Journalist Artem Sheinin: biography, personal life, work on television

Journalist Artem Sheinin: biography, personal life, work on television
Journalist Artem Sheinin: biography, personal life, work on television

Due to the tense global political situation, television programs that are focused on educating people in this area of life are gaining more and more popularity. For more than a year, Channel One has been running a program, one of the hosts of which is journalist Artem Sheinin. The biography of this person is of particular interest to many viewers, since it is immediately clear that this is an educated and experienced person. In a duet with actress and journalist Ekaterina Strizhenova, they perfectly host the program on Channel One, cope with all the unexpected situations that happen during the broadcast.

journalist Artem Sheinin biography
journalist Artem Sheinin biography

The ratings of the channel in general and the Vremya Pokazhet program in particular are quite high and, judging by the seething passions that arise in the studio, the importance of the issues discussed and the increased interest of viewers, they are not going to fall. This success was achieved not only by the journalists and editors working on this project, but also by the presenters who are the face of the program.

Childhoodfuture journalist

Artem Sheinin, whose biography is full of tragic events, was born in Moscow on January 26, 1966. Very little is known about Artem's father, the boy grew up with his mother, who was forced to work hard. The baby was raised by maternal grandparents. By the way, grandfather was an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until 1937, he had been abroad more than once, he knew several foreign languages, but he was convicted of a counter-revolutionary act, as a result of which he wandered around the camps for a long time. He then spent four years at the front during World War II. It was from grandfather that Artem learned a lot of interesting things about politics, the history of the USSR and its outstanding figures, including Stalin. The book called "The History of Diplomacy" became one of the favorites for young Artyom Sheinin.

Youth and Afghanistan

It is not surprising that from an early age the boy developed a sense of patriotism, a desire to defend and glorify his native country. Artem Grigoryevich Sheinin, at the age of eighteen, went to fight in Afghanistan, where he experienced and saw a lot that is still reflected in his character and views on contemporary events. He happened to see cruelty, endure many deaths of friends and acquaintances, kill himself repeatedly.

Artem Grigorievich Sheinin
Artem Grigorievich Sheinin

After two years in the airborne troops, the young man received the rank of sergeant and returned home, where the political situation was difficult. The disintegration of the USSR was just beginning, the Soviet republics were beginning to detach, everything was changing rapidly. It was necessary to return to ordinary life, adjusting tonew foundations.

Journalistic career

After the end of the service, Artem Grigoryevich Sheinin decided to get a higher education, for this purpose he entered the Faculty of History at Moscow State University. The young man managed to successfully complete his studies, and in 1993 Sheinin received a diploma. It was not difficult for Artem to get into this prestigious Moscow university, since he studied well at school and showed himself as a capable and purposeful person. The future host of "Time Will Show" Artem Sheinin went to popularity and success for a long time and stubbornly. Even in his student years, the young man decided for himself that he wanted to do journalism, historical and political reviews.

host time will show Artem Sheinin
host time will show Artem Sheinin

Professional activity for him began in 1996 - at a difficult time both for the country and for its individual inhabitants. After graduating from university, he only managed to find a position as an editor on television. But he was glad of this, because the young man really liked such work. Artyom spent days working on all the projects he took on, as they were of a documentary or historical nature, which attracted him so much.

Writing activity

Journalist Artem Sheinin, whose biography is inextricably linked with the political situation both in the world and in our country, is known not only as a correspondent and editor, but also as a prose writer. He is the author of several stories and books, the most famous of which are "Air Assault Brigade" and "I was lucky to return", frankly writtenabout the years spent in the war in Afghanistan.

Main Projects

As a result of hard work and professionalism, he became the director and editor of many television projects. Among the editorial work of the journalist, such films as "Spies", "Afghan Trap", "First Lady" can be noted. Artem Sheinin also worked a lot on weekly programs. One of the most favorite works of the journalist is "Endless Journey". As time passed, the young man gained experience and was a welcome guest on many channels. He worked for NTV, ORT, TVS, edited the programs “Vremena”, “Classmates”, “Together” and many others. And in 2008, Artem Sheinin began acting as the head of the Pozner program.

MC Career

A new round in the professional activity of a journalist was the work on Channel One. Artem Sheinin became the face of the program, which is released on weekdays and touches on important political and social topics. A journalist has all the data for such a position: a well-delivered speech, a huge store of knowledge, a wide vocabulary, extensive editorial experience, his own independent opinion and quick response. The host of "Time Will Show" Artem Sheinin made his debut in a new capacity. Before him, this program was hosted by journalist and writer Pyotr Tolstoy.

Artem Sheinin journalist personal life
Artem Sheinin journalist personal life

The ratings of this project are high, because the topics discussed are relevant and exciting for the Russian audience, and the presenters pose questions in an interesting and professional way, competently get out of difficult situations. Having established itself asan excellent presenter, Sheinin was the face of another project on Channel One called "First Studio". This talk show ran for a little over six months and was suspended in July 2017.

Private life

Journalist Artem Sheinin is happily married and has three children. But he had one bad experience of married life. Sheinin met his first wife when he was a student at Lomonosov Moscow State University. His attention was attracted by a beautiful, interesting girl. Young people met for a short time and decided to get married. A couple of years later they had a son, who was named Dmitry. But the couple could not overcome all the difficulties of family life, in the end they had to get a divorce.

artem sheinin first channel
artem sheinin first channel

The second wife of journalist Artem Sheinin, whose biography and personal life is so interesting to the public, is six years younger than him, and her name is Olga. The couple has two children - daughter Daria and son Gregory. The journalist does not like to advertise his personal life. But it is known that he is happily married and does everything possible for the well-being and prosperity of his family. Shanin is one of those public figures who knows how to separate work and family.
