Julia Jones. How to write fantasy

Julia Jones. How to write fantasy
Julia Jones. How to write fantasy

Now the fantasy genre (in Russian fantasy) is the most popular and readily accepted by publishers around the world. At the moment, more and more authors are trying to write in this genre, absolutely not giving a damn about the rules. There is no more clichéd literary movement than this one. In recent years, thousands of stories have been published about people transported between time periods or simply traveling from one world to another.

julia jones
julia jones

Crisis of the genre

It is thanks to this genre that many have lost interest in science fiction, making a simple conclusion that books copy each other, and over the past ten years the plot has not moved at all from the dead center. This applies to absolutely any literary work, from the overrated "Game of Thrones" to the obvious plagiarism - "The Hunger Games". If earlier the writer literally built a project bit by bit, thinking over every detail, now it seems that books are stamped literally on the knee or according to the system of a rural grandfather: “The worse, the more fashionable.” Butenough about the sad, let's get back to the experts in this genre.

julia jones books
julia jones books

Female fantasy author

The writer associated with this genre is Julia Jones. She used an almost ready-made system for creating characters and plot construction, which she subtracted from the authors from her childhood. It is her manner of presenting the material of the book that they are now desperately copying.

Julia Jones created characters from her fantasies: whether he is a magician, a mysterious traveler, he is unique. If you want, then he is truly alive, and not a paper hero without a will, and with a set of illogical actions. The character of Julia is an image that, it would seem, take by the hand - and now he is ready to leave the pages of the book. Few people know this art.

julia jones death witness
julia jones death witness

The birth of a writer

Julia Jones was born in 1954 in the town of Woodbridge, which is located in the Kingdom of England. The spirit of adventure, apparently, she inherited from her father, who at the age of three bought a yacht for her. The ship was once owned by a famous writer of the time, which became a lifelong inspiration for new books.

Julia's father was the owner of a bookstore in the town of Ingatestone, Essex, which only increased the writer's desire for literary adventure.

Definitively become a writer Julia Jones decided while working on her dissertation at the institute back in 2006.

julia jones sword of shadows
julia jones sword of shadows


Despite her family, Julia Jones, whose books are hard to find in stores, continues to write. In 2013, she received a prestigious award in the field of literature.

The digital libraries also feature the author Julia Jones. Witness to Death is the most popular book series.

The writer has another book series "Strong Wind" - a children's cycle of literary works that are written taking into account their age preferences.

The most famous book series that Julia Jones has released is Sword of Shadows. She officially published 6 books, but the writer does not stop working on the works of this fascinating cycle.

I really want to believe that the crisis of the genre will pass, and modern authors will find some other topic other than the eternal movement of characters. After all, you can’t use an alternative history as a universal idea, even in detective stories the main cast changes, but in fantasy there is an enviable constancy of heroes who you don’t want to imitate. For this reason, many readers spend a lot of time not with their favorite books, but with computer characters in games and alternate realities, which are often better worked out. If games take years to develop, wouldn't it be better to hold the book before the release and try to check the behavior of the hero for logic and reliability?

Alas, there are no writers or writers now who can replace Jones, Christie, Doyle, who have written themselves into the history of world literature. The books of these prose writers will remain in the personal libraries of more than one generation, and notsemi-mystical works like "Twilight", where vampires are almost in no way inferior to people. So, the simple conclusion suggests itself that both vampires and humans are equally evil, and many will not like such a comparison. It seems that the perception of literature will soon change, and her worthy followers will be added to the talent of Julia Jones.
