Evgeny Kulakov - biography and personal life

Evgeny Kulakov - biography and personal life
Evgeny Kulakov - biography and personal life

The biography of Yevgeny Kulakov begins in Moscow, where he was born on August 17, 1980.

Wonderful luck

Evgeny Kulakov did not think about entering the theater school. Yes, and he did not go to the theater very often, if only with his class. Having passed the final exams at school, the future actor automatically enters a technical university, but he absolutely does not like it there. Eugene, having attended several classes, realizes that this is not his destiny in this life. Soon he comes across the brochure "For Applicants to Universities", where Yevgeny Kulakov sees an ad for admission to the Shchukin school. He enters there the first time, which can be called pure luck. Eugene is studying on the course of A. Shirvindt. In 2001, the school ends. In the same year, he began working at the Hermitage Theatre.

evgeny fists
evgeny fists

In general, the biography of Yevgeny Kulakov deserves attention, if only because much in the life of an actor happens by the will of fate, as if by accident.

Work in the theater

Working at the Hermitage brings many "star" roles to Kulakov, thanks to which he becomes one of the leading actors of the troupe.

biography of evgeny kulakov
biography of evgeny kulakov

In an interview about work in the theater, Kulakov notes that mutual understanding and revenue always reign in the team. And even a very difficult role is easy if you play in a well-coordinated team, feel it well and, of course, listen to the words of the director.

Evgeny's performances in performances such as "The Anatomical Theater of Engineer Yevno Azef" in 2003, "Feast during the ChChPlague" in 2005, were rated "excellent" by the media, and critics called him a key actor.

In the play "The Golden Calf, or Return to Odessa" he played the role of Koreiko, in the "Anatomical Theater of Engineer Yevno Azef" he got the role of David.

Eugene played Tsar Paul the First in the production of Kapnist there and back. This role was quite a difficult job, because it was necessary to play a great person, and even the complex character of the ruler had to be correctly described, not replayed, so that it would not become a parody. Having done an excellent job, Kulakov once again proved that actors like him are unique, truly "author's" specimens.

Evgeny Kulakov: filmography

Evgeny Kulakov began acting in films simultaneously with his debut on the stage of the Hermitage Theater back in 2001. He managed to combine work in the theater and filming at a film studio. His first attempt was the short film "And there was a night", which was quite successful.

The first television series for the actor was the drama "Beyond the Wolves" directed by Vladimir Khotinenko in 2002. In 2003, he starred in a melodramatic television series under titled "Theatre Blues".

evgeny fists with his wife
evgeny fists with his wife

The fame of the actor brought the role in the television series "Students". There he played one of the main roles - the student-intellectual Yevgeny. It is worth noting that such "highly intellectual roles" often go to the artist.

The famous painting "Antikiller-2: Antiterror" by Yegor Konchalovsky, of course, brought Yevgeny Kulakov even more popularity and recognition. By the way, in the action movie, the actor also played the role of a “nerd” perfectly.

In the TV series "Club", which was shown on all screens of the country from 2006 to 2009, Yevgeny appears in a slightly different role: he reincarnates as a young blogger Ignat. But the melodrama "Piter FM" became the rating film for Evgeny. The huge success of this picture was a complete surprise. The cash budget was about seven million dollars.

And, of course, the famous TV series "Trace", which gathers millions of viewers at the screen, could not but play its role in the life of an actor. Yevgeny Kulakov came to this project by chance, already when all the roles had already been distributed and approved. This is an excellent film about the work of the FES (Federal Expert Service), which deals with the disclosure of the most intricate crimes. Kulakov plays an interesting role - the hacker Vanya Tikhonov.


The actor has an interesting and somewhat unusual hobby. He enthusiastically collects antique Christmas decorations. His collection is constantly growing. There are already so many toys that you can even decorate a large Christmas tree with them.

The collection has vintage itemsthe last century. This is an English mica star. Knowing this weakness of Eugene, relatives and friends give him a variety of Christmas decorations. Sometimes he can add a new treasure to the collection himself.

Evgeny Kulakov's family
Evgeny Kulakov's family

Private life

Evgeny Kulakov met his wife while still a student. The guy falls in love with the girl without a memory almost immediately. The chosen one's name is Olya. They studied on the same course, and he did not take his eyes off his beloved. Olga herself does not immediately pay attention to Eugene, and the young guy has to act persistently enough to achieve the girl's favor. He gives flowers, makes gifts, renders other signs of attention. In a word, all possible methods are used. In the end, Olya gives up. Eugene soon proposes to her, and the girl agrees. Young did not plan a magnificent wedding. Everything went rather modestly. Nine o'clock in the morning - that was the only time that turned out to be free for painting. But it turned out to be completely unimportant for the bride and groom.

evgeny kulakov filmography
evgeny kulakov filmography

The couple had a son, Ilyusha. After the birth of a child, Olga does not go to work, devoting all her attention to the family: the child and her husband. Five years later, the woman returns to the theater.

Only love and mutual respect

Yevgeny Kulakov's family is a great role model. All relationships are built on mutual understanding, loy alty, support and love. The actor loves and respects his wife, every time he sincerely rejoices at her success on stage.

In turnOlga is always ready to give her husband advice on how to present this or that role to the viewer. She was very happy for her husband when he was suddenly offered a role in the television series "Next".

Heavy workload and tight work schedule, unfortunately, rarely allows the whole family to gather at the same table. The actor works on the set of the film and at the same time on the stage of the theater. Olya is always ready to support Evgeny. She tries to please her husband with new pieces, replenishing his exclusive collection of Christmas decorations, and sincerely rejoices with him when she manages to find something non-standard.
