The best films in Spain: list and description

The best films in Spain: list and description
The best films in Spain: list and description

Of course, it cannot be said that Spanish films often occupy leading positions in the ratings or are distinguished by something special, but still they have their own army of fans. Naturally, after all, among the tapes produced by this country, one can find plots riddled with black, even rude, humor, and refined melodramas, and intriguing thrillers. Many generally believe that Spanish films reflect real life more believably and are less reminiscent of a fairy tale than, for example, sensational American films. But we will not judge tastes, but will present to your attention the best tapes that are known both in Spain and abroad.


If you are looking for the best films in Spain, and for the plot to be famously twisted and the ending to be non-standard, then by all means pay attention to this tape directed by Oriol Paolo, filmed in 2012. The plot is based on the story of a young professor whose beloved wife has just died. He is already in the most upset feelings, and then he also finds out that her body has disappeared from the morgue without a trace.

movies of spain
movies of spain

The police immediately start the case, but, unfortunately, there is no evidence that can shed light on this mystical case. At least some clarity could be brought to the investigation by the mortuary watchman, but even here the police were not lucky - he was hit by a car. However, the heartbroken widower and the sympathetic policeman are not going to give up, but instead are trying with all their might to understand not only the causes of the woman’s death, but also to unravel the mystery of the disappearance of the body.


This disaster drama by Juan Antonio Bayona deserves to be in the category of Spain's Best Films for several reasons. Firstly, Naomi Watts, who played the main character Maria Bennett, was nominated for a Golden Globe and an Oscar. Secondly, the film won the Goya film award (this is a national Spanish award) in 5 categories. Thirdly, the tape is based on real events.

films about spain
films about spain

The film faithfully describes what happened in Thailand in 2004, namely the tsunami that killed more than 200,000 people. Shortly before the disaster, the Bennett family comes to this paradise for a vacation. However, the elements disrupted all their plans. The father of the family did not swim with his youngest sons, and his wife did not finish reading the book, as a wave of crazy force swept suddenly and swept away everything and everyone in its path. What tests lie ahead for the Bennetts? Did everyone survive such a nightmare?


Andres Bais in 2011 shot a magnificent, according to viewers and critics, psychological thriller - "Bunker"(movie). Spain, one might say, is quite successfully coping with the creation of tapes in this genre. The film tells about a young couple - the girl Belen and the conductor Adrian. But for some reason she leaves him, leaving only a farewell video as a memory. A desperate guy goes to a bar, where he meets Fabiana, a waitress. Soon their relationship becomes serious, the couple moves to Adrian's house, the same one where he lived with Belen. Fabiana cannot explain her feelings, but somehow understands that something strange is going on in the mansion, while the police, meanwhile, are trying to prove that Adrian was involved in the sudden disappearance of his ex-girlfriend.

best movies in spain
best movies in spain

Then the viewer will have to travel back in time, that is, at a time when Belen and Adrian still lived peacefully and calmly. But the girl suspected her boyfriend of treason, and hastened to share her guesses with the German woman, the owner of the mansion in which they live. It turned out that the husband of this German woman was once an SS officer and built a bunker in this house, so to speak, just in case. How did Belen decide to test Adrian? What was waiting for her in this bunker? How will it all end? Be sure to watch the movie!


The film "Carmen" (Spain), although it was filmed back in 2003, is still incredibly popular today. You will like this drama about love and hate from the very first minute, the plot will not let you tear yourself away from the screen for a second until the movie is over. First, the story will introduce you to Prosper Merimee, who travels around Spain, then to the robber Jose,wanted, and only then - with the beautiful Carmen, around whose person, in fact, the whole plot is twisted. Jose (he worked as a sergeant) met Carmen during her detention for a fight in a factory where she worked. This meeting turned his whole life upside down.

bunker movie spain
bunker movie spain

If before that Jose had every chance to climb the career ladder, get connections, then after meeting a sultry woman, he began to decompose morally, to do stupid things. Because of jealousy, inexplicable passion and other previously alien feelings, he even decided to kill, as a result of which he was simply forced to join the smugglers (Carmen was also in this group) in order to escape. The trouble is that for this fatal woman he was just a toy, a hobby, because by her nature she did not want and could not belong to anyone. How could Jose, who did so much in the name of love, albeit far-fetched, endure such an attitude and neglect? How did it end for both? Let's not reveal all the cards, it's better to see this touching story for yourself.

Brook. Challenge

Many people like to delve into the mysteries of the past, and therefore prefer to watch historical films. Spain is not far behind in terms of creating films in this genre, so lovers of history and adventure can be advised to watch many films. One of these is Brook. Challenge.”

film carmen spain
film carmen spain

This is a story about Brook - a young man who, thanks to his wit and drum, became a hero for some, and an enemy for others, and forthe French army itself, led by Napoleon. The latter issued an order to kill all the relatives of the young man, and Brook himself is forced to avenge his relatives and friends. Be sure to watch this tape to find out the fate of the young brave man.

List of Great Historical Films (Spain)

There are many more Spanish historical films that you will love. These are, for example, tapes such as:

  • "Game of Throne". A film about a woman who, unexpectedly for herself, found herself on the throne of the Spanish Empire. All its decisions are very important for the state. Can she do it right?
  • "English Spaniard". The life of Isabela, who was brought up at court, is completely dependent on the queen. What adventures will she and her lover have to go through for a reunion?
  • "Borgia". Why has this name become synonymous with all existing vices? Bribes, intrigues, intrigues of the cardinal, the struggle for the throne - what else is needed in order to fully plunge into 1492?
films historical spain
films historical spain

Films about Spain

To better feel this country, to understand its culture, customs, especially if you have not been there, it is advisable to watch tapes about Spain. There are excellent films made in the USA, Germany, Spain itself about this colorful country. Here is a list of paintings worthy of your attention:

  • Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Thanks to the talented game of Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson and the genius of Woody Allen, you will plunge into summer Barcelona, where you will fall in love and be disappointed withheroines.
  • "Ghosts of Goya". The film tells about the reign of Charles IV, his court painter named Francisco Goya, about the beginning of the wars of Napoleon and the Holy Inquisition, which is expanding its activities in Spain.
  • "On the sea". Cold and frosty winter weather forces two families to travel to the Canary Islands to celebrate the New Year in the warmth and by the sea. However, the holidays will not be set so far that they not only do not swim, but they do not even see the sea.
  • "Summer night in Barcelona". A great story about the night when comet Rosa "visited" Barcelona. 567 love stories happened that night, some of them will delight the viewer throughout the film.
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movies of spain


As you can see, Spanish films, like films about this country produced by other countries, are multifaceted and belong to different genres. Everyone will find a film to their liking and plunge either into a love story, or into an adventure whirlpool, or will wait in suspense for the end of a psychological thriller. Enjoy watching!
