2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Of course, the image of Pushkin, as a kind of prototype of Lensky: romantically idealistic, prone to creative impulses of unprecedented strength, sensitively following the standard of righteousness, purity of thoughts and deeds, is common among connoisseurs of the genius of Alexander Sergeevich. Without aiming to desecrate and denigrate this magnificent faceless theatrical character in the imagination of the reader, with sincere zeal to reveal the true essence and depth of genius through a thorough analysis of his mental currents, reflected in the lines of many of his works, we will work to humanize the poet named Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
So who are you, Alexander Sergeevich? Birth and childhood
So, let's refresh some biographical nuances that can shed light on the personality of the non-trivial Russian classic. From these sources we will find information about where Pushkin was born and when. Opening any of them, we read: Pushkin was born in Moscow,26th day of the month of May, year 1799. The house where Pushkin was born did not survive to this day, but its alleged location is known: the then German street, now Bauman, 10.
The very knowledge that Pushkin was born in the city of Moscow can describe the personality of the poet very indirectly, except to emphasize his love for this city, which manifested itself in all the variety of many warm lines dedicated to him. Without focusing our attention on these details, let us indulge in further research into the personality of Alexander Sergeevich.
Childhood. Let's stop here in more detail. Alexander Pushkin, when he was born, was given to be fed, according to the then fashion, to a serf peasant-breadwinner,

care about him was distributed by his parents among numerous nannies. The entire childhood of the future poet was spent in the company of educators and teachers, as well as grandmothers from the mother’s side, Maria Alekseevna, and the notorious Arina Rodionovna, Pushkin’s nanny, whose bright image is outlined by every textbook of literature.
Parents did not pay proper attention to children, among whom Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was the eldest son, limiting themselves to punishing the latter for disobedience. Parental caress in the house where Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich was born was in short supply.
At the same time, being under the age of six, Alexander had already read most of his father's library, which contains many novels of pornographic and erotic genres by French writers. And the presence at the eveningsthe poetry of little Sasha Pushkin, often arranged by his daddy Sergei Lvovich, where often not the most decent tabloid poems were read, were also imprinted in the emerging mind of the boy.

Often biographers give this tender period of the poet's life a secondary role. Nevertheless, the very origins of genius are hidden, from the point of view of psychoanalysis, precisely in these years of Pushkin's life. It is here that a colossal creative potential is formed, requiring the release and constant improvement of the instrument of its implementation, namely, the syllable. The lack of maternal love contributes to the development of a remarkable Oedipus complex and narcissism, hysterical temperament and contempt for the feminine principle that offended the youngster.
Years of Lyceum
At the age of 12, Pushkin leaves for the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum with joyful feelings of deliverance from parental tyranny. Here the first social relations of the boy with peers, warm friendships and first loves will be formed. And here, where Pushkin was born as a poet, he will be overtaken by the perfection of his youth, accompanied by the violent activity of vulgar and pornographic poetry, dictated by the specifics of this beautiful age. Biographers prefer to mention this aspect of Pushkin's work in passing.
Numerous epigrams and verses, often riddled with phrases that are incorrect for quoting and frank obscenities, contrast with the first romantically sublime lines that appear parallel to them.
Recent yearslyceum, marked by the highest degree of freedom, allowing movement outside the educational institution, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin spends in the company of hussars settled in Tsarskoe Selo. This society is preferred by the poet to the boring evenings of poetry, where the rest of the lyceum students spend their time. Sexual maturation, which has come to perfection, which has discovered a remarkable erotic temperament inherited from exotic African ancestors, which has recently driven Alexander to a frenzy, finally finds its realization. Here the first sensual contacts with representatives of the most ancient profession, who also adored the company of the hussars, take place.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. Portrait of a psychoanalytic

Further biography of Alexander Sergeevich will be more inconsistent, tied to certain traits of his character, since there are a great many sources of information on this topic. Our task is not a biography, but a description of the personality of the poet through the reconstruction of his internal conflicts, experiences and values.
Exploring the work of the poet, his correspondence, biography and characteristics given to him by his contemporaries, psychoanalysts have painted a colorless, idealized portrait of the great poet. In their opinion, the family where Pushkin was born "gave" him huge emotional wounds, which became the reason for the disclosure of the poetic gift as a way to get rid of the pain caused by them. Their prosaic terms will be explained in the following text, but for now, a purely statement.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkinis a carrier of a pronounced Oedipus complex. It manifests itself in rivalry with men and reaching

painful thirst for female attention.
Personality type - hysterical: constant mood swings, irascibility, hypersensitivity, compensated by feigned cynicism and rudeness, a high level of sexuality, accompanied by erotic aggression, inconstancy in the choice of partners, friends, as well as in views and life positions; narcissism, manifested by high conceit, along with a painful self-esteem and attitude towards criticism.
This is a saying - not a fairy tale, a fairy tale will come ahead
It must be repeated that these non-poetic, psychoanalytic dry characterizations cannot be seen as a criticism of the poet or an attempt to belittle him in the eyes of the reader. They should be considered in the dynamic general portrait of A. S. Pushkin. Let's get on with it.
Beloved of Alexander Sergeevich
So, according to the testimonies of Alexander Sergeevich's closest friends, the latter was not known for his Christian benefactors. Violent passions, successfully practiced in brothels, brothels and other haunting places, commanded his whole life and youth in particular. Neither years of exile nor poverty stopped him,

accompanied him almost all his life, not even a sacred union with Natalie Goncharova. With the zeal characteristic of a hysterical personality, he indulged in bodily pleasures every night of God. Objects of adoration quickly bored,replaced by new ones - eternal hunger.
It should be noted that Alexander Sergeevich's objects of adoration were divided into two incompatible categories, tearing his poetic consciousness into two parts. If the above-described type of women belongs to the first of them, then to the second - units who were able to win the heart of the poet. Each of them ascended to heaven, made them cry, encouraged them to write brilliant lines. Pushkin loved with all his heart and, as a hypersensitive person, suffered greatly, indulging in torment with all the pain if he did not find reciprocity.
But with all this, his feelings were not eternal, just as the representatives of the first category could not captivate the poet for a long time. In a letter to his brother, Pushkin, comparing himself with Petrarch, does not find similarities and writes about his inability to love only one woman.
The propensity of the hysterical personality of A. S. Pushkin to humiliate his beloved, which is directly realized in love for women of easy virtue, in the case of women of the upper class, is manifested in the disclosure of intimate secrets, a contemptuous attitude towards them at the end of the novel, as well as writing cynically caustic epigrams about them.
The poet's second passion was playing cards. Pushkin was a very gambling man. His poverty had its origins, rather it was his predilection, rather than the inability to enrich himself. Alexander Pushkin squandered all the fees in the Igretsky houses, where the twin brother of his lust was born - passion. With a lack of sense of proportion characteristic of hysterics, he indulged in the game entirely. His losses sometimes amounted to tens of thousands of rubles per night. For the sameFor reasons, he almost never got out of debt.
Almost all contemporaries who ever described Pushkin's appearance did not mention his external beauty. Moreover, about himself in a well-known verse, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin remarks: "the descendant of blacks is ugly." This phrase is certainly exaggerated, but it has a grain of truth. With pain characteristic of narcissists, they accept any hint of his ugliness.
A. S. Pushkin had the following external data: height - 166 centimeters, broad in the shoulders, gray-blue eyes, snow-white teeth, thick lips, but a beautiful smile, his nose is somewhat elongated. In addition, Pushkin wore long, well-groomed nails. Manicure at that time had not yet become fashionable, so they were most often compared with animal claws. However, nothing made him get rid of nails, he valued them very much.

Explosive and changeable, in one minute able to change ringing laughter into deep thoughts - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin seemed to have several personalities at the same time. The versatility of his emotions had no place in one chest: either one or the other, mastering his thoughts, rapidly succeeded each other. Other friends noticed in him a certain infusion of the devil himself: more often cheerful and witty, he could suddenly explode with anger over any trifle, resulting in frequent duels appointed by himself.
He was not afraid of death. At duels, in anticipation of an opponent's shot, Pushkin smiled cynically, composing another epigram, sang something indifferently or even,as in the days of the Bessarabian exile, ate cherries.
He had a sarcastic and cynical mind, but at the same time he was childishly playful and cheerful. And again, these two characteristics were replaced by vindictiveness and vindictiveness. Pushkin's temperament was too multifaceted to fit it into a few lines.
However, this violent play of contradictions gave rise to his all-encompassing inspiration, causing suffering to the poet himself, and this turned into creativity.
High Life
Alexander Sergeevich was proud of his aristocratic origin. Any disrespectful mention of glorious ancestors or doubt in his (Pushkin's) nobility immediately caused a storm of indignation on the part of the poet, ending in a duel.
One of Pushkin's friends once noted in a letter that the aristocratic society, in which he sought to occupy an equal position, accepted him only as an artist, not as an equal. In addition, having no fortune, it was difficult for him to conquer the high society, and as a poet he was very popular.
Pushkin adored theater, music, secular evenings and balls, intellectual conversations and poetry evenings. He was an excellent dancer and a great conversationalist. His

always invited, cherished as a guest.
All Pushkin's work is divided into two parts, like himself. The first is sublime and pompous, glorifying him throughout the world as a great master of the word. The second, according to critics, often withheld from readers, is notis aesthetically valuable. We are talking about pornographic poetry and vulgar epigrams. To understand what Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is, one cannot exclude them from attention, since to know half of Pushkin's work means trying to understand half a poet, half a person.
In general terms, Pushkin can be characterized not by the likeness of Lensky, not by Onegin, but by the duel between them. An eternal duel, where the cynic Onegin always wins over the amorous idealist Lensky. Deathmatch where Pushkin was born again and again…
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Pushkin's birthday. Date of birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

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