Lubomiras Laucevičius. Biography and filmography of the actor

Lubomiras Laucevičius. Biography and filmography of the actor
Lubomiras Laucevičius. Biography and filmography of the actor

Lithuania was once part of the Soviet Union. All her talents, like any other republic, were known to every Soviet person. In those distant times, the people became aware of a new name in the world of cinema - Lubomiras Laucevičius. He has more than a dozen good films on his account, where he plays, if not the main, then extremely important and memorable roles. We offer a closer look at the work of this artist and remember all the pictures in which we could see him.


The future actor Lubomiras Laucevičius was born in the capital of Lithuania, in the city of Vilnius, on June 15, 1950. Acting became attractive to him from an early age. Since childhood, Lubomiras loved classical literature, he was mainly fond of plays and poems. Therefore, after graduating from high school, guided only by his own decision, he entered the studio of the Panevezys Drama Theater, wherestudied and worked under the guidance of Juozas Miltinis. It was in this institution in the period from 1968 to 1975 that he worked as an ordinary actor of the main troupe and played in a huge number of performances, mostly the main roles. It was the drama theater that became the cradle for him, which raised him from a young man who loved the classics to a real professional actor.

In 1979 Lubomiras Laucevičius gets his first film role and his career skyrockets.

Lubomiras in his native theater
Lubomiras in his native theater

Work in the theater

Before we start looking at films with Lubomiras Laucevičius, let's highlight his most famous works on stage. After all, he, as befits a professional artist of the old school, is sure that without a theater, cinema is an empty phrase. It is the scene that makes the actor an actor and makes him play for real, trains and keeps in shape. Preliminarily, we note that in the period from 1975 to 1980, the actor left his former place of work and changed the Panevezys Drama Theater to Klaipeda. After working there for five years, he moved to Kaunas, also a drama theater, where he is listed as an ordinary actor of the troupe to this day.

Lyubomiras Laucevičius has more than 70 stage works on his account, but we will name the most striking ones:

  • Mažvydas - 1976 (J. Marcinkevičius).
  • "Elephant" - 1977 (A. Kopkov).
  • "Cyrano de Bergerac" - 1983 (E. Rostand).
  • "Father" - 1989 (A. Strindberg).
  • "Hedda Gabler" - 1998 (G. Ibsen).
  • "The Merchant of Venice" -2003 (W. Shakespeare).
  • "Crime and Punishment" - 2004 (F. Dostoevsky).
Lubomiras Laucevičius
Lubomiras Laucevičius

First success

As briefly mentioned above, Lubomiras Laucevičius received his first film role in 1979. It was a Soviet film that became famous mainly in its native republic - in Lithuania, although it was shown throughout the Union.

After testing his strength and talent in front of the camera, the actor a couple of years later plays a major role in the film, which is still considered a classic of Russian cinema. We are talking about the film "Rich Man, Poor Man …" in 1982, where Lubomiras brilliantly played his father, Axel Jordach. This was the impetus to work in further numerous projects and the beginning of all-Union glory for a young and promising talent.

Lubomiras in the film "Squad"
Lubomiras in the film "Squad"

Most Outstanding Film Works

Among the many roles played by Lubomiras Laucevičius during his long creative career, the following are probably worth highlighting:

  • In 1990, the production of "The Sea Wolf" based on the play of the same name by Jack London was released. The actor plays the main role in the film - Wolf Larsen. This is a strong-willed, very strong, both physically and mentally, but deeply lonely character who is inclined to constantly philosophize and reflect on the frailty of being.
  • 2005 - Vladimir Bortko brings Bulgakov's manuscripts to the screen. The mini-series "Master and Margarita" becomes adored by millions, and each character is special. LubomirasLaucevičius got the role of the head of the secret service under Pontius Pilate Aphranius, and he coped with it brilliantly.
  • Quite recently, the lines of another classical work - "Taras Bulba" - came out on the screen. In 2009, the Lithuanian actor brilliantly played the role of the Mazowiecki governor in the film.
Lubomiras Laucevičius in The Master and Margarita
Lubomiras Laucevičius in The Master and Margarita


Lubomiras Laucevičius started acting in films in 1979. Until 2014, almost every year there was a premiere with his participation. Let's remember for which films we fell in love with this actor:

  • "Willing Lights" - 1979.
  • "Rich Man, Poor Man…" - 1982.
  • "Two steps away from Paradise" - 1984.
  • "Squad" - 1984.
  • "Come and See" - 1985.
  • "Alien, white and pockmarked" - 1986.
  • "Stalingrad" - 1989.
  • "Sea Wolf" - 1990.
  • "Wolfblood" - 1995.
  • "Romanovs. Crowned family" - 2000.
  • "Kamenskaya" - 2000-2005.
  • "Antikiller 2: Antiterror" - 2003.
  • "Persona non grata" - 2005.
  • "The Master and Margarita" - 2005.
  • "KGB in Tuxedo" - 2005.
  • "Young Wolfhound" - 2007.
  • "Taras Bulba" - 2009.
  • "Kromov" - 2009.
  • "Return to "A" - 2011.
  • "My Only Sin" - 2012.
  • "Otherwoman" - 2014.

Private life

Given the fact that we are talking about a Soviet actor, his personal life is not very accessible to the audience. It is known that the actor's wife's name is Lily Laucevichene, and they have been officially married for more than thirty years. It is noteworthy that the actor's wife is also an actress in a drama theater, in fact, they met there. For a long life together, the couple had two twin sons. One of them is called Andrius. He is in many ways similar to his father, so he chose the profession of a film director for himself. The second son, Thomas, did well in political science.
