Two "Old New Years": actors and plots

Two "Old New Years": actors and plots
Two "Old New Years": actors and plots

There are two films with a similar name: the Soviet "Old New Year" with the actors of the Moscow Art Theater in the lead roles and the American romantic sitcom, the name of which literally translates as "New Year's Eve". The domestic film was filmed in 1980, and the American one in 2011.

old new year actors
old new year actors

American History

Each painting bears the stamp of its culture and its time. Yes, we are talking about holidays. The director of "Pretty Woman" and "Runaway Bride" Garry Marshall dedicated the film to the last day of the outgoing year, the events here unfold on December 31 in New York. Before the viewer, there are several different mini-stories about people trying to correct their mistakes and fulfill their cherished desires a few hours before the New Year. The New Year's ball of time in Times Square, without which a holiday in America is just as unthinkable as it is impossible without the chimes in Russia, becomes the plot staple. Actors, accountants, doctors, dressmakers, artists are going to celebrate the good old New Year in the square in midtown Manhattan - that is, everyoneeveryone, everyone!

World night

Perhaps the title of the American film would be better translated as "Good Old New Year", this is the meaning the creators put into the artistic language of the comedy. It is no coincidence that at the very beginning of it, the voice-over announces that the world, apparently, still believes in magic, because the only time in the year they unanimously gather together to celebrate the good old holiday - New Year.

Dazzling composition

The actors of the film "Old New Year" is a true constellation of Hollywood. Here you'll see Michelle Pfeiffer as Ingrid's secretary, who manages to complete a year-less wish list in one day. And the handsome Zac Efron who helped her in this in the role of the inventor Paul. The film is adorned with the incomparable vocals of Jon Bon Jovi, who played the role of the leader of the pop group Jensen, who vowed to return the bride he ran away from a year ago. The image of the old man Harry dying in the hospital was recreated with classic authenticity by Robert de Niro, his always busy daughter was played by Hilary Swank.

actors of the movie old new year
actors of the movie old new year

Other actors and roles of the film "Old New Year": Abigail Breslin (Haley), Katherine Heigl (Laura), Josh Duhamel (Sam), Sarah Jessica Parker (Kim Doyle), Ashton Kutcher (Randy), Lea Michele (Eliza). Jessica Bill and Sett Myers make an excellent duet as a young couple eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child. Not without a cameo - Penny Marshall played herself in the comedy.

Old style holiday

Russian satirical comedy OldNew Year”, whose actors created convincing images of the Soviet intelligentsia on the one hand and typical hard workers on the other, is dedicated to the holiday, which is celebrated two weeks after the meeting of the real New Year. In Russia, traditionally, although not so magnificently, they celebrate the New Year also in the old style.

old new year actors and roles
old new year actors and roles

From the stage to the spotlights

The performance based on the play by Mikhail Roshchin first took place on the stage of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre. The production was staged in 1973 by Oleg Efremov. The resounding success of the play inspired the creative team to bring the story to the screen. In the early 80s, the actors Vyacheslav Nevinny (Peter Sebeykin), Alexander Kalyagin (Peter Poluorlov), Evgeny Evstigneev (Adamych), Irina Miroshnichenko (Klava Polluorlova), Ksenia Minina (Clavdia Sebeikina), Elena Khanaeva (Anna Romanovna) and other artists memorable in the images of colorful characters.

Funny and modern

The genre of satirical comedy suggests that the only positive character, according to the exact definition of N. V. Gogol, is laughter. And so it happened with domestic filmmakers. The characters turned out to be hilariously comical and authentically accurate. The script exposed the idea of philistinism and unjustified conceit. To complete the picture, the author places the conflict of the work in the situation of a party in two families, representing typical examples of the two estates that existed in the USSR. The actors showed from the inside the value orientations of these people and the guests of their circle.

film old new year actors and roles
film old new year actors and roles

The main characters have telling surnames - Sebeikin, from whom one often hears "I, me, mine", and Poluorlov, a researcher whose improved toilet model was not appreciated by the management. One sees the point in cluttering the apartment with hard-earned things, the other in throwing out the rich furnishings and sitting on the floor, closer to the ground.

The spiritual basis of the characters' characters turns out to be pettiness and narrow-mindedness. The measure of the moral poverty of the heroes is the old man Adamych, who is always with the people. Having quarreled with their relatives, both Peters, who have not known each other until now, head to the Sandunovsky baths, and there, over a mug of beer on the edge of the pool, they find many common ground. Both Klava's wives and circumstances are to blame for everything (where without them).

Both the roles and the actors of the "Old New Year" fell in love with the audience of our country. Every evening on the eve of January 14, we are happy to review the old tape, marveling at how modern it sounds.
