Maxim Bogdanovich: biography, works, interesting facts from life

Maxim Bogdanovich: biography, works, interesting facts from life
Maxim Bogdanovich: biography, works, interesting facts from life

Bogdanovich Maxim is a literary critic, translator, poet, who sang of his native Belarus and expressed in lyrical lines boundless, sincere love for his people. A classic of Slavic literature, who lived a bright but very short life and left behind a rich creative heritage that tells about people and the time in which they lived.

Maxim Bogdanovich
Maxim Bogdanovich

Maxim Bogdanovich: biography

Maxim was born on November 27 (December 9), 1891 in the family of a well-known historian and ethnographer, and from childhood he showed great interest in literature. This hobby was facilitated by the presence of an extensive father's library, and the family in which the boy grew up was very well-read and poetic. Maxim's grandmother was a noble storyteller, and any story for her became a whole creative act, sung in a singsong voice and captivating fairy tale plot. Also, the grandmother, known in the Kholopenichsky district as a healer-healer, knew many customs, proverbs, riddles, legends, sayings, medicinal folk remedies, she was the bearer of folk antiquity; they often came to her for advice, and on all solemn occasions they invited her as a manager.

Youthfulyears of Belarusian poet

The father was engaged in the study of the boy, trying to give the child the necessary knowledge as extensively and accessible as possible. When Maxim was 5 years old, his mother died of tuberculosis.

Maxim Bogdanovich biography
Maxim Bogdanovich biography

The family moved from Grodno to Port, where the young man entered the Nizhny Novgorod Men's Gymnasium. During this period, Bogdanovich tries himself in the art of poetry, while being intensely interested in politics and actively taking part in student and student demonstrations. After all, it was 1905 in the yard … For his activities, Maxim Bogdanovich was included in the list of "unreliable" people, which later had a negative impact on his fate.

First pen trials

The first poem by Bogdanovich "Music" was published in 1907 in the Slavic newspaper "Nasha Niva". In this work, the author spoke about Music, who walked the earth a lot and played the violin, meaning by the main character Belarus with her long-suffering fate and the hope for quick changes for the better.

Even far from his homeland, Maxim spoke Belarusian, feeling great sympathy for his native word. Love for everything Belarusian was supported in the young man not only by relatives, but also by teachers who felt in the young man a sincere and piercing craving for the culture of his country.

Maxim Bogdanovich: interesting facts

In 1908, the Bogdanovichi changed their place of residence to Yaroslavl. In this city, Maxim, who dreamed of entering Leningrad University for a course in Belarusian studies Shakhmetov, graduated from a legal lyceum, while activelycontinuing to create. In his lyrical poems “Spring will come”, “Above the grave”, “Darkness”, “Pugach”, “In a foreign land”, “My native land! As cursed by God…”, published in “Nasha Niva”, the theme of social oppression of Belarusians and their national revival clearly sounds, in a short lyrical story “From the songs of a Belarusian peasant”, deep faith in the creative forces of the people is expressed.

Creative period of Bogdanovich

Meanwhile tuberculosis claimed the life of his brother Vadim; in 1909 Maxim Bogdanovich himself fell ill. Poor he alth and financial difficulties became an obstacle in the life path of a promising writer who devoted his whole life to literary work. The author consciously prepared himself for poetic activity, taught fiction (belles-lettres), Slavic Sanskrit, using Nosovich's dictionary as a desktop aid.

Romance by Maxim Bogdanovich
Romance by Maxim Bogdanovich

The writer also translated many works of foreign authors (Polish, French, Ukrainian and Russian) into Belarusian, devoted much of his time to studying Slavic and Western European languages and literature.

Key themes of Bogdanovich's works

During the years of study at the lyceum, Maxim Bogdanovich, whose photo can be seen in the article, writes a lot and is actively published in local newspapers and magazines, as well as Russian publications. He gained fame not only in his own country, but also abroad.

Maxim Bogdanovich photo
Maxim Bogdanovich photo

In 1913, the only collection written in the Belarusian language, published underlife of the poet, "Wreath", with 92 poems and 2 poems. The circulation was 2000 copies.

The key theme of Bogdanovich's works was an experience for the Belarusian people, the idea of a liberation struggle against the tsarist empire. During this period, the poetic lyrical stories "Veronica" and "In the Village" appeared - a tribute to admiration for a woman. "Romance" by Maxim Bogdanovich is a well-known work of lyrics of love experiences. The theme of death has passed through all his work; The author believed in eternal life. His poems "At the Cemetery", "Free Thoughts", "Thoughts" are imbued with Christian calmness and a sense of divine immortality. The author constantly communicates with the stars and looks up, not down.

Last years of life

In 1916, Maxim returned to his native Belarus, where he got a job in the provincial food committee. He alth deteriorated. Knowing about the terrible and inevitable denouement, Maxim worked tirelessly. In 1917, with the funds raised by friends, he went to Y alta to improve his physical condition. This was his last spring. On May 25, 1917, the poet died. The last brainchild of the Belarusian author these days was the compilation of the Slavic primer.

Maxim Bogdanovich was buried at the Aut fraternal cemetery in the city of Y alta, 12 kilometers from this place a monument to the Belarusian writer was erected. Also, a monument to the poet was erected in Minsk, and streets in the cities of Belarus were named after him.

Maxim Bogdanovich interesting facts
Maxim Bogdanovich interesting facts

The poet's archive was preserved by his father, Adam Bogdanovich, who hid his sons' manuscripts in a chest, which thentook it to the cellar and buried it under the ice. In the process of suppressing the Yaroslavl uprising in 1918, the house of the Bogdanovichs was burned, the ice melted, and water penetrated the charred chest. Adam Bogdanovich dried, smoothed out the damaged manuscripts and eventually handed them over to the Institute of Belarusian Culture, which became interested in Maxim's work. In 1923, my father wrote "Materials for the biography of Maxim Adamovich Bogdanovich."
