How to find a movie without knowing the title? Ways and options

How to find a movie without knowing the title? Ways and options
How to find a movie without knowing the title? Ways and options

Sometimes you can accidentally watch a movie on TV without seeing the beginning of it. Movies can seem insanely interesting and exciting. After that, of course, you will want to review the movie masterpiece again. And here you are faced with a new problem - how to find it?

Unknown masterpiece

How to find a movie without knowing the title? This riddle torments almost every Internet user. You can watch hundreds of movies and not remember the names of half of them. Such is human memory. Another option is to start watching a movie on TV not from the very beginning, and in the end not to know its name. It’s good if the channel itself implies the practice of a ticker after advertising, which tells you what you are watching now, but this option is not always used. What are the ways to search for an un titled movie?

How to find a movie without knowing the title?
How to find a movie without knowing the title?

Find a movie by description

If you remember some important details of the movie plot well, this can noticeably bring the end of the search closer. For example, the names of the main characters, the name of the city where the action takes place, the main events - all this will help you in your endeavor. You can just drive into any search engine what you like the mostremembered. If you are lucky, you will immediately receive a link to a movie site that can lead you to a similar plot or even make a 100% hit on the target. But more often than not, finding a movie by plot description is not so easy.

Find a movie by description
Find a movie by description


Another type of help for finding a movie is the forums. Ordinary people are sitting here, who, like you, are tormented in search of songs or movies that they cannot remember. It is possible that one of the members of the forum knows what you are looking for and will present it to you with simplicity and without riddles. Often, notable moviegoers visit film forums to help fans not get lost in the world of cinematography. They are the ones who can best find a movie by description. The main thing is to try to draw a picture as accurately as possible, do not get confused in names and titles. Fine details will help the connoisseur to determine what is being said.

Find a feature film
Find a feature film

What to enter in the search?

The main task is to correctly express your thoughts. If you just want to go to a forum that searches for movies, then type in a simple phrase "help me find a movie." This is what most people who are in the same trouble as you do. Choose search programs that are most convenient for you and have a wide user base. You can use not only Russian resources, but also foreign ones. If you are fluent in the language, you can describe the plot in English. This will at least double your chances of a successful outcome. Finding a feature film on foreign resources is an idea that is rarely used, butcapable of bringing success. You can translate the retelling of the plot through a translator. It's simple and affordable.

Help find a movie!
Help find a movie!

How to find a movie without knowing the title by looking at the picture?

Photos and stills from movies can also help you find movies. If you find a picture on the Internet by accident and can't remember where it came from, post it on social networks. Often they arrange entire competitions dedicated to guessing the name of the film by frame. There is absolutely no point in declaring a reward for this. Believe me, people are ready to play for fun. Excess free time pushes them to such activities. Moreover, it is fashionable. Post your shot in the cinematic group and you won't be long in coming.

Search by actors

Are you well versed in the cast of the tape? This is your chance, because knowing the actors and actresses, you can easily find the right movie without the help of forums. One has only to drive in their names, as you can view the entire filmography of the stars. How do you find a movie without knowing the title if you don't remember the names of the actors either? Try to wait for the credits. They will accurately indicate the stars of the ribbon that will lead you to the coveted name. In addition, you can search for a movie by the name of the director. For example, if you turned on the TV, missed almost all the opening credits, but saw the name of the director before the opening, you have every chance to find the cherished film. All movie sites usually have a section of directors that lists all of their work. Next, you browse through their films and look for the right description.

Find movie byplot description
Find movie byplot description

Search by topic

Another method to find a movie without knowing the name is, of course, thematic search. For example, if you have watched a movie about love, you can query the lists of the most successful romantic films through a search engine. Not the fact that "your" film will be there, but there are chances. It is better to specify the genre more specifically. A love drama can also be a military one, an art house can also be a comedy or a thriller. Horror movies are the hardest to find. This is due to the fact that their stories are very often repeated, duplicated, re-shot. For example, "The Ring" was originally directed by Hideo Nakata and then re-shot in America with the same title. Directed by Gore Verbinski, who later directed Pirates of the Caribbean. Knowing the fact that the plot is based on a long-haired girl from a well, you can achieve an accurate result with two options - Japanese and American. But if the only thing you can say about a movie is that it's a horror movie set in an old house, there will be so many options that you'll get tired of looking at them. The same can be said about melodramas, where the theme of parting, disappearance, adultery appears. Therefore, always try to describe the characters, themes, appearance, shooting style as accurately as possible. For example, a film where the action is stormy, a lot of blood and unexpected events, can be safely dated to the hand of the master Tarantino.
