Actor Evgeny Lebedev: biography and filmography

Actor Evgeny Lebedev: biography and filmography
Actor Evgeny Lebedev: biography and filmography

Probably, everyone likes to watch various films, series, etc. Children love performances, cartoons, interesting and funny children's performances that are remembered for a lifetime. I must say that some actors are also remembered and become loved for life. One of those who fell in love with many is the actor Evgeny Lebedev. A talented, kind and sensitive person has a huge number of fans who remember him with a smile and admiration until now.

Actor Evgeny Lebedev. Celebrity Biography

It must be said that talented and good people cannot be forgotten, one of them is the "man with a sad face". So called Lebedev, many fans and colleagues.

Actor Evgeny Lebedev was born on January 15, 1917 in Balakovo. It can be said about him that he was a Soviet and Russian actor not only of the theater, but also of cinema, as well as a very talented and good teacher. Lebedev was born into the family of a priest, and it is worth saying that in the future he had to constantly hide his origin. Good memories ofthe man remained with his beloved hometown forever, despite the fact that he lived there for a very short time. Many years later, the actor Yevgeny Lebedev recalled with special tenderness and love the time when he lived in Balakovo.

Already in the 1920s, the Lebedev family left for Kuznetsk, and then for a long time moved from place to place along the entire Saratov coast.

actor evgeny lebedev
actor evgeny lebedev

Moving to Moscow

In 1927, actor Yevgeny Lebedev moved to Samara to live with his grandfather, who raised him. In the same place, in Samara, he began to study at secondary school No. 13 named after. Chapaev. After that, Zhenya studied at the FZU at the Kinap plant. Already in 1932, Lebedev entered the TRAM. The following year, the actor left Samara and moved to Moscow. There he had to work in the studio at the Red Army Theatre. In 1936 he entered and until 1937 studied at the technical school, which is now called GITIS. And in 1940, Lebedev graduated from the Chamber Theater School, where he had studied since 1937.

In 1937, Yevgeny's father was repressed, and after a while, his mother. For many years, he had to hide from everyone that he was the son of "enemies of the people", and it is worth saying that the actor was always very ashamed of this.

Lebedev actor
Lebedev actor

Work in Tbilisi

Lebedev is an actor who became popular a few years after his work in the theater and the first roles played in 1940. Then in Tbilisi, he began working at the Youth Theatre, and it was after that that he was considered the leading actor.

It must be said that Eugene was not only an actor, but alsoteacher. In Tbilisi, Lebedev combined his work in the theater of the young spectator with teaching acting at the Georgian Theater Institute. It is important that the actor was also the head of the drama club at the girls' school No. 16.

Lebedev is an actor who in 1945 was awarded the medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus". In 1946 he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War". Eugene received these medals for the fact that, together with a group of artists from his theater, he performed in military units, hospitals, and also at factories with patronage concerts.

actor evgeny lebedev biography
actor evgeny lebedev biography


Lebedev began to work at the Leningrad Lenin Komsomol Theater, where he was invited by the director G. Tovstonogov. Eugene had to work with him while still in Tbilisi. He remembered his first role for a long time. Lebedev played Sanya Grigoriev in the film "Two Captains". In 1950, the actor received the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree for playing Stalin in the performance of the theater director. This was Lebedev's second role. When Yevgeny worked at the Leningrad Theater, he received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

lebedev evgeny alekseyevich actor
lebedev evgeny alekseyevich actor

The theater where the actor worked for the rest of his life

Lebedev Evgeny Alekseevich - an actor who worked in the Gorky Drama Theater from 1956 until the very end of his life. Here his first role was the role of Mademoiselle Kuku. It was a comic sketch, because of which the actor's career went up. He brilliantly played the role and was able to give the viewer the seapositive emotions and smiles.

The role of Romashov in the film "Two Captains" made Lebedev famous throughout the country. Many viewers began to recognize him, and absolutely everyone fell in love with his game and skill. After that, for the first time after the move and the last time in his life, Evgeny visited his native and beloved Balakovo.

actor evgeny lebedev personal life
actor evgeny lebedev personal life

Childhood memories

After visiting his city, Lebedev again began to visit memories of a wonderful and carefree childhood. The actor recalled that his mother often took him to theaters when he was still very young. However, Lebedev shares that he was not at all interested in acting. From early childhood, Zhenya dreamed of becoming a captain. His thoughts were filled with how he would sail on a steamer, become a sailor or a stoker. Little Lebedev was very fond of the Volga, and his main business was simply to observe its beauty. Eugene shared that all the 30 years that he spent away from home, he did not leave the desire to see the Volga expanses and his beloved hometown again.

what did the actor evgeny lebedev die of
what did the actor evgeny lebedev die of

Personal life of a talented actor

The actor Yevgeny Lebedev gave almost his entire adult life to the theater. The personal life of the actor did not become a secret, because he could not hide it. In 1938, he married Natalya Petrova, but it must be said that the spouses, apparently, were not destined to live happily ever after. A year after the wedding, Eugene and Natalia had a daughter, whom the couple decided to call Irina. However, eventhe child could not keep them together.

Tovstonogov divorced, after which the ex-wife left him two children. His sister, Natela, decided that she would help her brother in raising children. At first they had to live in a hostel, however, they were soon given an apartment. It must be said that at that time Evgeny Lebedev arrived in Leningrad, invited by Georgy Tovstonogov. An old friend decided to help Goga and Natela, in connection with which he moved in with them and took patronage over his brother and sister.

From that moment, love arose between Evgeny and Tovstonogova and they began to meet. Their wedding became happiness not only for the newlyweds themselves, but also for Georgy Tovstonogov. It must be said that the bond between brother and sister was so strong that even after Natela's marriage, they could not be separated. Their apartments were located on the same floor, after which the newlyweds and Tovstonogov decided to cut through the walls and live as a large family in one apartment. Soon Natela gave birth to a child, and now the friendly family consisted of spouses, Tovstonogov and already three boys.

evgeny lebedev actor filmography
evgeny lebedev actor filmography

Evgeny Lebedev is an actor. Filmography. Best roles

It can be said that throughout his life Lebedev played a huge number of different roles that made him a famous and respected actor. The following roles enjoyed great success:

  1. Rogozhin based on the novel "The Idiot".
  2. Role in the play "The Philistines".
  3. Role in Last Month of Autumn.
  4. Bronka Navels in "Strange People".
  5. Role in Horse Story etc.

Many fans are wondering why the actor Yevgeny Lebedev died, but there is still no concrete answer to this question. It is very difficult to find any information about what caused the death of the great Russian actor.

evgeny lebedev actor filmography
evgeny lebedev actor filmography

Briefly about the life of the actor

A lot of good things can be said about Evgeny Lebedev and absolutely nothing bad. Despite the fact that his childhood was quite difficult, he was able to become a man with a capital letter who did not get angry at the whole world. In childhood and youth, Eugene was often called the son of "enemies of the people" because he was born in the family of a priest. Lebedev had to hide his origin, and that is what he considered a sin. However, Eugene said: “Who knows when God will punish. People will be punished sooner.”

actor evgeny lebedev
actor evgeny lebedev

It must be said that Evgeny Lebedev was a very talented actor, who differed from many others in skill and real talent. He had excellent command of facial expressions and gestures. His game was remembered by everyone and captivated every spectator. He was not only a talented actor, but also a kind, affectionate, sensitive and understanding person. No one can take the place of the respected and famous Yevgeny Lebedev. The roles he played will forever remain in the memory of every viewer who admired the performance of the great Russian actor.
