Titanium white: features and applications. The main differences from zinc white

Titanium white: features and applications. The main differences from zinc white
Titanium white: features and applications. The main differences from zinc white

Gouache is a universal paint for creating color compositions. But six basic colors are usually not enough to convey the naturalness of objects. Experienced artists recommend mixing white to get new shades. Therefore, white is required in large quantities. And here a logical question arises for beginners. They are often perplexed: what is the difference between zinc white and titanium white? Which are better to buy? We will help you sort out this issue.

titanium white
titanium white

Titanium White

This type of white paint is widely used. The main component is titanium oxide. It practically does not occur in nature, so they learned how to extract it on an industrial scale from sulfuric acid. Titanium white is one of the safest paints, so they are the basis for making gouache. For children, this is the best art material. In addition, it adheres well to various surfaces. But most often used for work on wood, paper or cardboard. The main features - a good ability to smoothly and evenly lay down on the surface and not lose its color. When mixed with paints, after complete drying, the shade becomes several tones lighter.

what is the difference between titanium and zinc white
what is the difference between titanium and zinc white

Features of titanium white

Firstly, works made on the basis of this paint can be stored for a long time. However, they are not whimsical to the environment. The danger is only an abundance of light. Indeed, under the influence of the sun, white can acquire a yellow tint. And white will provoke the effect of "chalking", that is, graininess. Artists try to avoid this. Therefore, zinc or barite white is added in a small amount. This method is quite efficient. Secondly, if the paint with which the white will be mixed contains organic pigments, then over time the pattern will acquire a bluish tint. This is undesirable. Thirdly, there are quite a few mineral colorants with which it is better not to mix titanium white. These are ultramarine, cob alt, azure, cadmium and others. Any such duet will cause a "soapy" effect.


For children, the best material for creativity is titanium white. Their use, although popular, has many limitations. First of all, this is due to the fact that the paint itself is matte and has very good covering properties. Yes, white backgroundan admixture of titanium oxide is completely incompatible with oil. Paint in tubes will simply lose its properties, darken and will not lie on the canvas. By the way, titanium white is also not used as a basis for painting on a fabric basis. In this case, it is better to cover the surface with zinc agents. Also, this type of paint is not used to create frescoes on a chalk or limestone base.

What is the difference between zinc white and titanium white?
What is the difference between zinc white and titanium white?

Zinc White

Zinc white has been made since ancient times. They were the main component of all water-free paints and varnishes. This means that the paint cannot be diluted with water. For these purposes, only oily components are suitable. Due to their properties, white does not provide such strong covering abilities as titanium. But they, mixing with other paint, add transparency and saturation to the color. Depending on the purpose, the master chooses titanium and zinc white for work. What is the difference between them, he knows very well. An experienced specialist has long been aware that titanium, on the contrary, adds haze to the pattern.


Zinc white can be found in almost all materials related to interior decoration. It is the main component when painting walls, ceilings, floors or furniture. In the artistic field, they are also used quite often. But they are not suitable for all types of creativity, as they have a poor ability to cover the surface and do not combine well with oil paints. However, zinc white is indispensable when working with wood, glass, metal,paper or plaster.

titanium white application
titanium white application

Main differences between zinc white and titanium white

So what is the difference between titanium and zinc white? What is the difference between them? The following table will help answer these questions:

White type Zinc Titanium
Covering ability

Leaves the base translucent

Glides on easily with excellent coverage
Material used with Wood, paper, cardboard, metal, glass, plaster, lime Wood, paper, cardboard, metal
Possibility to combine with other components Combines easily with any paint except oil. Do not dilute with drying oil, otherwise it will acquire a yellow tint There are many types of organic and inorganic substances that do not combine with
Influence on final color No effect Becomes a few shades lighter when completely dry

Interesting facts

The technology of making titanium white was discovered only at the end of the 19th century. And they began to use it in the world and Russia even later - from the 20s of the 20th century. That is why the works of artists until that time were checked for authenticity by analyzing the content of titanium in the composition.paints. By the way, if ilmenite pigment is added to ordinary whitewash, then it becomes unusually strong. This feature was noticed by engineers of high-tech machines. And now titanium white with ilmenite pigment covers the hull of spaceships.
