Who is Tilda Swinton?

Who is Tilda Swinton?
Who is Tilda Swinton?

Tilda Swinton is currently quite a famous actress. She was born on November 5 of the distant 1960 in London itself. This woman really was lucky throughout her life. Let's take a closer look at her creative path.

tilda swinton
tilda swinton

Childhood of the actress

According to experts, Tilda Swinton comes from a very famous ancient Scottish family. Her early childhood was spent in Germany. From the age of 10, she studied at a closed boarding school. It is worth noting that only children from aristocratic families studied at the school, including Princess Diana herself. While still at school, Tilda Swinton became interested in theater. She participated in numerous productions, and a little later she entered a prestigious college called Fetts (Edinburgh). After some time, the girl went to Africa, where she worked for a long time in the schools of Kenya and even South Africa. She then graduated in 1983 with a degree in the then-popular field of social and political English literature.

Start of Star Trek

  • Back in 1985, Tilda Swinton made her debut on the stagein
  • tilda swinton photo
    tilda swinton photo

    performance called "White Rose". After that, she met the British director Jarman, who made eight films with her participation.

  • Glory to the aspiring actress came after working with Jarmen. In 1992, she starred in the film "Orlando", where she played the roles of a woman and a man. This film was subsequently recognized as the best at the famous Venice Film Festival.
  • In 2000, Tilda Swinton, whose photos were already in all the tabloids, took part in the film "The Beach" along with Leonardo DiCaprio. It was after this picture that the actress began to be invited to the shooting by Hollywood filmmakers. Among the most famous roles include work in the films "The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Constantine". In 2008, the actress was awarded the prestigious Oscar statuette. After that, she admitted that she did not consider the career race the meaning of life. Today, she can afford to accept the role or refuse the job entirely on her own.
tilda swinton filmography
tilda swinton filmography

Private life

Tilda Swinton, whose filmography is only replenished day by day, cannot boast of the role of an excellent wife. In general, she was never officially married at all. The first known romance was attributed to her with the artist John Byrne. As a result of their union, two twins were born. For the last five years, Tilda has been living with the painter Sandro Kopp. In order to spend as much time directly with her family as possible, she has to refusefrom a large number of promising roles. However, she does not lose heart, but, on the contrary, re-emphasizes that she plays only in those films that she really likes. Tilda prefers not to waste her creativity on unpromising pictures. It is noteworthy that the actress calls her relationship the so-called "open marriage", she allows small intrigues to her partner, as they say, on the side.
