Dmitry Ulyanov: films, biography, personal life

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Dmitry Ulyanov: films, biography, personal life
Dmitry Ulyanov: films, biography, personal life

Video: Dmitry Ulyanov: films, biography, personal life

Video: Dmitry Ulyanov: films, biography, personal life
Video: Вера Панова / Острова / Телеканал Культура 2024, June
dmitry ulyanov
dmitry ulyanov

The biography of actor Dmitry Ulyanov does not shine with bright events. He was born in Moscow, successfully entered a theater university, and over time became a very popular and sought-after artist. The female part of the audience considers him a charismatic and attractive man, the hero of girlish dreams. However, behind this absolute success of Dmitry lies the constant painstaking work of a talented person and a professional who managed to build an acting career and stay on the slippery crest of popularity. You will learn about the main points of his biography from this article.


Dmitry Ulyanov was born in 1973, October 26, in Moscow. He was brought up in a simple Soviet family. His mother taught mathematics at the school, his father worked as an aircraft engineer - he is a hereditary Muscovite. The boy's creative abilities woke up early. Even in kindergarten he lovedtell the group different stories, see the reaction of the audience and enjoy it. Over time, Dmitry realized that he wanted to become an artist. True, at first he saw himself as a rock musician, standing in the center of a stadium full of roaring fans. But the boy quickly realized that he would not succeed in becoming the second Bob Dylan, and decided to realize himself as an actor.

The Ulyanov family first lived on Malaya Bronnaya, and then moved to Orekhovo-Borisovo. In those years, this area of the capital was not the most prosperous for living. After noisy discos, young people often started fights, which the police came to stop. In such a tough environment, a teenager simply needed to have wrestling skills. Dmitry began to play sports. He attended the judo section. However, due to he alth problems, the boy had to leave the sport. The future artist studied medium, was a threesome. In the eighth grade, he earned an A in physics. In the final grades, he stopped studying in all subjects.

Search period

After graduating from school, Dmitry Ulyanov worked for a year as a librarian at a medical school where his mother taught. Then I decided to try to enter the Shchukin school. The young man learned an excerpt from the novel "The Master and Margarita", prepared some kind of fable and went to the exams at the theater. Ulyanov recalls that in the midst of his speech, he forgot the text, reached into his pocket for a piece of paper and made the entire commission laugh. He was asked to go straight to the last exam. Dmitry decided that he had already entered, relaxed and, as a result, did not pass the competition. All next yearthe actor attended a paid arts college. He studied music, wrote songs, played the guitar. The guy managed to avoid military service. For some unknown reason, the summons was never brought to him. The filmography of Dmitry Ulyanov includes many military films. The actor jokes that this is how he pays for his non-service in the army.

movies with dmitry ulyanov
movies with dmitry ulyanov


A year later, Dmitry again submitted documents to a theater university and became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School with Vanguard Leontiev. However, Ulyanov again made a big mistake. Two years later, despite the strict ban of the Moscow Art Theater teachers, he starred in the program "Alarm Clock". For this violation, the future actor was expelled from the educational institution. But the guy was not taken aback and managed to transfer to VTU. Shchukin, where he could not enter the first time. The actor himself considers this case lucky. Dmitry Ulyanov spent his best student years at Pike. In the Moscow Art Theater, the future actor "was stuffy."

Roles in the theater

In 1998, the biography of Dmitry Ulyanov made a new round. He graduated from the theater and was accepted into the troupe of actors of the Vakhtangov Theater. The actor served in this theater for four years. He was involved in the productions of "Lefty" (Donets-well done), "Othello" (Graziano), "Princess Turandot" (Barakh), "The Deer King" (Truffaldino), "The Government Inspector" (Strawberry), "Lear" (Count Kent), "Cyrano de Bergerac" (Captain Carbon de Castel-Jalou) and others. Dmitry also played in the play Claudel Models directed by Serebrennikov, presented to the audience in 2001 at the Drama and Directing Center of Mikhail Roshchin and AlexeiKazantseva.

Beginning of film career

dmitry ulyanov movies
dmitry ulyanov movies

Dmitry Ulyanov's filmography didn't start easy. He was pursued by typical failures for a novice actor. Roles in minor episodes, failures after exhausting trials tested the young artist for strength. However, Dmitry did not give up. He was noticed by Kirill Serebrennikov and offered the role of a Chechen in his serial film Rostov-Papa. It is interesting that the hero of Ulyanov in this film was positive, but after this work, offers to play bandits rained down on the actor. The creative biography of Dmitry Ulyanov was replenished with a new successful character after filming in the cult film "72 meters" by Vladimir Khotinenko. The plot of this picture developed around the death of a submarine. The actor played the role of Lieutenant Commander Muravyov, a worthy and courageous commander of the 1st compartment. After that, filmmakers saw only a positive character in Ulyanov. Dmitry's artistic range was much wider. The actor had to spend several years trying to prove to the employer that he was capable of more. As a student at the school, he was able to brilliantly play character roles.

Filmography of Dmitry Ulyanov
Filmography of Dmitry Ulyanov


It was the filmography of Dmitry Ulyanov that brought the actor wild popularity. His heroes were: Pavel Kolesov in the military film "Don't Forget", the deaf-mute Yeremey in the film "Icon Hunters", the police officer Barsukov in the drama "Gentle Leopard", the scientist Lodygin in the film "Shift", Bulanov in the detective story "Head of the Classic", Vadim Ivanovthe film "The Year of the Golden Fish", producer Sergei in the mystical film "The Limit of Desires", False Dmitry in the film "1612: Chronicles of the Time of Troubles", Shishkin in the drama "Egoist", Pichugov in the military film "Riorita", businessman Bulychev in the series "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka. Challenge to fate”, etc.

Film "St. John's wort"

In the period from 2004 to 2009, Dmitry Ulyanov became a very popular artist. An incredibly busy filming schedule, constant flights from one end of the city to the other, exhausted the man. However, he managed to create truthful, people-loving images. Ulyanov especially remembered his role in the film "St. John's wort". His character - commando Ivan Prokhorov suddenly acquired the gift of foresight. The chain of tragic events in the fate of this hero first aroused in him a desire to take revenge on the offenders.

dmitry ulyanov photo
dmitry ulyanov photo

However, over time, a wonderful gift made Ivan a completely different person. Ulyanov says that Prokhorov did not immediately understand the nature of his new talent. His visions were accompanied by terrible headaches. Then there were changes in Ivan's inner world. From a positive character, he turns into a negative character. Much later, this hero begins to see clearly, and in his fate there comes a period of atonement for the mistakes made. Dmitry claims that he so internally merged with the experiences of his hero that he really fell ill at times. However, this psychologically difficult role was really interesting for the actor.

The series "The Island of Unnecessary People"

Serial film about the life of the shipwreckedtravelers on a desert island has broken all popularity ratings in Russia and the post-Soviet space. Of course, the 100% hit of the creators of the series was the choice of Dmitry Ulyanov for the role of the main character. To tell the story of a man who was entangled in his personal problems, who tried to solve them illegally, overcame hundreds of trials on a wild island and, finally, managed to realize his delusions and comprehend the true values in life, this remarkable actor was able to reliably tell. After working in this film, the artist finally confirmed the reputation of the hero of girlish dreams. Filming was carried out in very difficult, one might say, extreme conditions. The director of the film, Edward Parry, had the actors perform difficult stunts themselves, such as jumping into the water from a burning ship. A year of life among snakes and scorpions, surrounded by Thais who do not understand a word in a foreign language, in a climate with crazy humidity, accompanied by a forty-degree heat, Dmitry Ulyanov remembered forever. The actor claims that he will never go on vacation to Thailand.

biography of actor Dmitry Ulyanov
biography of actor Dmitry Ulyanov

The ability to choose

After the films with Dmitry Ulyanov began to enjoy well-deserved popularity, the artist had a choice. In his interviews, the actor claims that it is important for him to feel satisfaction from the work done. Indeed, you will not see an actor in primitive "soap" series. He does not make a profitable business out of acting. However, Dmitry Ulyanov, whose films are watchedin the same breath, claims that he is upset by the infantilism of the Russian-speaking public. The popular actor has several dozen full-length works by recognized masters of the film industry - Todorovsky, Zvyagintsev, Khotinenko, Druzhinina. But viewers recognize Ulyanov exclusively from the series. This fact upsets the artist, in his opinion, the "box" made the taste of modern man very primitive.

Dmitry Ulyanov's wife
Dmitry Ulyanov's wife

Private life

Dmitry Ulyanov, whose photo often appears on the pages of glossy magazines, is happy in his personal life. The actor met his fate in the face of an angelically attractive girl on the street, in the company of a mutual friend. The future wife of Dmitry Ulyanov, designer Julia, was so beautiful that the man even forgot to ask for her phone number. But thirty minutes later, the actor again met a beautiful stranger and did not miss this chance. A year later, the young people got married. And in 2004, a beautiful couple had a son, Borya. Constant shooting, long creative business trips do not hold the family together. For example, when the actor was involved in the work on the series "Island of Unnecessary People", he had to spend a year in Thailand. However, Yulia and Dmitry manage to withstand the test of time and distance.
