Roman Babayan: biography, personal life. Russian TV journalist, host of the program "Right to vote"

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Roman Babayan: biography, personal life. Russian TV journalist, host of the program "Right to vote"
Roman Babayan: biography, personal life. Russian TV journalist, host of the program "Right to vote"

Video: Roman Babayan: biography, personal life. Russian TV journalist, host of the program "Right to vote"

Video: Roman Babayan: biography, personal life. Russian TV journalist, host of the program
Video: Димаш, Пугачева - Две звезды / «Любовь похожая на сон» - Больше чем кавер 2024, September

Roman Georgievich Babayan – Russian TV journalist and correspondent, known today primarily as the host of the popular talk show "Right to Vote" on the TV Center TV channel. Although he used to do much more dangerous work around the world. Also, Roman is a distant relative of the famous singer - Roxana Babayan. And he can compete with her in his popularity.

Roman Babayan biography personal life
Roman Babayan biography personal life

Roman is a unique public figure. This is confirmed by his interesting creative biography, including work as a war correspondent in hot spots, and the position of editor-in-chief, and other interesting projects in his life. And everywhere Roman did an excellent job and was in his place.

General information

Roman Babayan was an eyewitness to many important political events of our time. During his career, he managed to visit 54 countries, made reports from North Ossetia, Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic, Tajikistan, Georgia, Transnistria, and this is not the whole list of hot spots where he managed to visit. Today Roman is a famous presenteranalytical program "Right to vote" on TVC. This program is very popular with viewers.

Of course, a person like Roman Babayan's biography, personal life and work are interesting and exciting. You can verify this by reading this article.


The novel was born in 1967 in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, in an Armenian family. At first, he wanted to connect his life with a profession far from journalism, but fate turned out differently, and this contributed to a change in his plans. After studying for 2 years at the radio engineering faculty of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute, Roman went to serve in the army. The service took place in Hungary in the Airborne Forces.

novel babayan children
novel babayan children

During the time spent in the army, Roman Georgievich decided to radically change the choice of his future profession. This was influenced by both the service itself and the situation in the country. After returning home, he moved to the Moscow Institute of Communications at the Faculty of Television and Radio, after graduating from which he became an engineer in television and radio broadcasting.

Becoming a Life Path

In September 1991, Roman Babayan was hired by the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company as an engineer in the department for preparing and broadcasting radio programs of the Radio Russia News Service. In 1993, Roman changed this profession to the bread of a correspondent. Since then, his whole life has completely changed and was entirely devoted to the new position.

This kind of work requires a lot of sacrifice and a lot of courage. To make a relevant documentary report, he had to constantlytravel around the world, sometimes in life-threatening places.

Roman Babayan family
Roman Babayan family

In the same 1993, he was summoned to the editor-in-chief of the Radio Russia News Service, Alexei Abakumov, where he met with the editor of the Vesti program, Alexander Nekhoroshev. He suggested that Roman Babayan do the work in the news on television. Biography, the personal life of a TV journalist has become much more interesting with the adoption of this important offer.

Main activity

From 1993 to mid-2000, Roman worked in the Vesti program. And then he moved to the post of political observer of the program "Time" of the First Channel. After that, he hosted the City information program on Channel Three.

Roman Babayan's achievements and merits have been marked by numerous awards, including the Order "For Personal Courage", the NATO Medal "For Participation in the Peacekeeping Operation in Kosovo", the Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwe alth" and the "Combat Brotherhood".

Working as a war correspondent, Roman often found himself in life-threatening situations. So, in 1999, he filmed reports right under the bombing in Belgrade. He also visited the Tajik civil war, Chechnya and Baghdad.

TV voting rights
TV voting rights

Leading on the channel "TV Center" Roman became after an invitation to the position of chief editor in the final program "Conclusions" by Peter Tolstoy. One day, his management decided that it would be interesting if this program began to come out from them. They called it "Sunday Time" and invited many of Babayan's colleagues there. The novel has beguncreate another program - “Main theme. Results.”

Case in life

Roman Babayan told about an incident that happened to him during a business trip in Israel. Then he, along with the operator, went to breakfast every morning at the same pizzeria. On one of those days, when Roman and a friend were only 50 meters from this cafe, literally in front of their eyes the pizzeria took off into the air along with the visitors. Roman Babayan and his cameraman miraculously survived.

At such moments you think about many things. As Roman Babayan says: "Parents, children, wife and your life are all that you have, everything that needs to be protected." And you will agree, he is right!

"Right to vote" on TVC

Roman did a great job with new projects. Later, the program "Right to Vote" appeared. Today this program has become one of the highest rated political talk shows. When the program was just beginning its existence, there was not a single program on television like it. The broadcast of this program was daily, and the guests were real experts and experts in their field.

Roman Babayan's wife
Roman Babayan's wife

After three months of the existence of the show, a whole queue of high-ranking officials was formed who wanted to participate in the project. By this indicator, one can easily judge how popular and interesting this program is.

Private life

Such an eventful life of the correspondent did not prevent him from creating a wonderful family and having three children. All the main and personal time of Babayan was spent in the professional field. Even with myRoman met his future wife, Marina Chernova, at work. Together at the same time they got a job at the VGTRK company, and already in 1995 they got married. The couple have three joint sons. According to Roman Babayan: “Children are our future. The whole world depends on them. Today, this person can spend much more time with his family and friends than in the old days, but work still occupies a large place in his life. Roman Babayan's wife understands him in everything, because she also works in this area.

We must not forget the importance of native roots. After all, only with the help of a wonderful family can such a strong, highly moral and courageous person as Roman Babayan grow up. At first, his parents had some difficulties due to the fact that his mother was Russian and his father was Armenian. But as a rule, all the difficulties are only beneficial.

Roman Babayan parents
Roman Babayan parents

Among interesting additional skills, Babayan also has good language skills. The journalist and presenter is fluent in English and Turkish. Roman Babayan, whose biography, personal life and work we have reviewed in this review, achieved his success at the cost of great work.


Roman Babayan has worked on thousands of reports of world importance and many documentaries. This man was able to combine hard work and at the same time maintain family happiness. The most important thing in our life, as Roman Babayan notes, is family and peace. Nothing more expensive exists. Roman Babayan's wife is truly a happy woman, becauseher husband is a responsible and loving person, always remembering his family and friends. Roman is a unique public person, distinguished by his excellent knowledge of his business, courage and excellent communication skills.

Today, few have heard of a man like Roman Babayan. The biography, personal life and professional successes of the journalist are of interest to many fans of his talent. But whoever you are, you should always remember that family and love are the foundation of our being.
