The play "The Cherry Orchard": a summary and analysis

The play "The Cherry Orchard": a summary and analysis
The play "The Cherry Orchard": a summary and analysis

The Cherry Orchard was created by Chekhov in 1903. This is a play about the decline of noble life on the estates, about the imaginary and real owners of the Russian land, about the inevitable renewal of Russia. Chekhov presented the obsolete past of Russia with the play The Cherry Orchard. A summary follows below.

cherry orchard summary
cherry orchard summary

First, let's introduce the main actors:

Landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Her own daughter Anya is 17 years old. Adopted daughter Varya, 24 years old. Brother Ranevskaya - Gaev Leonid Andreevich. Student Trofimov Petr Sergeevich. Governess Charlotte Ivanovna. Merchant Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich. Landowner Semionov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich. Maid Dunyasha. Young footman Yasha. Old footman Firs. Clerk Semyon Panteleevich Epikhodov.

The Cherry Orchard: a summary of the first act

Dawn. Outside the window is spring, blossoming cherry trees can be seen. Only it is still cold in the garden, so all the windows are closed. Lopakhin and Dunyasha enter the room. They talk about the train that was late. And Lopakhin is upset that he could not meet Lyubov Andreevna, who recently lived abroad, at the station.

Then Epikhodov enters, herecently proposed to Dunyasha. Everyone hears two carriages drive up. The turmoil begins. The footman Firs enters, dressed in an ancient livery. And behind him comes Ranevskaya, Gaev, Anya, Simionov-Pishchik and Charlotte Ivanovna. Anya and Ranevskaya remember the past.

summary cherry orchard
summary cherry orchard

Then Anya talks to Varya. She talks about her trip to Paris. About the fact that she found her mother there without money, among strangers. But Ranevskaya did not seem to understand her position. She gives the lackeys a ruble for tea, and they order the most exquisite and expensive dishes. But in fact, the money was barely enough to get home. And now the estate should be sold, the auction is scheduled for August.

"The Cherry Orchard": a summary of the second act

Evening. Sunset. The action takes place at an abandoned chapel. Lopakhin is interested in plots for dachas. He believes that the land should be divided into plots and leased out. Only for this you have to cut down the cherry orchard. But Ranevskaya and Gaev are against it, they call it vulgarity. Gaev dreams of some kind of inheritance, of the Yaroslavl aunt, who promised to give money, but how much it will be and when is unknown. Merchant Lopakhin once again reminds of the auction.

"The Cherry Orchard": a summary of the third and fourth act

A Jewish orchestra is playing. Dancing couples all around. Varya is worried that the musicians were invited, but they have nothing to pay. Ranevskaya cannot wait for her brother to arrive from the auction. Everyone hopes that he bought the estate for the money sent by the Yaroslavl aunt. Only she sent only fifteen thousand,and they are not even enough for interest. Gaev and Lopakhin are returning from the auction. Guy is crying. Ranevskaya learns that the garden has been sold, its new owner is Lopakhin. She almost faints.

cherry orchard analysis
cherry orchard analysis

The rooms have little furniture, no curtains or paintings. Worth the luggage. Lopakhin warns that in a few minutes you need to go. Gaev went to work in a bank. Ranevskaya travels to Paris with her aunt's money sent from Yaroslavl. Yasha goes with her. Gaev and Ranevskaya are depressed, they say goodbye to the house. Anya thinks that her mother will return to her soon. And she will study at the gymnasium, go to work and begin to help her mother. Everyone gets out noisily and leaves for the station. And only the forgotten Firs remained in the closed house. Silence. The sound of an ax is heard.

Cherry Orchard: analysis. Highlights

The summary tells us that Gaev and Ranevskaya are an obsolete past. The Cherry Orchard is dear to them as a memory of childhood days, of well-being, of youth, of an easy and graceful life. And Lopakhin understands this. He tries to help Ranevskaya by offering to rent land. There is simply no other way out. Only the lady, as always, is careless, she thinks that everything will somehow resolve itself. And when the garden was sold, she did not grieve for long. The heroine is not capable of serious experiences, she easily moves from anxiety to cheerful animation. And Lopakhin is proud of the purchase and dreams of his new life. Yes, he bought the estate, but still remained a peasant. And the owners of the cherry orchard, although they went bankrupt, are, as before, gentlemen.
