Oleg Fomin: biography, filmography and the actor's family (photo)

Oleg Fomin: biography, filmography and the actor's family (photo)
Oleg Fomin: biography, filmography and the actor's family (photo)
oleg fomin biography
oleg fomin biography

May 21, 1962 Oleg Fomin was born in Tambov. The biography of his family practically does not mention. It is only known that the father of our hero was called Boris. Oleg's childhood dream was a great desire to become an actor.

His mother contributed to the study of literature. During his school years, Oleg enthusiastically played chess, weights, boxing, and participated in amateur art activities from the eighth grade.

The beginning of the creative path

After graduating from the tenth grade, Oleg went to Moscow to enter theater universities, where he passed entrance exams in several at once. His choice fell on the Shchepkin Higher Theater School, where Yu. Solomin was the leader of the group. In his student years, Oleg, trying to provide for himself on his own, mastered several professions. During his studies, he was offered to star in the film "Silver Lakes" with a small role. Of course, the hero of our article, Oleg Fomin, did not miss this opportunity. The actor's filmography began precisely with this tape and continued with filming in several low-budget films with episodic roles.

oleg fomin filmography
oleg fomin filmography

After graduating from college, Fomin went toRiga and got a job at the local Youth Theater. So Oleg worked in the theater for several years, until V. Rybareva, the wife of the director, who was in search of a hero for the crime drama My Name is Arlekino, noticed him. Fomin was invited to audition. Thus, the main role in the film about the leader of the Soviet hooligans - Arlekino - went to an actor unknown at that time named Oleg Fomin. His biography as a professional figure in cinema begins with this picture. After its release, our hero woke up a famous person. He received letters from fans in bags, the audience burst into cinemas.

But, despite the success, after filming the film, he returned to Latvia and continued his equally successful work in the theater. Director A. Vasiliev gave him the main roles. Everything went well. At first, Fomin had eight main roles, then the score reached fourteen. The number of performances per month reached twenty-eight. Raymond Pauls was a frequent spectator of the theater.

First failures

In the eighties, actor Oleg Fomin starred in such famous films as "Fleabag",

films with the participation of oleg fomin
films with the participation of oleg fomin

"Revenge", "Fan-2". In the 90s, the Latvian-Russian theater in Riga was closed, and our hero returned to Moscow. The directors did not offer him good roles, which led Fomin to shoot his own films, where he was both a director and an actor.

29-year-old Oleg did not expect the expected success in his new career. The first film, Sweet Ep, about the history of high school students was not well received by critics. Second work, "The Time of Your Life", in generalwent unnoticed. Shooting his own tapes, Fomin simultaneously worked as an actor in films and other directors. Films with the participation of Oleg Fomin: "Contract with Death", "Country of the Deaf", "Vesyegonskaya Wolf", "Game Seriously" and others.

In 1997, the director's third film was released. The picture "Publican" was offered to the audience by Oleg Fomin. Critics were again dissatisfied with the work of our hero, which did not stop Oleg himself. After that, such films as “Panther. Trial period”, “Rescuers. Eclipse”, “Maniac Conference”.

A long-awaited success

The series “Next. Next”where Oleg Fomin was involved in the role of director. The filmography of unsuccessful directorial work with the beginning of the release of this series ended. It took Oleg ten years to achieve such recognition and success. The main role of the series was played by A. Abdulov, who, according to the plot, was a thief in law. He suddenly met his son and tried to establish a relationship with him. The TV series has gained a lot of fans.

oleg fomin
oleg fomin

Further Fomin continued his success and shot the film "Fatalists" with A. Abdulov and I. Rozanova, "Next-2", "Next-3", "KGB in a Tuxedo", "March of the Turkish", "Lord officers. Save the Emperor”(he himself played the main role). In 2009, as Oleg himself admits, he shot his worst work - “The Best Film-2”, where famous comedians of the country play. A year later, Fomin presented two series to the audience: "Natural Selection" and "Cool Men".

In the late nineties, he masteredthe work of a theater director. After all, creative individuals are not accustomed to stop at the achieved results. On the theater stages, they were presented with several productions.

Actor's family

Our hero does not like to talk about this topic. It is only known that his first wife was called Alice. Fomin maintained the warmest relations with her.

The name of the second wife is unknown to a wide range of people. The third wife's name was Alena. This marriage, like the previous ones, ended in separation, and Oleg Fomin, whose family is his son Daniel, began to maintain close relations with him, giving them all of himself.

oleg fomin family
oleg fomin family

There is love and understanding between them. Fomin admits that his son is a big fan of his father's work. When he was little, when he saw in the film how his dad was dying, he was very scared. But the child was told that it was not real.

In 2005, when Fomin was still in his second marriage, which was already cracking, he met Anna Semenovich on the set of a film. Throughout the working period, Oleg looked after Anya, brought her coffee. But after filming, Fomin returned home, and the girl went on tour. A month later, he could not stand it and made an appointment with Semenovich. Later they began to live together in Anya's apartment. But this union did not end in anything. The couple broke up.

Two years later, Fomin began dating 17-year-old Masha Balym. This happened after the third day of their acquaintance.

Actor in politics

Once Oleg Fomin decided to try himself as a participant in the electioncompany V. S. Chernomyrdin "Our home - Russia". He was offered to be the director of a politician, although up to this point thirteen directors had been fired due to the fact that they had not coped with the task.

Later he admitted that politicians, like artists, are ready to come to power at any cost, sparing no means for this.

Election Day by Oleg Fomin

After participating in the electoral campaign of Chernomyrdin, Fomin decided on a bold project and shot the film Election Day.

films of oleg fomin
films of oleg fomin

In the film, he shows all the inner content of cowardly and unprincipled politicians. There is no positive character in this scenario. The heroes of the film are ready to bring anyone to power.

The tape was a wild success with the viewer.

Movie about Putin

In 2002, Fomin was invited to direct a tape about Putin. But he, due to his employment in the filming of the film "Next", became the artistic director of the project.

The picture tells about the acquaintance of the stewardess Tatyana with the future official Platov, about their marriage, about their love story. And how he became president of the country. The main roles in the film went to A. Panin and D. Mikhailova.

Oleg Fomin himself and the director of the film O. Zhulina deny the fact that the president's biography was filmed, saying that this is a collective image. They claim that the film was made about the plight of the wife of an always busy official who does not have enough time for home and family. Later, A. Voropaev (co-author of the script and general producer) admitted that they really became the prototypes of the heroesV. Putin and his wife Lyudmila.

The film did not appear at the box office. Only five years later it was possible to purchase a movie on DVD called "A Kiss Not for the Press." Although both in Russian and foreign media this tape is called "a film about Putin".

Awards and prizes

actor oleg fomin
actor oleg fomin

Oleg Fomin in 1993 for the film "Cute Ep" at the film festival "Constellation" received a prize in the competition "Stars of 2000". The rewards don't end there. Four years later, at the international film festival "Leaf Fall" in Minsk, our hero received a special prize "For the search for moral absolutes" for the film "Publican". Oleg's other works and roles also deserve recognition. At the film festival "Smile, Russia" for the film "Okay" he was awarded the prize in the nomination "The most spectator film". In 2011, at the IV International Film Festival "Noble World" received the "Grand Prix" for the film "Gentlemen Officers. Save the Emperor" (for directing and acting and work).

Fomin now

Now the actor and director Oleg Fomin, whose filmography includes more than sixty film roles and twenty directorial works, does not stop at the achieved result. As before, he is engaged in filming in films, playing in the theater and directing. The films of Oleg Fomin and those in which he starred are distinguished by a clear understanding of what kind of movie should be made, what image of the hero the viewer would like to see and how one should play one's role. This must be done in such a way that the picture, regardless of the elapsed time, is close and understandable to the viewer.

The actor admits that he is veryloves shopping, although this is not a man's occupation (in his own words). In this way, Fomin relieves stress accumulated after working days, is distracted from the hardships of life and is charged with positive.
