2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
The most golden time of any person is the time of studying at school. This includes meeting new people, exploring the world around us, and preparing for a future adult life. Therefore, it is not surprising that various jokes about the school, students and teachers appeared.

School is a second home
Funny jokes about school, jokes do not appear by chance. After all, each class has its own “Vovochka”, its own “fat trust” and “nerd”. Being different from others makes them an object of ridicule from other children. And the teacher, who looks like a scientist, with glasses and a folder under his arm, also becomes the object of jokes. Let's take a closer look at what are the funniest jokes about school.

Prank kids
There's bound to be someone in every class who likes to play pranks on their classmates or teachers. There are even films that describe very funny jokes about school. Pranks consist of placing buttons on the chair of a teacher or another student, smearing a blackboard with soap, giving a bottle of sparkling water to some classmate, shaking it strongly in advance, and so on. In the first case, for someone it will be very funny, but for someonethat's not very. In the second case, the teacher will not be able to write anything on the blackboard, in the third case, someone will be covered by a large carbonated wave right in the face. Such a joke is very popular when students tell the teacher that his entire back is white. A teacher who knows how to accept such humor, of course, laughs himself off. Well, if he is not a fan of such pranks, then schoolchildren may get it.
Short funny jokes about school
Jokes can be either long or short. For example, one short expression can make listeners (readers) laugh a lot. Here are some of them:
- The rubber ball was still flying through the window of the director's office, meanwhile the children were already hiding.
- The school year is like being pregnant: nine months long, and morning sickness starts from the second week.
- Studying at school is a sentence to an eleven-year regime without the right to early release. The supervisors are the director and teachers.
- A student comes home from school and joyfully shouts to his mother: “Mom! You're lucky today, we were only assigned to read.”
- The teacher told her parents to cut her son's bangs, otherwise she doesn't know his face.
- School meeting - entrance is free, but exit is only allowed for a certain amount.
- Homework done. The mother is hoarse, the son is roaring, and the neighbors have learned the multiplication table.
- Due to the lack of books on anatomy, the Minister of Education approved a hole in the wall of the bathhouse as a subject for study.

Vovochka is the mostprotagonist of school jokes
Anyone knows who Vovochka is. This is a typical schoolboy who does not do his homework, does not listen to adults, is a bully, a lazy person and a loser. At the same time, he always has witty answers to the questions of the teacher. Such a character in funny jokes about school for children is very necessary. Thanks to him, children begin to understand how not to be. So jokes about school are instructive.
- The teacher asks Vovochka why he was late. The answer was shocking. The boy said he was attacked and his homework notebooks were stolen.
- To the question of what five years of his life Vovochka considers the happiest, the answer was received: studying in the first grade.
- Received Vovka deuce. The father went to find out why. The teacher says that the boy did not do it himself, but copied from a neighbor on the desk. Indeed, they checked both notebooks. Both answered the first question correctly, and both answered the second question incorrectly. The father is indignant that this is quite possible. The teacher showed the third question, to which the girl answered that she did not know. And Little Johnny wrote: “Me too.”

Jokes cheer you up
There are too many hectic days, various problems in everyday life. Therefore, it is not surprising that people are drawn to jokes, humorous programs. The subject matter varies. But it is jokes about school, short or long, that are perceived with warmth and nostalgia for school life. Every adult has different memories of school days.
In addition to the usual jokes, there are jokes about the school in the form of skits. They will cheer up, allow you to relax both soul and body. Consider some of them:
- One student tells another that he doesn't believe the earth is round. Explains it simply: otherwise the sea would have completely splashed.
- At the lesson of the world around, the teacher asks to explain why it snows in winter and not in summer. One of the students says: "If it snowed in summer, it would melt."
- Russian teacher asks children: I work, you work, she works - what time is it? “Heavy,” one of the guys replies.
- The second grader comes home. Mother takes his diary to check. There she discovers a "deuce". It has been crossed out and corrected to "four". The mother begins to scold the student. And he calmly replies: “The teacher told us that we can, if desired, correct a bad grade for a good one.”
- The American delegation came to the Russian school to exchange experiences. One of them asks: “Do children use computers at school?” “Of course,” the teacher replies. Everyone enters the office. There are six computers on the windowsill. The teacher gives an assignment to Petrov: “Petrov, take two computers and put them on the table. How many computers are left on the windowsill now?”
Exams are a special topic
Exams are the time when the fate of students is decided. Therefore, it is not surprising that jokes about this period also appeared. There are especially many interesting statements about the Unified State Examination (USE). Next selection about him:
- One student who graduated from the exam asks another: "Were you able to answer all the questions?" He replies no. "What do you hope for then?" The second replied: “Chronic flat feet or poor eyesight.”
- About those who do not have an education, now we can say that he is a "victim of the Unified State Examination".
- After a good passing of the Unified State Exam, some should be issued a “Atistat on secondary education.”
- Children used to be scared by Babai, now from the very first grade they are scared by Egei.
- Each student deep down dreams that the one who invented the exam was killed.
- Baba USE is a scary character.
- To find out how lucky you are, you need to give answers at random in the exam.
- I wonder what it will be like for the Minister of He alth to be treated in a village hospital? Will the Minister of Education be able to take the USE himself?
- A monkey escaped from a circus and accidentally ended up in an office where they took the exam. Choosing answers at random, she entered Moscow State University.
There is also such a sign when a student who is taking an exam must be strongly cursing. Supposedly this will help pass it. A joke on this topic: one student passed the exam for a deuce, came home with claims to his parents that they didn’t swear at him very much. They immediately corrected themselves and scolded him severely.

Inscriptions in the diary
Besidesjokes about Little Johnny, about exams, and so on; jokes about school include various inscriptions in the diaries of students. Some of them are quite funny and absurd. Here are some options:
- "He's been throwing dead cockroaches at his classmates for days now."
- "No diary" (the absurdity was that it was written in the diary itself).
- At a geography lesson, apparently, the child could not remember his address, the teacher made an inscription: “Forgot where he lives.”
- "Criticizes the furniture in the English room" (the critic grows up).
- The student, apparently, had seen enough of thrillers or action films. In his diary there is an inscription: “I convinced classmates to go down to the bunker.”
- "Entering through the window." On this inscription, the student himself wrote below: “Comes out through the wall.” (Probably a fan of The Chronicles of Narnia).
- Girls are no better: “Behaved like a dog and gnawed on a bone.”
- "She made eyes at her classmates."
- "Farted on the whole class."
- "Went to the bathroom, came back drunk." (Someone at school has a cafe instead of a toilet).
- "Brought a homeless person to class." (Compassionate student).
There are an infinite number of such examples. It is strange that this is all true, and sometimes teachers themselves become the object of ridicule. Take, for example, a teacher of physical education or labor.
"Trudovik" and "athlete"
- On the first of September, all teachers receive a bouquet of flowers, and the Trudovik receives a "Bouquet of Moldova".
- Athlete commands: “Inhale, exhale! Phew, Anton, you're breathing through the wrong hole again!".
- Athlete: "Who smokes?" Sees three hands raised. “So, we will smoke, and the remaining five laps around the stadium!”.

Of course, there are many funny jokes about school (short or long). The reason is that school time is the most wonderful and fun time for everyone without exception. Funny stories happen in every class. They are similar to each other and at the same time different from each other.

Jokes, anecdotes about school life will always be invented. After all, this is what brings students and teachers together. Without funny stories, the school itself would be boring and monotonous.
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