How to draw a windmill step by step with a pencil?

How to draw a windmill step by step with a pencil?
How to draw a windmill step by step with a pencil?

A mill is a mechanism that can be used to grind something. They can be either manual or electric, or water or wind. Nowadays, the last two types of windmills are used quite rarely and most children have never seen them, but they can be drawn. And in this article we will look at how to do it.


To draw a windmill, you will need a regular pencil (HB or softer), an eraser, a ruler and paper. To color the finished drawing, you can take pencils or pastels. If you want to use paints or felt-tip pens for this purpose, then use thicker paper.

how to draw a windmill
how to draw a windmill

How to draw a windmill for a child?

First of all, you need to draw a tower, inside of which the windmill mechanism itself is located. This tower is similar to a cone in its shape, so first you need to draw two slanted lines with a ruler.

Combine the drawn lines below and above with two semicircles. You should be able tofigure, wide at the base and tapering towards the top. At the top of the tower, draw a roof in the shape of a dome and draw a small circle in the center.

Using a ruler, draw two lines through the circle on the roof of the tower so that they form an X. This way you will have two axes on which the wings of the windmill should be located.

The wings themselves have the shape of a lattice, and to draw them, draw rectangles on each of the axes. The axes should bisect these rectangles. Then add small stripes inside the rectangles to represent the lattice on the wings. After that, remove unnecessary elements with an eraser.

Now we need to add a few details to the tower itself. For example, a round window in the center and a wide entrance in the form of an arch. Don't forget to add another curved line at the entrance to show the back wall of the tower. At the end, you can paint your windmill using bright colors.

How to draw a watermill?

The most common image is of a building by a river with a large wheel on the side.

To draw a windmill with a pencil, first draw a small house. To do this, draw a square and an inclined rectangle for the base, and draw the roof on top.

Draw a wheel on the side of the house: first draw a circle, and then add another curved line on one side to give the figure volume. Add horizontal stripes on the edge of the wheel, and draw lines in the middle of the circle, depicting spokes.

Water Mill
Water Mill

Now you can add some detailsdrawing. Draw a square window and a door on the house, and under the wheel you can draw a river with wavy lines. After you finish the drawing, erase the excess and color it in.

Easy way to draw a windmill

There is another easy way to draw a windmill. A child can easily handle it too. Here's how to draw a windmill step by step:

  1. Draw a triangle shape with rounded corners.
  2. Add a small circle on top to represent the axis.
  3. Draw the rectangular wings of the windmill, located symmetrically on the axis.
  4. Add details to the wings by drawing straight lines on them. The easiest way to do this is with a ruler.
  5. Draw horizontal lines on the windmill tower and you can start coloring. Don't forget to wipe off the extra details of the drawing.

If you wish, you can think of a different pattern for the windmill instead of lines.

how to draw a windmill step by step
how to draw a windmill step by step

Another method to draw a windmill

Mills can look different and here is another way to depict them:

  1. Draw a tall trapezoid shape.
  2. Add a small rectangle on top.
  3. Draw a circle on the side of the rectangle, and another smaller circle inside.
  4. Add small square shapes on the sides.
  5. Paint the inner circle.
  6. Draw 4 long rectangles with wider quads.
  7. Add details to the wings to make them lookmore realistic.
  8. Draw a door below.
  9. Draw a pair of rings on the tower and add windows.
  10. Paint the doors.
  11. Delete extra lines on the windmill wings.
  12. Add some details. For example, grass, flowers and trees around the mill, and above the clouds and the sun. Then color your picture.
how to draw a windmill
how to draw a windmill

Modern windmill

When we say mill, we most often think of an old flour mill. But there are also modern wind turbines, which are also called electric. Here's how to draw a windmill:

  1. Draw a small circle and draw two lines down from it.
  2. From the center of the circle, draw three lines in different directions.
  3. Within the small circle drawn earlier, add another small circle.
  4. On the circle, add three petal-like windmill blades.
  5. Behind the resulting fan-like structure, draw a rectangular piece to show the back of the windmill.
  6. Draw two vertical lines on the pole where the "fan" is located and add a horizontal line at the bottom.
  7. Now it remains only to remove unnecessary elements with an eraser and the drawing is ready. Usually these windmills are white, so you don't need to color them, but you can add some shadows to the image.
how to draw a windmill with a pencil
how to draw a windmill with a pencil

Mill with a house

Windmills are used to manufactureelectricity in many countries of the world. They are used even in small houses. Here's how to draw a house with a windmill:

  1. Draw two rectangles on top of each other. The bottom rectangle should be lower and wider.
  2. On the upper rectangle outline the wings of the future windmill, and next to the lower rectangle sketch a wide low house.
  3. Draw the mill tower as shown.
  4. Start drawing the wings from the D-pad.
  5. Add missing details to the wings.
  6. Draw the outline of the roof of the house.
  7. Next, draw the outline of the front side of the building as shown.
  8. Draw two lines under the mill tower, and then draw two more lines under the house. The last two strips should extend outside the house and reach the bottom of the windmill, as shown in the image.
  9. Draw some vertical lines on the bottom of the tower.
  10. Finish the roof of the house and add windows with doors.
  11. Draw some more details.
  12. Make the necessary improvements to complete the drawing and color it in.
