2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
What is an ode? This word originally had this meaning: a lyrical poem, performed by the choir and to the music. Odes in Ancient Greece did not differ in any separate poetic genre. This word is translated as "verse". Ancient authors divided them into three main categories: dance, deplorable and laudatory. Ode is a form of expression of thought, which was often resorted to by such brilliant figures of antiquity as Pindar and Horace.

The first one wrote epikinias - laudatory songs to wrestlers who won in the arena. The main task of such voiced poems was to maintain the morale of the competitors. Their features are emphasized grandiloquence, solemnity and rich verbal ornamentation. Pindar's ode is often a difficult-to-perceive poem enriched with unmotivated associative transitions. After some time, this kind of poem again became devoid of this special "eloquence" and was seen as a laudatory. The Roman author Horace finally left the "lyrical disorder" characteristic of the work of the Greek Pindar. Hewrites without any grandiloquence, in a style understandable to everyone, sometimes with an admixture of irony. His poems are often addressed to a specific person. It seems that this is an attempt to convince someone in poetic form.

Ode as a genre of poetry after the fall of ancient culture, following the destruction of the Roman Empire, is forgotten for a long time. They return to it already in the Renaissance, which was due to the desire for classicism. But there is also a difference between the work of writers of the XVII-XVIII centuries and Antiquity. For example, ancient Greek poets sang their odes, often accompanied by musical and choreographic accompaniment. And the poets of the 17th-18th centuries only wrote and read them. However, like the ancient authors, they turned to a musical instrument - the lyre, although they did not hold it in their hands, to the gods Apollo, Zeus, but, naturally, did not believe in their existence. Thus, the poets of the Renaissance were in many ways imitators. In addition, there were much more feelings and impressions in the odes of ancient Greek poets. Glorifying the winners, they did not forget to praise their fellow citizens and ancestors. This was not enough for Russian and European songwriters.

The delight they expressed was most often artificial. Thus, we can say that, for example, Lomonosov's ode is just an imitation of the classics, and not a reflection of it. This was also noted by the poet Dmitriev, who ridiculed such works in his satire “Alien Sense.”
In the Renaissance, an ode is most often a verse calledex alt rulers or commanders. In addition to Russia, this genre has become widespread in many European countries. Such poems were usually long, pompous. For example, this was the "Ode to the Accession to the Throne of Elizabeth", written by Lomonosov.
Over time, such poems were no longer written using artificial construction elements. Gone were the meaningless invocations to the lyre and the Olympian gods. In our time, an ode is not a text satiated with grandiloquent and flattering phrases, but a natural expression of genuine delight. The word itself is now rarely used. Instead of "ode" poets often say "thought", "hymn" or "song".
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