2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
The genres of lyrics originate in syncretic art forms. In the foreground are personal experiences and feelings of a person. Lyrics are the most subjective kind of literature. Its range is quite wide. Lyrical works are characterized by laconism of expression, the utmost concentration of thoughts, feelings and experiences. Through various genres of lyrics, the poet embodies what worries him, upsets or pleases.
Features of lyrics

The term itself comes from the Greek word lyra (a kind of musical instrument). The poets of the period of antiquity performed their works to the accompaniment of the lyre. The lyrics are based on the experiences and thoughts of the protagonist. He is often identified with the author, which is not entirely true. The character of the hero is often revealed through deeds and actions. An important role is played by the direct author's characteristic. An important place is given to the description of appearance. The most commonly used monologue. Dialogue is rare.
Meditation is considered the main means of expression. In some works, the genres of epic, lyrics and drama are intertwined. In lyrical compositions there is no detailed plot. In somethere is an internal conflict of the hero. There is also "role" lyrics. In such works, the author plays the roles of different people.
Genres of lyrics in literature are closely intertwined with other types of art. Especially with painting and music.
Types of lyrics

As a literary genre, lyrics were formed in Ancient Greece. The highest flowering occurred in ancient Rome. Popular ancient poets: Anacreon, Horace, Ovid, Pindar, Sappho. In the Renaissance, Shakespeare and Petrarch stand out. And in the 18-19 centuries the world was shocked by the poetry of Goethe, Byron, Pushkin and many others.
Varieties of lyrics as a kind: by expressiveness - meditative or suggestive; by theme - landscape or urban, social or intimate, etc.; by key - minor or major, comic or heroic, idyllic or dramatic.
Types of lyrics: verse (poetry), dramatized (role-playing), prose.
Thematic classification

Genres of lyrics in literature have several classifications. Most often, such essays are distributed by topic.
- Civil. Socio-national issues and feelings come to the fore.
- Intimate. It conveys the personal experiences experienced by the protagonist. Divided into the following types: love, friendship lyrics, family, erotic.
- Philosophical. It embodies the awareness of the meaning of life, being, the problem of good and evil.
- Religious. Feelings andexperiences about the higher and spiritual.
- Landscape. Conveys the hero's reflections on natural phenomena.
- Satirical. Exposes human and social vices.
Varieties by genre
The genres of lyrics are diverse. This is:
1. A hymn is a lyrical song that expresses a festively upbeat feeling formed from some good event or exceptional experience. For example, "Hymn to the Plague" by A. S. Pushkin.

2. Invective. Means a sudden denunciation or satirical ridicule of a real person. This genre is characterized by semantic and structural duality.
3. Madrigal. Initially, these were poems depicting rural life. A few centuries later, the madrigal is significantly transformed. In the 18th and 19th centuries, these are free-form lyric works that glorify the beauty of a woman and contain a compliment. The genre of intimate poetry is found in Pushkin, Lermontov, Karamzin, Sumarokov and others.
4. Oda is a song of praise. This is a poetic genre, finally formed in the era of classicism. In Russia, this term was introduced by V. Trediakovsky (1734). Now it is already remotely connected with the classical traditions. There is a struggle of conflicting stylistic tendencies in it. Lomonosov's solemn odes are known (developing a metaphorical style), Sumarokov's anacreontic odes, and Derzhavin's synthetic odes.
5. Song (song) is one of the forms of verbal and musical art. There are lyrical, epic, lyro-dramatic, lyro-epic. Lyric songs are notnarration, exposition. They are characterized by an ideological and emotional expression.
6. Message (letter in verse). In Russian literature of the 18th century, this genre variety was extremely popular. The messages were written by Derzhavin, Kantemir, Kostrov, Lomonosov, Petrov, Sumarokov, Trediakovsky, Fonvizin and many others. In the first half of the 19th century they were also in use. They are written by Batyushkov, Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Lermontov.
7. Romance. This is the name of a poem that has the character of a love song.
8. A sonnet is a fixed form of poetry. It consists of fourteen lines, which, in turn, fall into two quatrains (quatrains) and two three-lines (tercetes).
9. Poem. It was in the 19-20 centuries that this structure became one of the lyrical forms.
10. Elegy is another popular genre of lyrical poetry with melancholy content.
11. An epigram is a short lyrical poem. Characterized by great freedom of content.
12. Epitaph (tombstone).
Genres of Pushkin and Lermontov's lyrics
A. S. Pushkin wrote in different lyrical genres. This is:
- Ode. For example, "Liberty" (1817).
- Elegy - "The light of day went out" (1820).
- Message - "To Chaadaev" (1818).
- Epigram - "To Alexander!", "To Vorontsov" (1824).
- Song - "About the prophetic Oleg" (1822).
- Romance - "I am here, Inezilla" (1830).
- Sonnet, satire.
- Lyric compositions that go beyond traditional genres - "To the Sea", "Village", "Anchar" and many moreothers.
Pushkin's themes are also multifaceted: citizenship, the problem of freedom of creativity and many other topics are touched upon in his works.

Various genres of Lermontov's lyrics make up the main part of his literary heritage. He is the successor to the traditions of civil poetry of the Decembrists and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Initially, the most favorite genre was a monologue-confession. Then - romance, elegy and many others. But satire and epigram are extremely rare in his work.
Thus, lyrical works can be written in various genres. For example, a sonnet, madrigal, epigram, romance, elegy, etc. Also, lyrics are often classified by subject. For example, civil, intimate, philosophical, religious, etc. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the lyrics are constantly updated and replenished with new genre formations. In poetic practice, there are genres of lyrics borrowed from related art forms. From music: w altz, prelude, march, nocturne, cantata, requiem, etc. From painting: portrait, still life, sketch, bas-relief, etc. In modern literature, there is a synthesis of genres, so lyrical works are divided into groups.
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