
Poet Lev Ozerov: biography and creativity

Poet Lev Ozerov: biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Not everyone knows that the author of the famous phrase-aphorism "talents need help, mediocrity will break through on their own" was Lev Adolfovich Ozerov, Russian Soviet poet, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Literary Translation at the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute . In the article we will talk about L. Ozerov and his work

How to make money on poems of your own composition? Poems to order

How to make money on poems of your own composition? Poems to order

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

At present, writing has begun to take on a huge scale. More and more people are abandoning the usual ways of earning money, preferring to develop in the creative field. In our article, we will talk about how to make money on poetry for a novice poet, and also give some practical recommendations that will allow you to sell a work of your own composition in the shortest possible time

Edmund Spenser, English poet of the Elizabethan era: biography and creativity

Edmund Spenser, English poet of the Elizabethan era: biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Who doesn't know William Shakespeare! He is called the king of English literature, but meanwhile, few people know that he had an older friend, a kind of teacher, who also did not a little for British literature, in particular poetry. We are talking about Edmund Spenser, and this material is dedicated to his biography and work

All you have fun! Rhyme for the name Slava

All you have fun! Rhyme for the name Slava

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How to choose the right rhyme for the name Slava. Principles of rhyming and a table of rhymes by parts of speech. Examples of how to write a congratulation to a school graduate with a gold medal and a friend who bought a car. How not to rhyme: offensive rhymes to the name Slava

About the poet Mark Lisyansky

About the poet Mark Lisyansky

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Mark Samoilovich Lisyansky (1913-1993) - Russian Soviet poet and songwriter. One of the most prominent and revered poets of the Soviet era. In the article we will briefly dwell on the biography of Lisyansky, we will talk about his main works. In addition, we will consider both versions of the appearance of the famous song about Moscow

Nikoloz Baratashvili, Georgian romantic poet: biography and creativity

Nikoloz Baratashvili, Georgian romantic poet: biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Nikoloz Baratashvili was a man with a tragic and difficult fate. Now he is considered among the recognized classics of Georgian literature, but none of his works were published during his lifetime. His first poems were published only 7 years after he passed away. A collection of works was released in Georgian only in 1876

What is a rubaiyat? A form of oriental poetry

What is a rubaiyat? A form of oriental poetry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Some Eastern sages and philosophers wrote down their thoughts in the form of quatrains. It was something worse than equations tending to exact formulas, aphorisms. Rubai became one of the most complex genre forms of Tajik-Persian poetry. What is a lyrical-philosophical quatrain we will discuss in our article. The legacy of these poems is rich and varied. Well, let's talk about what rubais are, about the main poets that make them up

Our nyasha. Rhyme for the name Masha

Our nyasha. Rhyme for the name Masha

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How to choose the right rhyme for the name Masha. Principles of selection of exact rhyme and admissible. How else can you call Masha and come up with a rhyme for the name. When it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use one form or another of the name. Examples of funny and serious poems for Mary

Hey, Sergey, pour water: rhyme to the name Sergey

Hey, Sergey, pour water: rhyme to the name Sergey

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Rhyme to the name Sergey: funny, serious, offensive. How to choose a rhyme for a word. How to compose a universal quatrain with the name Sergey for any occasion. Examples with one-syllable and two-syllable rhymes

Rhymes for the name Karina

Rhymes for the name Karina

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How to choose a rhyme for the name Karina. Four types of rhyming words: romantic, medical, gastronomic, and sewing materials. How to choose a funny rhyme and three examples of poems about Karina. How not to rhyme: dissonant and offensive rhymes to the name Karina

Anastasia Zagodina: biography and the universe of the poetess

Anastasia Zagodina: biography and the universe of the poetess

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A cocktail of love, romance and sadness - the real world of the poetess was focused on the feelings of beauty. She is a conductor between our generation and the memories that she brought into the life of a contemporary from her past. The imprint of thoughts on everyday questions is superimposed, and in her poems she gives answers to those who need them no less than she herself

Vyach Ivanov: biography, creativity

Vyach Ivanov: biography, creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Symbolism is a trend in literature, painting, music and art in general. The peculiarity of the genre is in the element of mystery and mystery, incomplete disclosure of the essence of the work. The meaning is conveyed to the reader, viewer or listener with the help of symbols. Symbolism was used by such Russian artists as Valery Bryusov, Konstantin Balmont, Andrei Bely, Alexander Blok, Mikhail Vrubel, Alexander Skryabin and others. The poet Vyach Ivanov also made a great contribution to the development of symbolism in Russia

Where to publish your poems? Tips

Where to publish your poems? Tips

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Beginning authors often wonder where to publish their poems. It is known that at present this is not an easy task. Unless the creator of poetry is the owner of a tidy sum, it can be quite difficult for him to promote his creations in the literary world. But how insulting it is to bury talent in the ground, not being able to fulfill oneself! In fact, you should never give up. It is always necessary to look for certain opportunities

Emergency help for those who have lost inspiration: rhymes with the word "motherland"

Emergency help for those who have lost inspiration: rhymes with the word "motherland"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Writing patriotic poems is not an easy task, especially when inspiration tries to run away. Do not fall into despair and give up what you have planned. In the age of high technology, it is possible to find any information thanks to the global Internet. This article will give rhymes to the word "motherland", and also tell you how to put things in order in your thoughts and return the "escaped" inspiration

Rhyme to the word "Vanya". What is the character of the person who bears this name?

Rhyme to the word "Vanya". What is the character of the person who bears this name?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Writing a poem in honor of a person is a very good gift and sign of attention. But in reality it turns out that it is not so easy to write an ode to someone. There is no rhyme, no quatrain, and the desire to write is lost. Calmly! All is not yet lost. If the name of the person you want to dedicate poetry to is Ivan, then this article is a must-read

Test of the pen: rhyme to the name Vanya

Test of the pen: rhyme to the name Vanya

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are many cases where you need to find a rhyme for another person's name. For example, you have to jokingly congratulate him on some event - winning a competition, receiving a diploma, or receiving his first salary. Nobody canceled name-calling when you want to find a convincing counterargument in response to verbal aggression. The topic of the article is a rhyme to the name Vanya

Great poets of the world: a list of the most famous and their works

Great poets of the world: a list of the most famous and their works

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are many lovers of both prose and poetry in the world. The man has invested quite a lot of baggage into the world artistic culture. Once upon a time, people did not even think about identifying the great poets of the world, but today, in the variety of poetry and prose, this has become quite a serious task

The best poets of Russia: a list of the most famous

The best poets of Russia: a list of the most famous

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The works of the best Russian poets are strikingly different from each other, but their fates are similar. Many of these outstanding people had a chance to experience both the hardships of troubled times and the pressure of the authorities. Many have become victims of unhappy love, experienced the pain of the loss of loved ones. It is possible that it was the dramatic events they experienced that made them great creators

Interesting rhymes to the name Angelina

Interesting rhymes to the name Angelina

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The rhyme to the name can be useful and interesting, beautiful and funny. It is used at recess at school, in birthday cards, in serenades and ditties. Names are decorated with mugs, badges and pillows. Original phrases and rhyming quotes work well with the name Angelina

Famous poets: list. Russian poets that everyone should know

Famous poets: list. Russian poets that everyone should know

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Poetry is an amazing area of creativity. Obeying a special rhythm, the words are combined into a single whole that carries beauty in itself. There is an opinion that poetry as a genre is not modern, but a whole constellation of talents of the 21st century refutes it, proving once again that Russian poetry is not only Pushkin and Lermontov. Russian poetry does not end with Brodsky and Yevtushenko, but lives and develops to this day

Rhyming with the word "knife". What to do if inspiration is lost?

Rhyming with the word "knife". What to do if inspiration is lost?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The unexpected disappearance of inspiration is extremely painful for creative people. The inability to finish one's work and the fear of failure may well drive a person into a deep depression. This article is devoted to poets who have a crisis in writing poems. It will rhyme with the word "knife"

Alexander Pushkin, "The Bronze Horseman": genre of work, plot, date of writing

Alexander Pushkin, "The Bronze Horseman": genre of work, plot, date of writing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The work "The Bronze Horseman" is one of the most famous in the poetic work of A. S. Pushkin. In it, the poet reflects on the reign of Peter the Great, on the state, the tsarist autocracy, on the role of the common man in history. The main idea of the work is the conflict between the authorities and the "little man" from the common people. The genre of the work "The Bronze Horseman" is not unambiguously defined, since Pushkin very skillfully combined various styles of presentation in it

What rhyme for the word "brain" can you choose?

What rhyme for the word "brain" can you choose?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

When the soul needs inspiration, many begin to write poetry, songs, paintings and so on. And this is not surprising. After all, it helps to forget all everyday problems, failures, and just relax your soul. In this article, we will consider which rhyme for the word "brain" to apply to those who want to write poetry. Here are examples of couplets with this word

"The Death of a Pioneer" by Eduard Bagritsky: the story of writing and plot

"The Death of a Pioneer" by Eduard Bagritsky: the story of writing and plot

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Eduard Bagritsky's poem "The Death of a Pioneer" - the only one of the works of the Soviet poet included in the school literature curriculum - was written by him in 1932. A little later, it was published by the Krasnaya Nov magazine, timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution. Later, the poem was included in the works of the lifetime collection of the poet

To help rap artists. Rhyming Words for "kaif"

To help rap artists. Rhyming Words for "kaif"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Inspiration does not always stay with the author until the end of writing the work. In moments of despair, many use the Internet as an assistant. This article discusses the rhymes to the word "kaif", as well as deciphering the borrowed words

To help the poet. Rhyming Words for "letters"

To help the poet. Rhyming Words for "letters"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Inspiration is an amazing phenomenon that allows people to create masterpieces. There are times when it suddenly disappears, leaving the creator with an unfinished work. This article is intended to help poets in writing poems by suggesting words that rhyme with the word "letters"

Ode is a special kind of poem

Ode is a special kind of poem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

What is an ode? This word originally had this meaning: a lyrical poem, performed by the choir and to the music. In the Renaissance, an ode is most often a verse designed to glorify rulers or generals. Such poems were usually long, pompous. For example, this was the "Ode to the accession to the throne of Elizabeth", written by Lomonosov

What is a fable: from Aesop to the present day

What is a fable: from Aesop to the present day

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Fable - a genre that is designed to teach and denounce. And since all the vices of man and society have long been known and described, no one can say anything new in the fable genre for a long time. In our country for more than 150 years there has been no better fabulist than I.A. Krylov

One cannot understand the language of poetry without knowing what a stanza is

One cannot understand the language of poetry without knowing what a stanza is

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

To understand poetry, it is important to understand what a stanza is, how stanzas from three verses, from four, eight and others are called. Poetry competition will consolidate knowledge and hone skills

Analysis of Lermontov's poem by M. Yu. "Sail": the main theme and images

Analysis of Lermontov's poem by M. Yu. "Sail": the main theme and images

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

"Sail" is not just one of the most famous poems by M. Yu. Lermontov. In it, the young poet reflects on serious topics that will later become the main ones in his work. In this poem, the experiences of the poet and philosophical reflections are intertwined

Rasul Gamzatov: biography, creativity, family, photos and quotes

Rasul Gamzatov: biography, creativity, family, photos and quotes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The famous Avar poet of the Soviet period Rasul Gamzatov was the son of Gamzat Tsadasa, the People's Poet of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, laureate of the State Prize of the Soviet Union. Continuing the tradition of the family, he surpassed his father in popularity and became famous throughout Russia

Children's poetess Irina Tokmakova. Biography

Children's poetess Irina Tokmakova. Biography

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Known as a children's poet and prose writer, translator of foreign poems Irina Tokmakova. The biography of this amazing woman is full of unexpected upheavals

Non-parallel reality of Anastasia Rybachuk

Non-parallel reality of Anastasia Rybachuk

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In April 2010, the first entry appeared in nasty_rybka's "LiveJournal" - a short poem "It's not clear". The next post appeared only in 2011: only two lines, but what! The statement that she will work in the Comedy Club - Anastasia Rybachuk. From the publications of 2012, one can already get an idea about the author of ironic poems, aphorisms and rhyming philosophical statements. In 2013, the creator of immodest poems appeared on the screen in Comedy&q

Boris Ryzhiy: biography, cause of death, photo

Boris Ryzhiy: biography, cause of death, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The poet Ryzhiy Boris Borisovich captured with his work all the deepest experiences of the Russian nation during the collapse of the USSR. Called the last poet of the empire, Ryzhiy was born in 1974, on September 8th. During his short life, the poet wrote more than a thousand poems

Sasha Cherny. Biography - all the most interesting

Sasha Cherny. Biography - all the most interesting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

One of the best poets of the twentieth century is Sasha Cherny, whose biography, although brief, is very interesting. This is the man who managed to achieve everything on his own. The one who proved to the whole world that he is a Man with a capital letter. Despite all the obstacles, a difficult life path and many other problems that blocked the path of the poet, he nevertheless became a person worthy of his title

Sergey Zhadan: biography and creativity

Sergey Zhadan: biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A writer, prose writer and poet of our time was born in the family of a driver, in the Luhansk region in the city of Starobelsk. Sergei Viktorovich was born on August 23, 1974. In his hometown, he graduated from high school, found his first friends and gained experience, thanks to which he continued his life path

Mukha Renata Grigoryevna, poetess: biography, creativity

Mukha Renata Grigoryevna, poetess: biography, creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Mukha Renata Grigoryevna is a special name in Russian literature for children. The poet subtly felt her native language and masterfully mastered it. She called herself "a translator from bird, cat, crocodile, shoe, from the language of rain and galoshes, fruits and vegetables." "Translations" by Renata Grigoryevna are full of optimism. Her poems appeal to both adults and young readers. The writer herself did not consider her work strictly childish. She said she wrote for former children and future adults

Poet Sergei Orlov: biography and creativity

Poet Sergei Orlov: biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Defending the Motherland, the poet almost burned down in a tank, and then all his life he hid his face disfigured by burns, letting go of his beard. And the Motherland defended the poet as best she could, awarded him with prizes, orders and medals. He would surely die in his deafeningly roaring and already burning tank. The medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" stopped a fragment flying into the chest. Such is the poet - Sergey Orlov, whose biography is read like a legend

Horace - biography. Quintus Horace Flaccus - ancient Roman poet

Horace - biography. Quintus Horace Flaccus - ancient Roman poet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The great Roman poet Horace had great merit in world literature, although he came from a simple family. In his poems, he formulated his own wisdom and gave a number of moral and ethical recommendations based on the philosophy of the golden mean. The article will be of interest to those who are interested in the biography and work of this great Roman poet

Alexander Solodovnikov: Russian poet

Alexander Solodovnikov: Russian poet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The Silver Age of Russian poetry covers approximately thirty years. It is impossible to determine the accuracy up to a year. But over such a short period of time, a huge number of Russian poets, "artists of the word" created in Russia, who pushed the poetry of their country to a new level