2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Various guides and professionals mostly assure that making money on poker is not something extraordinary and is available for most beginners. However, at the same time, many experts adhere to very realistic views and suggest that success in this area is possible only with the use of a competent strategy, and therefore will require certain knowledge and perseverance.
General information
Today, many online casinos are available to the average Internet user, some of which specialize exclusively in poker. Thanks to this fact, there is no longer a need for a personal visit to gambling establishments. For the same reason, many beginners are primarily concerned about the question of whether there is real earnings on Poker Stars and other similar network mastodons in this area. The answer is not so clear and depends on many factors.
First, the player will need to choose the most suitable mode for him, the maximumcorresponding to his mindset and character traits. In addition, you will need to constantly improve your own professional level, otherwise it will hardly be possible to achieve significant results. Success lies not least in a competent approach to the choice of discipline and limits in it. Failure at this stage will result in a complete loss of the original bankroll.

Cash Game Benefits
One of the most common options, often chosen by beginners. It was cash games that allowed many to gradually raise their meager investments to unthinkable heights. Earnings on poker in this case is possible without the presence of an initial deposit. However, in this case, you will have to play free tournaments and look for various offers and promotions from partners.
The most significant advantage of cash games is that they can be completed at will at any time. No way to earn money will work if the player does not know how to control himself and take breaks in time. However, there is one caveat. Leave the table before it is the player's turn to post the mandatory big blind. This advice may seem insignificant, but everything will change the moment blinds reach tens and hundreds of dollars.
Among other advantages of the mode, it is worth noting the possibility of constant and stable profits and the possibility of starting with a very modest bankroll. Beginners can just play all the games with strong hands, while raising in time, and notonly calling bets.

Disadvantages of the cash game
It is necessary to list the disadvantages of such a discipline. Among them, of course, there is a lot of competition at all limits and the need to constantly improve one's own skill when playing postflop. The plethora of poker guides has resulted in players at virtually every table doing this kind of activity on a regular basis.
However, a competent approach and finding your own strategy will help to steadily increase profits with the transition to higher limits. Amateurs and professionals have a poker calculator open next to the table and a special program for collecting statistics.
There is also a stable, but rather slow growth of the player's bankroll. The only way to advance in cash mode is to gradually move up to higher limits. The first of these can be considered NL10, in which the small and big blinds are equal to 5 and 10 cents, respectively. Earnings on poker in this discipline starts from this limit.

Advantages of MTT games
Considered an alternative approach for beginners. The main plus is that you can win significant prize money while risking a fairly modest buy-in (fee for entering the tournament). Amateurs flock here just because of the opportunity, so you can meet a lot of beginners. Only in MTT tournaments there is a situation in which the user bets, tofor example, one dollar, and wins up to a million.
At least by raising your skill a little, the player will be able to make good money on poker. Feedback on such tournaments suggests that in the initial stages there are absolutely always so many inexperienced beginners that it will not be difficult to beat the buy-in and get some profit. Stack sizes are limited, and therefore there are usually fewer difficult decisions in the post-flop game.
Disadvantages of MTT games
Apart from the minuses is the complete lack of stability of earnings. Unsuccessful streaks in tournaments happen even to those who have many years of playing experience. For more or less good results, you first need to fix the skill on the cash tables. Also, earnings on the game of poker directly depends on the presence of a large bankroll. Today's guides recommend having at least 200 or more buy-ins at the limit. Previously, only a hundred was discussed as advice, but the current situation in virtual poker has somewhat changed the current alignment.
It is also worth noting that not everyone (especially beginners) will suit the tournament option due to the fact that the duration of the game session - unlike cash games - simply cannot be controlled. As a rule, at Poker Stars, during each hour of real time, 5 or 10 minutes are allocated for rest. The tournament itself can last up to 12 hours, which is not for everyone.

Sit&Go Benefits
Feedback from players about earning money at Poker Stars in thisdiscipline for the most part positive. This is achieved due to the fact that Sit & Go options at the smallest limits allow you to quickly unwind even a small bankroll. Experts also note that the simplest ABC game, which is straightforward in nature, will be more than enough. After that, it will be possible to reach medium stakes and start earning decent amounts.
This discipline has in common with MTT games that the blinds are gradually increasing on the tables, that is, the stack of tournament participants is proportionally reduced. In particular, in the so-called turbo options, the average stack is sometimes only about 10 big blinds, which means that the process is reduced to drawing a push-fold, that is, it does not reach the post-flop. There are no restrictions on time and number of participants.
Disadvantages of Sit&Go
Nevertheless, the regime is not without drawbacks. For example, a huge level of competition requires for the success of this option to make money on poker to read at least a few of any popular manuals, and after studying the theoretical foundations, you will certainly put them into practice in other disciplines. A stable bankroll growth for a beginner is almost impossible here.
A noticeable profit appears only on a fairly long distance, which should be almost completely positive. In addition, the lack of basic knowledge of poker mathematics and the inability to apply them in practice will not make it possible to play this mode with high quality. Regular players, as a rule, are well aware of all the rules of discipline and crack open newbies withpairs of horses.

Can I start without investments
This question interests almost every person who is unfamiliar with the online casino system. A common way is to participate in freerolls. This is the best option, because earning money on poker without investments will make it possible to comprehend the basics of the game, but the tournament itself will be played for real money, and the winners will receive prizes for a certain amount of dollars, depending on their place among the rest. You can collect an acceptable bankroll in a few days or weeks. Usually in this way it turns out to earn only a few dollars a day.
Besides simple freerolls, there are special or private ones. Access to them can be obtained after entering a password, which is often distributed by partners of Poker Stars and other online casinos. You should closely follow the news on various thematic blogs and forums. Also, passwords are sometimes shown during live broadcasts of tournaments of the same "Poker Stars". Without a deposit, a beginner can only recommend this option to start.

How much can you earn
First of all, you should start with cash games with the lowest limits, that is, small and big blinds of 1 and 2 cents, respectively. Reviews about earning money at PokerStars basically say that it is enough to get a bankroll of about 50-100 dollars to start. With such a "margin of safety" it will be possible to afford a regular gameand initial training. The recommended buy-in for each table is a maximum of two dollars at this limit, and the tables themselves should not be taken more than four at the same time, as even professionals can get confused with more.
The question of the number of participants is also important. For cash games, it is better to choose options for nine, rather than six people. Thus, the beginner will have less chance of making a mistake in the post-flop. From Sit & Go tournaments, you should choose tournaments for 45 and 90 people, and the buy-in is 25 cents. Thus, at first, you can consistently earn up to $ 10 per day. All this time, the bankroll should gradually grow up to 150-200 dollars. From this moment on, you can already look at MTT games. It is also worth noting that the Spin & Go tournament option is not even considered for beginners, because due to the turbo structure it is difficult to make competent decisions without sufficient experience.

Game without investment or deposit
This decision remains entirely within the competence of the future poker fan. The fact is that the goal remains the same - to reach a bankroll of at least 50-100 dollars, while only the ways to achieve the goal differ. A completely inexperienced beginner can specifically participate in freerolls just in order to gain minimal practical experience before playing for their own money. The best poker for making money is traditionally considered to be "Poker Stars", the application of which combines the convenience of the interface, many game modes, regular promotions and countlessnumber of players.
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