Summary of "Sadko". Bylina

Summary of "Sadko". Bylina
Summary of "Sadko". Bylina

Epics are songs-tales about the folk heroes of Ancient Russia, as a rule, heroes fighting evil for the Russian land. They reflected the reality of the 11th-16th centuries. Bylina is a kind of genre of oral folk art, in which historical events seem to be reflected, but with figurative exaggerations. The heroes in them have superpowers or other abilities (the ability to play, sing); and the enemies are completely fantastic: the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the Robber, the Tsar, the lord of the sea. Since the epic is a song genre, it has a rhythm, a special style. Reading it, as if you find yourself in the historical past and see the film, because it is rich in figurative expressions.

Epic "Sadko"

Slightly different from other stories of the epic "Sadko", the summary of which, by the way, you will not read much longer than the song itself.

summary of Sadko
summary of Sadko

If you are not too lazy, then you will get much more pleasure and benefit from reading the source than from someone else's retelling. Although if you have problems understanding Old Slavic words, then, of course, a summary of "Sadko" will help you better understand the essence of the mythical and slightly fantastic story. We recommend that after reading the presentation, turn to the original source and feel the beauty of the play on words.

What is the story about?

Beautiful, unusual and different from other legends of the epic "Sadko". A brief summary of it, perhaps, will not make the proper impression. There are no heroes in it. There are no battles with obvious enemies in it. But it contains the idea of how important it is to have talent, the patronage of the Higher powers for personal qualities. Also in the epic we are talking about the fight against human vices, in particular, boasting. But all this can be learned indirectly by drawing your own conclusions, and not necessarily the same, perhaps completely different. Reading the summary of "Sadko", you learn only the sequence of events.


In ancient Novgorod lived Sadko - a gusler. He was young, handsome and talented, that's just "a goal like a falcon." Gusli - all his property was. But Sadko loved to sing and play so much that even when no one wanted to listen to him, he would come to the shore of Lake Ilmen and give himself up to his beloved work alone. At least, that's how it seemed to him. After all, everything around was quiet. All nature listened to the wonderful singing.

bylina Sadko summary
bylina Sadko summary

The King of the Sea once heard him and rose from the depths to reward the harpman for his marvelous play. He ordered Sadko to bet with merchants, pawning his head that a wonderful gold-feather fish lives in Lake Ilmen. And in return he ordered to ask them to pawn their goods and trading shops (business in our opinion). The three richest merchants agreed to a deal - they wanted to destroy Sadko out of envy. Butthe singer won the argument. The sea king kept his word and caught Sadko a goldfish in the net. On the advice of the Lord, he did not argue anymore and soon became rich thanks to the acquired good. But several years passed, he married and became a merchant, richer than whom there was in the city. He made a feast, a noble one, as it was customary then. Many made speeches on it: the stupid ones boasted of their young wife, the smart ones honored their parents. Sadko could not resist either, he began to boast of his we alth and bet that he could redeem all of Novgorod. But when he began to buy up all the goods, gold and silver quickly began to run out. Sadko decided to sail to other cities in order to sell his goods. During the trip, a strong storm arose on the lake. And he would have sunk the ships, but Sadko realized in time: the Tsar demands sea tribute.

Sadko summary
Sadko summary

He ordered to pour a barrel of silver into the water, then gold, but the waves did not subside. Sadko understood: the tsar needs a human sacrifice. A lot was cast (this is an interesting moment, everything cannot be contained in the summary of "Sadko"). Sadko was chosen, although he tried to be cunning. They lowered him into the water on a board, where he fell asleep, and woke up at the bottom of the sea in front of the chambers of the Lord, who was glad to have a guest. Sadko played the tsar until he broke the strings (not without the intervention of other forces, which we also cannot fit into the summary of Sadko). Then the king suggested that the singer choose a wife - one of his daughters, which meant forever remaining in the underwater kingdom. The hero (also not without the help of the Saint) chooses a living girl, thereby freeing the captive and himself.
