, we pay special attention to the genre specifics of the novel and short story, we can see that they are in a close dialectical relationship. Turgenev’s works, a list of which will be given below, indicate that the writer considered prose as a genre of literature that has great potential to depict the “elements of social life”, the process of development and formation of a person’s personality, in a word, prose for the author opened up prospects for amazing meaningful volume..

Dialogue with the novel

Analysis of Turgenev's work, any one dating from the 1840s, shows his expressive desire to conduct a "dialogue" with the genre of the novel, the image of whichinvariably present in his creative mind. Even in poetic short stories ("Andrei", "Parasha"), the concept of an original Turgenev's story is already visible, which will later be dialectically connected with the novel. Turgenev's works (the list of which looks quite impressive) - "Inn", "Mumu", "Correspondence", "Bretter", "Calm", "Two Friends", "Diary of a Superfluous Man" - are formed in the artistic mind of the creator as a dialogue with novel.

analysis of Turgenev's work
analysis of Turgenev's work

The story “lives” with the novel, and the novel lives with the story

Starting from the 1850s, at the level of a dialogue between the ideas of the novel and the short story, the ideas of works of art and their subsequent implementation, Turgenev finally managed to adequately express his initial orientation towards “inclusiveness”, the comprehension of human existence, life. The works of Turgenev, “Asya”, “On the Eve”, “Fathers and Sons”, the collection “Notes of a Hunter”, “Rudin”, among other things, prove that the author was most fully able to realize himself in the genres of the novel and story, which, developing separately, each inside his own genre paradigm, while remaining in close dialogue. Turgenev's story "lives" in a novel, and his novel - in a story, reflecting the dialectic of the writer's artistic thoughts, they present all the main Turgenev's motifs and themes, they are distinguished by their content volume.

Asya Turgenev's works
Asya Turgenev's works

Elegiac attitude

The elegiac mood and attitude united all genres in Turgenev's work, they are present in stories, early lyrics, novels, poetrynovels and even comedies. Turgenev's works clearly demonstrate that the palette of his work is extremely wide - the elegiac in the author's artistic world exists with the tragic in stories, the dramatic in novels, and the satirical in his poetic short stories. This helps the artist express the beauty and value of the human person. It seems that the reader does not perceive the prevailing elegiac style of Turgenev's work as a whole as the "tragic face" of the author. This is due to the fact that the elegiac beginning, despite the tragedy of human existence and its inseparability from the life of nature, points to the path that will lead to harmony in the relationship of man, nature, people, universe and history.
