How to draw a ladder with a pencil

How to draw a ladder with a pencil
How to draw a ladder with a pencil

Staircase is a structure that provides vertical connections. Also, a ladder can often be found as a symbol, which means a certain path up or down, or a transition from one state to another. In this article, we will look at how to draw a staircase in three different ways.

Drawing stairs

First draw two slanted vertical lines that converge slightly towards the top.

Now draw some lines connecting the previous two stripes. Then, under each of the drawn lines, we draw another strip, as shown in the figure. Add one more line between the stripes shown in the previous step. Please refer to the image to avoid confusion.

Connect the previously drawn stripes with short straight lines. Erase unnecessary elements, and finish the bottom of the stairs. The final touch is adding shadows.

Stages of drawing stairs
Stages of drawing stairs

Second way to draw stairs

To represent the stairs in a different way, first draw a horizontal line. From it, draw three inclined vertical stripes, which should eventuallyconverge at one point.

Bottom draw a step in the form of a rectangle lying on a horizontal strip. From the upper right corner of the rectangle draw an "accordion" upwards to draw the side of the remaining steps. Now, from each corner of the "accordion" draw a horizontal line to the other end of the stairs, and from the edge of these strips, lower down small vertical segments.

How to draw a three-dimensional staircase

If you want to make an unusual staircase pattern, then you can try to create an optical illusion. It lies in the fact that at a certain angle your stairs will seem voluminous. To do this, bend the sheet in half. We draw a vertical line 10 cm long through the fold line. From above we draw a horizontal line 2 cm long. From below we make the same line. Draw a 5 cm line along the fold line, so that the first vertical line bisects it in the center. We measure 2 cm on this line, and put a point in this place. Now we connect the left edge of the upper horizontal line with the left edge of the central strip. We also draw a line from the left edge of the center line to the left edge of the bottom band.

Volumetric staircase
Volumetric staircase

After that, connect the right edge of the top and bottom lines with the previously set point on the central strip. Next, draw one more line from each edge of the upper and lower bands, only now we connect them to the right edge of the center line.

Between the two drawn lines, add horizontal stripes to create a slightly bent staircase. Point thisstairs with a black marker or pen. Between the two remaining lines drawn with a pencil, draw the same horizontal lines. Erase all excess with an eraser. Fold a sheet of paper and your drawing is ready.
