William Stryker vs Mutants

William Stryker vs Mutants
William Stryker vs Mutants

As a military scientist in the US Army, William Stryker was one of the developers of the Weapon X program, which was to create super soldiers for government needs. For example, they came up with adamantium, the metal that covers Wolverine's skeleton.

That day

One day, while driving with his wife through the desert in Nevada, they were forced to stop due to a car breakdown. On top of that, Marcy went into labor, so William had to deliver himself. Everything went smoothly, only the child turned out to be a mutant. Blaming his wife for everything, he killed her. And then he made several attempts to commit suicide, but remained alive, drawing certain conclusions from this.

William Stryker
William Stryker

He decided that he could not die because God needed him on Earth. His son's illness, which is how he called Jason's feature, was a sign from above. Now he will devote his life to the extermination of mutants, because they are the personification of evil and a threat to the whole world.

William becomes a TV preacher so that as many people as possible experience the same hatred that he felt. This is how the group "Purifiers" appeared, memberswhich were supposed to catch and destroy mutants. However, behind the high-profile name was too weak organization. Of course, they were lucky enough to kill some of Professor Xavier's inexperienced students. But after that, William was immediately caught and arrested, and his enterprise itself fell apart.


Returning from prison, William Stryker was not left idle. After all, his belief that all mutants are evil, not only did not dry out, but even more intensified. He met Nimrod, a guardian from an alternate universe (series "Days of Future Past"), who had already traveled through time several times. Using his memory, William learned a lot about the future. This allowed him to warn people who were soon in danger. One of these was a first-class shooter - Matthew Risman. It was these people who revived the once-forgotten "Purifiers" group. Only now their activities have become much more efficient.

William Stryker's son
William Stryker's son

Inspired by the events that took place during M-Day, when many mutants were never able to return from Scarlet Witch's reality, the followers of William Stryker began their hunt. Then they got to many mutants. For example, Laurie Collins (Wallflower), who is able to control pheromones, died. And with it, the winged mutant Icarus stopped breathing. They were all part of Professor Xavier's new detachment. True, Stryker was able to stop the Omega-level mutant Elixir. But the Purifiers have not disappeared this time, they have a new leader - Matthew Riesman.


There was a time when servicesBastion, a cybernetic guard who hates mutants, needed Stryker. He had to work with Graydon Creed, Stephen Lang and Bolivar Trask. When Bastion tracked down Hope Summers and Cable, he sent a team of Purifiers to kill them.

Even the "X-Men" who arrived in time by this time found themselves in a difficult situation. After all, the followers of Bastion performed a ritual, thanks to which many mutants lost their abilities. The situation was saved by Warren Worthington. Assuming the form of an Archangel, he puts the Purifiers to flight and kills William Stryker by cutting him in half.

Ultimate (Earth 1610)

In the alternate universe, William's fate hasn't changed much. He again loses his family and, heartbroken, decides to follow in the footsteps of his father, who has long hated mutants. Armed and gathering the required number of fighters, they attack Xavier's school. And the mutant Syndicate becomes the first victim: he is shot right on the lawn.

The squad then attacks Firestar and Toad, but Rogue, Juggernaut, Victor Creed and John Wraith come to their aid. William Stryker deals with Wraith and then takes on the Juggernaut. But Rogue ends their brawl. Touching William, she drains his energy, but for some reason keeps the villain alive.

william stryker marvel
william stryker marvel

After some time, William Stryker ("Marvel") interrogates Alice Cartwright, a woman who allegedly has information about the whereabouts of mutants. She refuses to talk, so they get rid of her. Nonetheless,"Purifiers" find cargo containers in which mutants were transported. They are all sinners, and if they do not repent, they must die.

Jimmy Hudson, Human Torch, Rogue and Iceman try to stop the mutant genocide. But Stryker reveals to them the secret of Rogue, who turned out to be a double agent and was supposed to lead them to this place. Rogue admits that this is true, and in the meantime, Kitty Pryde appears and charges at Stryker. She penetrates his suit, but it turns out that he is also a mutant who is able to control technology and various equipment. He's going to take advantage of this.

William Stryker takes control of Sentinels sent by the government. And they begin a massacre in which not only mutants die, but also the people who supported them. As soon as the Sentinels devastate America, somewhere in the Arizona desert they create the Sentinel, a robotic hunter designed to find and destroy.

William Stryker: actor

In X-Men 2, William Stryker was played by Brian Cox. There, he is a military scientist responsible for developing Wolverine's adamantium skeleton, as well as using his son's brain to control mutants.

William Stryker actor
William Stryker actor

Then Stryker appeared in X-Men Origins. Wolverine, where he was played by Danny Huston. There he was the founder of Team X, and also searched for mutants for his Weapon 11 project. And in X-Men: Days of Future Past, Stryker (Josh Hemil) was Bolivar Trask's bodyguard and mutant hunter.

What about the son of WilliamStryker?

After killing Marcy, William did not touch his son, as he decided to cure him. He enrolled Jason in Professor Xavier's school, hoping that he could cure him. However, Professor X could not help, but it was dangerous to leave him at school, as the guy turned out to be too embittered and used his interesting abilities for negative purposes.

William Stryker
William Stryker

Creating terrible illusions in the minds of other mutants and ordinary people, he pushed them to very bad deeds. In general, he did not succeed in becoming a good man. So Jason left school and became one of the worst enemies of the X-Men.
