Artem Bystrov: biography and creativity

Artem Bystrov: biography and creativity
Artem Bystrov: biography and creativity

Artem Bystrov is an actor who often admits that he considers himself lucky. He plays on the stage of one of the best theaters in the country. In addition, he starred in various projects.

artem bystrov actor
artem bystrov actor

Begin biography

Artem Bystrov was born in Nizhny Novgorod. There he spent the early years of his life. Father is a truck driver. Before the birth of his son, his mother was a professional field hockey player. The family lived on the outskirts, in the factory district. To prevent the guy from getting into a bad company, his parents loaded him with various activities. Luckily, a suitable school was located across the road.

Artem also did karate and music. There was no time for idle festivities. Teachers in the boy discovered acting talent early enough. They urged Artem to enter the theater school. The young man did not aspire to the stage. He wanted to become a military man, but changed his mind at the last moment. Became a student at the Nizhny Novgorod Evstigneev Theater School.

Studied on the course of R. Y. Levite. When the future actor learned that Konstantin Raikin was gaining a course at the Moscow Art Theater School, he decided to go to Moscow to test his strength. He had a diploma, but still wanted to be trained by this master. The actor immediately entered the second course. After graduation, he joined the troupe of the Moscow Chekhov Theater.


Artem Bystrov found success after his debut role in the theater. Other performances soon followed, including The Amazing Journey of Edward the Rabbit, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Don't Leave Your Loved Ones, The Master and Margarita, The Overcoat, The Rapid River.

The most notable works of that period include the production of "19.14", created by the young director Alexander Molochnikov. The play tells about the First World War. The play is realized in an unexpected genre – cabaret. However, this approach only increased the horror of the events presented on stage. Artem Bystrov plays the role of a young man whose name is Jean. This character, like many of his contemporaries, is full of illusions, therefore he perceives the war as if it were some kind of romantic adventure. However, the collision with reality becomes very violent.

Following the production of "19.14", the actor appeared in several more performances: "Rebels", "Mephisto", "Village of Fools".

Artem Bystrov
Artem Bystrov


Artem Bystrov started his film career with a small role in the series called "Reflections". This was followed by participation in the serial film "Life and Fate" by Sergei Ursulyak.

The actor began to actively act in serials. He played the main role in the film "Eight" by Alexei Uchitel. Next came the film "The Fool" by Yuri Bykov. The actor played a plumber who is trying to save people and prevent a catastrophe. This workgave him fame. In addition, the actor was awarded a prize at the International Festival in Locarno. The tape was filmed in Tula, its creators were able to actively communicate with the locals.

He played one of the central roles in the serial drama "Optimists", dedicated to young Soviet diplomats of the sixties.

The actor has a positive attitude towards criticism. He believes that the one who knows how to create something has the right to evaluate. The actor emphasizes that criticism works for the future and contributes to progress.

At the same time, the assessment should always be accompanied by a constructive proposal. The actor notes that the attitude towards oneself should be objective. According to Artem, reflection is good for the soul, but in moderation.

Private life

Artem Bystrov actor personal life
Artem Bystrov actor personal life

Above, we talked about the creative activity of Artem Bystrov, an actor. Personal life is a topic that the artist practically does not discuss, but occasionally confirms that he has a lover. Off stage, the actor especially appreciates home, family, friends, football, walks in the park.
