Brownie Kuzka: a summary for the reader's diary and the image of the main character

Brownie Kuzka: a summary for the reader's diary and the image of the main character
Brownie Kuzka: a summary for the reader's diary and the image of the main character

Created by Tatyana Alexandrova, the fairy tale "Kuzka the Little Brownie" is considered one of the favorites not only among children, but also among adults. Almost every phrase of the brownie is a quote that circulates throughout the expanses of the entire post-Soviet space. The image of a shaggy and grimy creature is firmly rooted in folklore and the minds of kids and parents, and even the school curriculum requires a summary for the reader's diary. Brownie Kuzka is even now very popular among modern youth, but already because of the specific phrases inherent only to him.

Cult Hero of All Time

According to Alexandrova's fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka" the hero is seven centuries old, which is quite a bit, as he himself assures. Outwardly, he looks like a little boy with blond hair and a round face resembling the sun, very homely and neat, likes to show his commanding character and just loves to eat delicious food.

Brownie Kuzka summary for the reader's diary
Brownie Kuzka summary for the reader's diary

He has incredible charisma and fantastic charm, his speech is quitecolorful, full of old Russian expressions and phraseological units. Kuzka wears a red shirt and straw bast shoes, and, despite the fact that he is an exemplary owner, he doesn’t like to walk clean and tidy brownie, choosing secluded places to live in the house (it can be an attic, a corner or a Russian stove) - that’s why the grubby often walks and dusty. It is these features of the protagonist of the fairy tale "Domovenok Kuzka" in the summary for the reader's diary that should be indicated first of all.


Aleksandrova's tale about brownie Kuzka tells about his adventures: in each chapter he gets into different stories and meets new characters. Perhaps the most memorable was the mistress of the forest Baba Yaga. Throughout the tale, she tries to steal and tame the brownie, coaxing him with pastries, sweets and home comfort. She also has a talkative cat friend who is quite resourceful and lives in a dog kennel.

alexandrova brownie kuzka
alexandrova brownie kuzka

In the fairy tale there are such mysterious personalities as grandfather Diadoch, Leshik and Magpie. The best friend for Kuzka is the wise and very old brownie Nafanya. But the girl Natasha became the closest person for the eccentric keeper of the house order. This calm and cheerful baby quickly found a common language with a harmful creature.

All the main characters in "Domovenka Kuzka" are bright, interesting and have a unique flavor inherent in the Russian epic. The main character shows the younger generation how to be kind and sympathetic, economic, how to beindustrious. Selfless friendship and devotion are at the heart of this simple story.

Fairy tale adaptation

The cartoon about Kuzya was first released in 1984 and immediately became popular on Soviet television. It consists of four parts:

  • The first issue is called "Kuzka's House", and in it you can get acquainted with the main character himself: Kuzka the brownie and the girl Natasha.
  • The continuation of the cartoon came out a year later, the series told about the adventures of a brownie in the forest. The script was taken from the yet unpublished parts of the story "Kuzka Lesu" and "Kuzka at Baba Yaga".
  • Followed by another part, and a year later the last one (in 1988).

The plot of the cartoon itself does not intersect well with the original content of the book. Due to the originality of the text, Marina Vishnevetskaya (the main screenwriter) had to re-write the script almost from scratch, so the chronology was broken. Many readers, after watching the cartoon, decided that this was a common mistake.

fairy tale brownie Kuzka
fairy tale brownie Kuzka

The songs for the first episodes were written by Tatyana Alexandrova's husband. An interesting fact: the role of Kuzka was voiced by the famous domestic theater and film actor Georgy Vitsin, and Baba Yaga speaks in the voice of the Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Peltzer.

"Kuzka the Little Brownie": a summary for the reader's diary

Having moved with her parents to a new apartment, a seven-year-old girl Natasha discovered that someone was already living in it: behind a broom she found a small shaggy creature with a dirty face and largelittle eyes. The strange creature turned out to be an ordinary brownie named Kuzka. He lived for seven centuries, and by the standards of brownies, this is not so much. The fantastic pet was immediately afraid of the girl, but they quickly became friends: Kuzya began to tell Natasha stories from his magic chest, about how his house was demolished, about adventures in the forest, about meeting Leshik and much more.

Alexandrova's book has become mandatory reading in schools and kindergartens: every year this story is included in the list and a summary is required for the reader's diary. "Domovenok Kuzka" became the most read work in Russian-speaking countries. It is believed that the fairy tale is too complicated for self-study and many children find it difficult to master the full edition. Cartoons can come to the rescue here, although they differ significantly from the book itself and distort the main idea of the author Alexandrova. "Brownie Kuzka" in the book version differs significantly from the cartoon version.
