How to make gold color? Color Mixing Chart

How to make gold color? Color Mixing Chart
How to make gold color? Color Mixing Chart

Any work written with paints contains a huge range of different colors. And, of course, not all of the colors needed by the artist are freely available to him. Therefore, people from ancient times began to practice mixing different shades with each other. And what colors to mix to obtain the desired shade, the artists of antiquity found out empirically. As a result, general rules appeared that all color relationships obey.

Shades of gold

There are a lot of colors in the world: some of them are pleasing to the eye, and some are not successful on their own, but together with other shades they become quite interesting. How often do you look around? Have you noticed that certain color palettes are more often used for city beautification or billboard design. One of these popular colors today is gold. This color is very rich and all its variations lookpretty noble. But it, like almost any color, can be obtained by mixing. Therefore, if suddenly you need gold, but you don’t have a ready-made jar of paint, we suggest that you figure out how to make a gold color from other color palettes. Mostly gouache and acrylic paints were used for mixing, so some methods may not be useful when working with other material.

Golden color
Golden color

Color Wheel

Mixing and getting color is a separate science that has existed for a long time. Over time, people discovered better ways to work with paints. For example, a color mixing table was created, on the basis of which any work containing more than one color range is created. The table contains concepts such as primary and secondary colors. Let's see what these colors are and how they will help us.

To do this, we need to look at the color wheel or spectrum (the most convenient version of the table). Primary or primary colors are blue, red and yellow. They are called so because they cannot be obtained by mixing, however, by combining them, all additional colors can be obtained. They are in the center of the color wheel. Complementary or secondary colors - green, orange and purple - are located next to the main ones. Moreover, in such a way that all secondary tones are located near the adjacent primary ones that form them. The remaining tertiary spectra are located on a circle and they are adjacent to the colors from which they were obtained. Knowing how to use such a color mixing table, even the mostpeople far from art can create the desired shade.

Color circle
Color circle

There is another, the simplest, version of the table, which verbally describes how to obtain flowers (only the necessary part is presented here):

Mixing table
Mixing table

With the help of these variations of the table, we will find out which colors need to be mixed to get gold. Let's get to work!

How to get the golden color?

There can be several color combinations for mixing. The easiest way to make a golden color is to use the second table. We see that it can be obtained from yellow, orange and red in a ratio of approximately 10/3/1, respectively. Also, instead of red, you can add brown - so we get a darker shade called Old Gold - in the same ratio.

In the table, this color is obtained from lemon, purple and warm brown in a ratio of 5/2/1. However, when using car paints, gold is obtained from a mixture of red and green. Based on the spectrum presented to us in the color wheel, gold is obtained in the same way as in the first method we considered - yellow, orange and a drop of red. But don't be afraid to experiment!

By adding any other colors to the basic yellow and orange, you will get more and more interesting golden hues. Unless you should use a range of blue colors when creating them - in a mixture with yellow, you can always get only green. If you want to learn how to make a golden color,without resorting to basic tabular shades, try mixing golden ocher with yellow - gold will come out very saturated. You can also add a little brown to the ocher, but in this case, you will probably need a drop of white as well.

Gouache mixing
Gouache mixing

Use acrylic paints

With the help of acrylic paints, you can also make a golden color. As with gouache, it is necessary to rely on known rules, however, the acrylic palette often contains paints with metallic impurities, which give the finished shade a metallic or pearly sheen. The true color of a gold bar will be obtained when using paint with such a coating.

The color palette of the original materials will be the same as when using gouache, that is, yellow, orange, red and brown shades. "Metallic" - acrylic is best to use the colors of white mother-of-pearl mixed with yellow. You can try replacing mother-of-pearl with silver paint, but the finished gold can be a little dirty.

golden acrylic
golden acrylic

Gold oil color

The technique of painting with oil and gouache is very similar, so mixing the necessary colors with oil paints is no more difficult than with gouache. The initial shades from which it will be possible to obtain a golden color in oil do not differ from the basic ones already known to us - yellow or orange, with the addition of a drop of red or brown. To get a lighter and more complex shade of gold, you can take yellow, add red, black and some green to it.

Oil paints
Oil paints

Combining gold with other colors

Gold is a shade of yellow and orange, which means it goes well with the colors that match its "parents". In the selection of a suitable shade, you should also rely on color tables. For example, colors that contrast, and therefore emphasize gold, are shades of purple. In addition, gold goes well with black and white colors.

Noble gold also looks good surrounded by dark orange and burgundy colors, and also combined with some shades of dark green. When choosing a “neighbor” for a certain color, it is better to adhere to the already established rules, because even the most pleasant color, being next to an inappropriate shade for it, can become repulsive.
