Lada Maris: biography and creativity

Lada Maris: biography and creativity
Lada Maris: biography and creativity

The future Russian actress and singer Lada Evgenievna Zavalko, who later took the pseudonym Maris, was born in Krasnodar on February 6, 1968. Mom initially wanted to call her Maryana. Since she was sure that this was the most appropriate name for her daughter, who was born with bright scarlet lips and pitch-black hair. During registration at the registry office, parents were advised to record the girl under the name Maria. However, relatives remembered that in translation from Hebrew this name marks “sorrow”. So, Lada appeared, named after the pagan goddess who brings love.

A theater and film actress from the age of 14 has been intensively engaged in vocals, taking part in the Soviet ensemble Hello, Song. Later, Lada Maris is a member of the cast of the Moscow City Council Theatre. In 1992, under the leadership of Boris Pokrovsky, he graduated from GITIS. A little later, a hobby for her becomes a professional hobby. The actress has been making Venetian carnival masks since 1997 and also works at the Stanislavsky Theatre.

Spirit Guide

According to the actress herself, her mother loved ballet all her life. Lada Maris repeatedly mentioned intheir interviews that the names of such famous personalities as Maris Liepa, Vasiliev, Maksimova, Ulanova were often pronounced at their homes. Among all the masters, the girl singled out Marisa Liepa. Lada Zavalko was struck by the dancer's talent and cheerfulness. The actress managed to work with Maris Eduardovich shortly before his tragic departure. In the spring of 1989, a farewell took place with him at the Bolshoi Theater. On this day, the girl decided to become Lada Maris.

Lada Maris
Lada Maris

Fatal role in the play

While studying at GITIS, Lada Zavalko is already attending rehearsals at the O'Key Enterprise Theater. The role played by the actress in the play "Salome - the Princess of Judea" turned out to be fateful for her! Lada instantly realized who would be the father of her unborn child. During the performance, she played the role of Salome, and Maxim Sukhanov - King Herod.

Sukhanov was often compared to a chameleon for his incomparable ability to transform into his heroes. At that time, Maxim had already managed to graduate from the Theater Institute and worked at the Vakhtangov Theater. Unfortunately, the beloved was already married to Daria Mikhailova, and they raised their daughter Vasilisa together. Later, Vladislav Galkin, who died so tragically, began to raise the girl.

Suddenly a feeling prompted Maxim to break up with his first wife. The new lover this time was Lada Maris. The actress in 1993 gave birth to Sukhanov's daughter Sophia. However, they were in no hurry to formalize their relationship. The stamp in the passport did not matter to them! Maxim Sukhanov has never been deprived of female attention. Therefore, five years after the birth of their joint daughter, the actors broke up. The famous journalist and writer Eteri Chalandzia became the third wife and business partner of Sukhanov.

Lada Evgenievna Maris actress
Lada Evgenievna Maris actress

Real feeling

After the breakup, Lada Maris soon met her current husband, Vladimir Kiridonov, and everything changed in her life. Their acquaintance happened by chance. The actress and her friend decided to unwind and went to the Invasion rock festival. By a happy coincidence, Lada and Vladimir parked their cars side by side between the tents.

Children's trainer Kiridonov turned out to be 5 years younger. For three years, the couple lived in a civil marriage, and when Lada became pregnant, they formalized their relationship. Subsequently, on May 5, 2005, a son, Clement, was born.

Unlike Maxim, who zealously reacted to the career growth of the actress, Vladimir, on the contrary, tries to support her in everything. According to Lada Maris herself, every day she understands more and more that until Vladimir appeared in her life, she constantly missed him.

Family Friendship

At first, the eldest daughter Sophia was quite jealous of her younger brother. However, this condition soon passed. A similar situation has already arisen when communicating with the first daughter of Maxim Sukhanov. At first, the sisters practically did not communicate, the 15-year age difference affected. Currently, Vasilisa communicates not only with Sonya, but also with the family of Lada Maris. It is worth noting that Maxim Sukhanov is an enviable father. He to this dayday takes both daughters on holiday abroad!

Lada Maris photo
Lada Maris photo

Betrayal of the theater

The actress worked for many years at the Moscow City Council Theatre. Naturally, during this time she played many wonderful roles. For example, Lada Maris incredibly successfully got used to the role of Gloria in the play "The Game". Also, the actress did a good job with the image of Anna in the play "The Fatal Glove". However, it was the role of Mary Magdalene that brought her incredible popularity! For 20 years in the play "Jesus Christ Superstar" Lada Maris played this role exclusively. The photo taken during the performance more accurately expresses the full power of her talent.

Once, thanks to her incredible voice, Lada played Ophelia in the play "Hamlet", which took place at the Modern Opera Theater. At times it seemed to her that it would go on forever. Unfortunately, the theater is often unfair and cruel.! Pretty soon, the actress found a replacement - Anastasia Makeeva.

Lada Maris actress
Lada Maris actress

Bright movie roles

However, Lada Evgenievna Maris is an actress who plays not only theatrical roles. She had a chance to play a lot of them in films and TV shows. Basically, the roles were secondary, but at the same time quite memorable and vivid. The actress played her first episodic role in the film "Jester" in 1988. Of course, in order to list all the images, it is necessary to consider each of them separately. However, among all, there are a few of the most memorable.

For example, the role of private detective Laura in the movie "Airport" in 2005. AlsoShe was especially successful in the role of Christina in the 1999 film The Return of the Titanic. A little later, Lada starred in the sequel to this film, but already under the name "The Temptation of the Titanic" in 2004. Among the roles that the actress played in the series, the following were especially remembered: Evelina Grigoryevna (“Univer”); Marina Lanskaya ("Orange Juice"); popular singer Eva ("Ranetki"); Evelina (My Fair Nanny) and Greta (Operation Puppeteer).
