Actor Anton Pampushny: biography, personal life. The best films and series with his participation

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Actor Anton Pampushny: biography, personal life. The best films and series with his participation
Actor Anton Pampushny: biography, personal life. The best films and series with his participation

Video: Actor Anton Pampushny: biography, personal life. The best films and series with his participation

Video: Actor Anton Pampushny: biography, personal life. The best films and series with his participation
Video: 12 Best Classic Movies on Netflix | Bingeworthy 2024, June

Anton Pampushny is a talented actor who first made himself known thanks to the film “Alexander. Battle of the Neva”, in which he embodied the image of the famous prince. He is equally successful in the roles of criminals, policemen, athletes, seducers, fairy-tale heroes. By the age of 34, Anton managed to play in more than 20 films and TV shows. What is known about the star, besides this?

Anton Pampushny: biography of a star

The future actor was born in Astana, it happened in May 1982. As a child, Anton Pampushny could not even imagine himself as a movie star. The boy's mother and father dreamed that their son would acquire a profession that was in demand on the labor market. Anton did not argue with his parents, after school he continued his education at the local trade and economic college.

anton pampushny
anton pampushny

Anton Pampushny successfully graduated from the educational institution chosen by his family, received a marketing diploma. However, after working in his speci alty for a short time, the young man realized that he was dreaming of morecreative profession. This made him decide to move to Moscow.

First successes

Having moved to the capital, Anton Pampushny became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School on the first try. The leaders of his course were Dmitry Brusnikin and Roman Kozak. The first significant achievement of the newly minted resident of Moscow was the performance in the sensational production of "The Tambourine of the Upper World", the plot of which was borrowed from the work of the fashionable author Pelevin.

anton pampushny filmography
anton pampushny filmography

After graduating from the Studio School, the aspiring actor began to play at the Pushkin Moscow Drama Theater, this continued until 2008. Pampushny took part in many famous performances of his theater: Madame Bovary, Treasure Island, Romeo and Juliet.

While still a student, he got a role in the TV series Anton Pampushny. The filmography of the young actor was replenished with the TV project "Candid Polaroids", which was released in 2005. The young man embodied the image of a bodyguard who remained nameless.

Highest hour

It is known that for the first time they started talking about a talented aspiring actor in 2008. It was then that the historical drama “Alexander. Neva battle”, in which he played a major role. Director Igor Kalenov saw the role of the famous Slav prince with well-developed muscles. A tall and broad-shouldered handsome man seemed to him an ideal candidate.

anton pampushny family
anton pampushny family

The painting “Alexander. The Battle of the Neva” covers the events that took place in the 13th century. Pampushny played the Novgorod prince - a folk hero,forced to fight powerful enemies. The Swedish knights are planning a crusade to the lands of Nevsky, send their spy to Novgorod. From the south, news is heard about a huge army commanded by Batu Khan. Alexander's life is also threatened by the boyar opposition, dissatisfied with his rule and dreaming of his overthrow. The prince cannot even rely on his best friend who seeks to seduce his wife.

For the sake of the role, Anton had to not only master the art of riding, but also learn how to handle the ancient Russian sword. Drama Alexander. Battle of the Neva received mixed reviews from critics, but most of them were unanimous that the little-known actor coped with his role.

Different roles

Of course, not all the interesting roles played by Anton Pampushny are named above. The filmography of the star of Russian cinema in 2008 was replenished with the crime drama "Trap for the Killer". This film allowed the young man to establish himself as a serious dramatic actor for the first time.

actor anton pampushny
actor anton pampushny

After "The Trap for the Killer" Pampushny was invited to the Minnesota film. The story tells about the fate of two hockey brothers, players of the provincial team. The image of one of them was embodied by Anton. The main characters make attempts to become famous, but in order to realize their dreams, they have to make sacrifices. This was followed by shooting in the mini-series "Baby House", in which Pampushny played the good policeman Kostya. The life of the protagonist changes his acquaintance with the charming Vera, who finds an abandonedbaby.

The audience also liked the brutal image that actor Anton Pampushny created in the action movie "Loop". His hero is a grandson trying to pay off the enemies who killed his grandfather.

What else to see?

Anton repeatedly tried on the roles of romantic heroes. For example, in the TV series “I'll Wait,” the actor played a soldier who returns from the front with a French bride. In the film "The Real Fairy Tale" Pampushny even portrayed the famous fairy tale hero - Alyosha Popovich. The actor also received an interesting role in the film "Casanova's Last Case". His character is a treacherous seducer who is paid to seduce a girl. The customer is a we althy lady who is jealous of her boyfriend for Casanova's potential victim.

In recent years, Anton also has no shortage of proposals from directors. Life After Life, Poor LIZ, Crew, Stepmother's Tales, Penguin of Our Time - in all these films and series, fans will be able to see their idol.

Life behind the scenes

Of course, not only the roles starring Anton Pampushny are of interest to the audience. The personal life of "Alexander Nevsky" is also occupied by the public. The chosen one of the actor was the actress Monica Grossman, whom he met at the Moscow Art Theater School. Young people got married in secret, abandoning the lavish ceremony in favor of a romantic trip to Denmark.

Anton pampushny personal life
Anton pampushny personal life

Anton Pampushny has not had time to acquire heirs yet. The actor's family still consists of himhimself and his wife Monica. However, they do not rule out having children in the future.
