When was Pushkin born? Well known fact

When was Pushkin born? Well known fact
When was Pushkin born? Well known fact

It is interesting to conduct a test among high school graduates of different years with the question: "When was Pushkin born?" For some reason, the date of the poet's death is voiced more often than the date of his birth. Well, he was born and was born, the theme of his childhood somehow runs like a dotted line through all school biographies. At the same time, the death of the poet became almost a textbook episode, not to mention the great poem of the young hussar M. Yu. Lermontov. How many historians and literary critics trampled on the causes and consequences of the untimely death of the poet, hit the subjunctive mood: what would happen if … And then all sorts of speculation began.

When was Pushkin born?
When was Pushkin born?

But the year when Pushkin was born was a milestone: the eighteenth century was ending, the nineteenth was approaching. The poet's family was not quite ordinary. Not very rich, but an ancient noble family on his father, but completely exotic origin on his mother. The granddaughter of the famous black man Peter the Great, Nadezhda Osipovna Hannibal, gave her son such an outstanding appearance, for which from childhood he could be teased either as a black boy or a monkey. Yes, and he himself was ironic about his externaldata.

It is impossible to say that the young talent itself grew and grew and grew. Still, the circle of friends, first in the family (Uncle Vasily Lvovich, a famous poet, friend of Karamzin), and then in the Lyceum, was a factor that strongly influenced the interests and direction of the future poet's work. Thus, the history of the Russian state will forever be woven into canvas in his various works. He will always return to different historical episodes in his work. And not one book by Pushkin will be addressed to "the affairs of bygone days, the legends of the deep antiquity," but many poems, dramas, poems, stories. From the prophetic Oleg to Peter and Catherine with Pugachev - everything in the past of Russia was interesting to the poet. Maybe youthful communication with Karamzin laid the foundation for this interest? But when we talk about Pushkin, the greatest poet, we often forget about Pushkin, a serious historian who worked on works on Pugachev and Peter the Great.

Pushkin's book
Pushkin's book

The period of Russian history, when Pushkin was born, when he grew up and formed as a person, was truly outstanding. Although there were, to be honest, few quiet periods in the life of the Russian state, but at the beginning of the century there were also wars with Napoleon, including the Patriotic War of 1812, and the Decembrist uprising of 1825. And if Pushkin did not participate in the first events due to his youth, then Mikhailovskaya exile saved him from participating in the Decembrist uprising. Researchers of the poet's biography have sorted out how many times, where and for what sins the poet was referred. These are four years in the south of the Russian Empire: inBessarabia, Crimea, Odessa. He got there, by the way, thanks to the efforts of Karamzin. The freethinker was threatened with Siberia or Solovki. This and two years in the village of Mikhailovskoye - the estate of his mother.

photographs by A. S. Pushkin
photographs by A. S. Pushkin

Talking about Pushkin's work is accepted only in superlatives: the greatest, most talented. But what if it's true. Interesting and just a personal interest in the figure of this man. Alas, when Pushkin was born, and even later, it was possible to reproduce the appearance of a person only with the help of the talent of painters or artists, and the voice could not be repeated at all - the era of great discoveries is still ahead, in the second half of the nineteenth century. Therefore, photographs of A. S. Pushkin do not exist, but there are numerous paintings and drawings. During the life of the poet, O. Kiprensky and V. Tropinin tried to capture him, later I. Repin and numerous lesser-known artists painted him. But Pushkin himself was a remarkable graphic artist. With one stroke of the pen, he left his profile on paper, and many other drawings of the poet have been preserved.

Surprisingly, each person discovers Pushkin for himself. Or does not open - but then he loses the whole universe…
