Anniversary medal: "95 years of communications troops", "95 years of intelligence" and "95 years of military intelligence"

Anniversary medal: "95 years of communications troops", "95 years of intelligence" and "95 years of military intelligence"
Anniversary medal: "95 years of communications troops", "95 years of intelligence" and "95 years of military intelligence"

In this article we will look at some public commemorative medals of the Russian Federation.

Medal "95 years of the Signal Corps"

Communication troops are no less important type of troops than any others, you can even call them one of the main ones, because without good communication it is impossible to ensure the success of the battle. The medal "95 years of the Signal Corps" was established on December 9, 2013. This event is timed to coincide with the 95th anniversary of the Communications Troops. All members of the founding commission unanimously voted to have such a medal in our country.

Timely received information from signalmen means a lot - it can prevent the death of a large number of people and the loss of military equipment. This is a commemorative commemorative medal and does not en title its owner to any benefits.

The medal "95 years of the Signal Corps" is supposed to be awarded to servicemen, as well as veterans and civilians belonging to the service personnel who serve or have served in the Signal Corps. It is also awarded to teachers of educational institutions conducting their pedagogical activities in the field of signal troops. And also to persons who are notservicemen, but actively contribute to the solution of tasks within the competence of these troops, take any actions in the interests of the signal troops and actively participate in the life of public organizations for veterans.

The following persons have the right to present the medal "95 years to the Signal Corps": the chairman of the Medal Commission, the commander of the military unit, heads of veterans' societies and heads of organizations.

The appearance of the medal

medal 95 years of signal troops
medal 95 years of signal troops

Medal "95 years of the Signal Corps" round shape. On its front side, a communications soldier is depicted, on the right side of him the inscription "95 years" is engraved, in the upper part of the medal (above the warrior's head) - the inscription "Communication Troops". On the reverse side (in its upper part) the emblem of the signal troops is depicted, and under the emblem (in the center of the medal) the text is engraved: "Without communication there is no control, without control - there is no Victory." Under this text are the memorable years 1919-2014. The medal has an eyelet, with which it is attached to a block, which is covered with a white fabric with yellow stripes along the edges and two black stripes in the middle. The reverse side of the block has a clip for attaching a medal to clothing.

Medal "95 years of military intelligence"

medal 95 years of intelligence
medal 95 years of intelligence

Medal "95 years of military intelligence" - a commemorative anniversary medal made of silver metal. It also does not provide its owner with any additional rights or benefits. It was established for the anniversary of this type of troops, since intelligence is also a very important military unit, without whichit is impossible to win in combat. The front side depicts two scouts in the forest in ambush and with PPSh in their hands. The inscription "Military Intelligence" is inscribed at the top of the medal, and "95 years" is engraved at the bottom. The reverse side depicts a bat against the background of the globe, above which the inscription is engraved: "Without the right to fame, in the name of the state." This commemorative medal is awarded to members of the reconnaissance battalions, as well as war veterans who served in the reconnaissance battalions.

Medal for all those involved in intelligence

medal 95 years of military intelligence
medal 95 years of military intelligence

Medal "95 years of intelligence" is made of silver metal, round in shape. On the front side there is a blue globe in the center of which is a bat. A red flower is depicted almost at the same level with the globe. The inscription “Military intelligence” is engraved in the upper part of the medal, and “95 years” is engraved in the lower part, next to which ears are depicted. On the reverse side there are inscriptions: "REGISTRUPR", "INTELLIGENCE", "GRU", "GSh". Memorable years 1918 - 2013 are indicated in the upper part. Ears and a small star are in the lower part. This medal is commemorative and is awarded to everyone involved in military intelligence. It does not provide the right to any benefits to its owner.
