How to get purple by mixing paints

How to get purple by mixing paints
How to get purple by mixing paints

Put a beginner now to draw the most banal landscape, we will get blue sky, green grass, yellow sun, brown house, red flower, etc. at the end. That is, a person clearly knows what color the grass, sky and everything else is, and paints them with exclusively pure colors available in the set of colors. However, he does not take into account, for example, the fact that these colors under different lighting conditions can have many shades, and they must be achieved by mixing paints. In the same way, you can get one additional color from several basic colors.

how to get purple
how to get purple

The basic colors that cannot be obtained by any mixing are yellow, red and blue. There are also so-called neutral colors: black and white. All the rest can be classified as additional, since they can be achieved by mixing two or three base colors. BUTadding neutrals will give a darker or lighter shade. For example, how to get purple color? It suddenly wasn’t in your paint box, but you need it. To do this, mix a little red and a little blue on the palette. Something has already happened. Maybe not exactly what you wanted, but it's easy to fix. For this, there are proportions for mixing paints. If your purple turned out with a reddish tint, then you just need to mix a little blue into it. And you need to do this until you achieve exactly the shade that you need. If we “went over” with blue, then we add more red.

mixing paints
mixing paints

So you get an additional color, but maybe it turned out too dark? How to get a lighter shade of purple? This is where neutral white comes in. Take it just a little, literally at the tip of the brush, and mix it with what you already have. As you can see, the shade has become much lighter. The more white, the lighter and softer your purple will turn out. Suppose you are drawing an ordinary flower. If you paint its petals with a solid color, it will look flat. To "revive" it, you need to determine where it will have the lightest and darkest areas. It would be logical to assume that the lighter shade of the petals will be closer to the outer edge, and the darkest - to the middle and between the petals. How to get purple color in dark tones? Very simple: mix red with blue and add a drop of black there. In the shade that you got whenmixing with white, it is better not to touch, otherwise you will just get a dirty daub. Make a dark tone separately.

paint mixing ratios
paint mixing ratios

So, the flower is painted over with the main color, and we have defined its light and dark areas. Take a light tone and walk it along the outer edge of each petal, literally in one stroke. Now type a dark shade on the brush and go along their bottom in the same way. With the same tone, “separate” the petals from one another. It is not necessary to completely circle them, especially in those places where you have outlined the lightest areas. The closer to light, the thinner and more transparent the shadows between the petals should be. Now, knowing how to get purple, you can experiment with it, as well as with other colors, creating images that are no longer flat, but quite voluminous, almost alive.
