The ivory riddle, or How to get ivory color when mixing paints

The ivory riddle, or How to get ivory color when mixing paints
The ivory riddle, or How to get ivory color when mixing paints

Ivory is the professional name for ivory. Gamma white with a yellowish tint, like good art paper.

Color is always at the peak of popularity, both in interior design and in the basic models of modern fashion. Elegant and neutral at the same time - this is ivory.

Despite being in demand, pure ivory is rarely seen on the market, so it will be useful to learn how to get ivory yourself by mixing the right shades.

The lightest ivory

Beginning artists, designers, cosmetologists and fashion designers should definitely master the technique of creating ivory color.

The fact is that ivory comes in several tones: light, medium and dark. To create different accents, you will need different mixes.

How to get ivory when mixing paints of the lightest tone:

You will need a set of paints of any composition (acrylic, watercolor, oil), depending on the artistic goal.

Colors to create lighttones:

  1. Red, yellow, blue, white - if the background on which the paint is applied is dark.
  2. Red, yellow, white if the background to paint is light.
how to get color
how to get color

The first method to get light ivory

Try mixing colors on a palette or a thick piece of cardboard that works great as a palette. You will need red, yellow, blue, white.

  • Spread each color twice on the palette with a spatula.
  • Using a brush, mix equal parts of each color. First red and yellow, then white and blue.
  • Mix equal parts red, yellow and blue.
  • After collecting each color, wash the brush in water.
  • Compare the resulting color with the sample you are aiming for.

How to get light ivory paint - adjusting the result

The resulting base mix of the first method is well considered and, if necessary, lighten the color. At the same time, you need to remember which colors to mix in order to get ivory: if you work with the main range, then you need to use a combination of yellow and white to lighten. White simply lightens the base mix of red and yellow, and the additional addition of yellow creates a warmer tone.

The paint should be added in small portions, mixing thoroughly before increasing the lightening. There should be no stripes, dots of undissolved paint, uneven or layered stains in the structure of the resulting tone.

All adjustments to get ivory must be madecarefully. The lightening process can be carried out by adding red, but if the result is achieved, no more red should be added.

  • Constantly compare the resulting shade with the one on the sample. Sometimes experimenting with paints takes you so far from the desired shade that you have to start over.
  • If the result is too light and unsaturated shade, you need to add a little red and blue paint.

Having created several ivory tones on the palette, choose the best, most similar to the sample option.

shades of ivory
shades of ivory

Method of obtaining a medium ivory shade


To create a medium, warmer ivory tone, a wider range of colors and paints will be required. Prepare the following colors:

  • Red.
  • Yellow.
  • Blue.
  • White.
  • Burned Umber.

Keep some raw sienna and some black paint on hand if needed.

How to prepare a medium tone: step by step instructions:

Put all the above colors on a palette or a thick piece of cardboard, duplicate the color overlay. Don't forget to wash the brush after every paint draw.

First of all create orange by mixing red and yellow.

Carefully add blue to the resulting color. You need to add little by little and very carefully so as not to overdo it with the tone.

Compare the intended paint sample with the resulting tone. The basic ivory base is ready!

If you need to add an olive hint in colorivory, you need to add a little burnt umber and raw sienna to the base. This should be done in equal proportions in tiny portions.

To get an ivory with a big olive effect, you need to add a little yellow mixed with green. These colors can be used instead of blue.

The more variations with mixing to carry out, the more interesting the shades of ivory. Adding black gives a mossy stone tone.

thick cardboard can be used as a palette
thick cardboard can be used as a palette

How to get peach notes in shade

To create a darker and warmer shade of ivory, you will need to mix the following paints:

  • Burnt umber (burnt umber).
  • Raw sienna.
  • Yellow.
  • Red.
  • Purple or violet.

Please note that white is not used at all.

Prepare a brush, paint spatula, palette or thick piece of cardboard, water to rinse the brush. And it's time to learn how to get ivory by mixing the above paints.

what colors to mix to get ivory
what colors to mix to get ivory

Way to get warm ivory shades

First of all, we make the basis for obtaining the desired shade. To do this:

  • mix equal parts burnt umber and raw sienna;
  • separately combine equal parts of red and yellow;
  • add the resulting mix of red and yellow to the previous base mixture.

The result is a warm ivory tone. Compare with the one you wantsample.

how to get ivory paint with a touch of beige
how to get ivory paint with a touch of beige

It must be remembered that the color of ivory is very delicate and delicate, you can experiment with it endlessly and get fantastic tones and shades of ivory.

To get a darker tone, you need to add purple to the base mix described above. Building a mix step by step:

  1. Get dark purple first by adding a drop of black to the base.
  2. Then blend it with sienna and umber, brightening and lightening the tone of the orange.

Fantastic action! It is better not to use white paint in this mix, as it will coarsen light shades of color too much.

Use ivory, obtained by mixing different colors, in the design of an apartment or an art design of a face; builders can use this color to play with contrasts, painters will not do without it in lighting and creating shadows on the canvas.

After all, ivory as a base is useful for any ideas: almost white paint, but in fact much warmer and more beautiful.
