Friendship is the highest value. Great people quotes about friendship

Friendship is the highest value. Great people quotes about friendship
Friendship is the highest value. Great people quotes about friendship

Cody Christian once said: "You need to cherish friendship, because only she can pull a person out of where love cannot." There are many sayings about this most notorious love. So much so that at times people begin to forget about friendship, or even completely ignore its existence. Questions begin to arise, what is friendship, who can be called a friend, and whether it exists at all. But instead of an answer, it is better to present quotes of great people about friendship, because human feelings are not an exact science, formulas are useless here.

Highest Value

Even in the days of Aristotle and Plato, friendship was spoken of as one of the most important values. It was believed that a person's life is empty without a friend. As Cicero said: “Life is worth nothing without true friendship, to exclude a friend from your life is like leaving the whole world without light.”

This bright thoughtcontinued by many of his followers. Quotes of great people about friendship found their place in the works of Nietzsche. Addressing Schopenhauer, he said: "Not a single person who has even one friend will ever know the severity of true loneliness, even if the whole world opposes it." The Thinker insisted that a true friend will always come to the rescue, regardless of the complexity of the situation.

great people quotes about friendship
great people quotes about friendship

Friendship hates

The bonds of friendship are the highest value, but they do not tolerate some things. As La Rochefoucauld said: "The most shameful thing is not to trust your friends." Even though there is an opinion among the people “trust, but verify”, this has nothing to do with friendship.

According to Plutarch, one can rarely be called a friend who always agrees with everything. He once said: “A friend should not agree with me, change his views with me and follow me in everything. My own shadow makes it much better. Apparently, the thinker was trying to convey the fact that a friend should have his own opinion and speak if he doesn’t like something or seems wrong. They don’t take offense at such things, they thank for them, which is what the quotes of great people about friendship speak about.

friendship and enmity quotes of great people
friendship and enmity quotes of great people

Shadow of misunderstanding

Like love, true friendship is rare. Once Socrates gave advice to his students: “You don’t need to rush to make friends with someone, but if you make friends, you need to remain constant and firm in this decision.” It's a pity that the wisdom of yesteryearforgotten, and as a result, many cynical people appeared, betrayed by their friends. Quotes of great people about friendship can reveal a lot in this matter:

  • Stevenson: "There's nothing worse than losing someone you thought was a friend."
  • Bacon: "He who has no true friends is truly lonely."
  • Russell: "Hating an enemy is easier than loving a friend."
  • Theologian: "A madman is one who forgets a friend in we alth."
  • Lope de Vega: "Friendship is most often born on the road or in prison, where people show their true selves."
  • Fielding: "The most dangerous enemy is a treacherous friend."
  • Quint: "Friendly loy alty is known in the wrong deed."
quotes about friendship of great people
quotes about friendship of great people

Best friend

Quotes about the friendship of great people are diverse and reveal all the facets of this social phenomenon. Friendship is different. Quarrels take someone away, someone dissolves in time, and someone simply cuts off all ties. Someone needs a benefit, but someone lacks simple communication. Finding a good friend is not easy, but, as Lessing said, a person who has never looked for them has no friends.

They always go together: friendship and enmity. Quotes of great people only confirm the fact that true friendship does not come once and for all. The kaleidoscope of people who will come and go is endless. But one day, among all this diversity, a true friend will definitely appear. As Bradbury said: “If people could use only the mind, and not the heart, they would never know true friendship and love. But thisstupid. So you can miss a whole life. Every time you have to jump into this abyss and try to grow wings along the way.”

For true friends, time and distance, position in society and other statuses are not important. Only a person matters, this is what distinguishes a best friend from a simple acquaintance.
