Academism is Features of the direction and famous representatives

Academism is Features of the direction and famous representatives
Academism is Features of the direction and famous representatives

There are several directions in painting, and in every era, one of them was the main one. In the 17th century, such a style in the visual arts as academism appeared and remained popular until the 19th century. This direction is based on classicism, but more advanced and elaborated.

Distinguishing Features

Academism is a direction in painting, which was based on the traditions of ancient art and the Renaissance. But this style differs from them in a more advanced technique of performance and other rules for constructing a composition. This style stands out among other trends in painting:

  • idealization of nature;
  • pomp;
  • high level of execution.

Academism is a realistic fine art, characterized by a high level of skill of the painter. You can also see some features of classicism in it, which makes the picture even more perfect and aesthetic. The paintings of academic artists stand out among others in that they are very carefully and detailed.

Academism is intertwined with salon art, which is characterized by:

  • detail;
  • following all the main principles of academicism and classicism;
  • Impeccable execution, but rather superficial plot idea.

This direction in painting was very popular, and many famous people of that era ordered paintings from academic artists to decorate the walls of a house or salon with them.

painting by Paul Delaroche
painting by Paul Delaroche

Picture themes

Academism is pomp, impeccable performance, pathos. But at the same time, paintings painted in this style did not differ in "deep" content. Those who were closer to salon art tried to give their works a certain eclecticism - the masters focused on the entertainment component and high performance.

In Russian academicism of the first half of the 19th century, biblical scenes, salon landscapes and, of course, ceremonial portraits were most often depicted. The Russian offshoot of this style differed from the European one in greater elevation, diversity and pomposity. Despite the small variety of subjects, the paintings have always been distinguished by an impeccable level of performance. Also in the 19th century, elements of realism and romanticism began to be added to this style.

painting by Alexander Ivanov
painting by Alexander Ivanov

Famous Representatives

The most famous academic artists were: Karl Bryullov, Alexander Ivanov and other members of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. It is worth noting that Karl Bryullov, despite the strictadherence to the principles of academicism, expanded the options for plots. And it was thanks to him that features of romanticism appeared in Russian academicism. Then this direction will be characterized by historicism, traditionalism and features of realism.

painting in the style of academism Bryullov
painting in the style of academism Bryullov

In Europe, the most popular representatives of academicism were Jean Ingres, Paul Delaroche, Charles Bargue and others. Among the representatives of the European direction were those who liked the "salon" technique and those who used more elevated themes for the plots of the paintings. Paul Delaroche stood out among the artists of this trend in that his works were dominated by historical and ecclesiastical subjects. One of his most famous works is the semicircle fresco, which depicts 75 great artists. Also, the master was known for his amazing portraits, and his brushes belong to the images of many famous people of that era.

Another well-known representative of the European trend is Eugene de Blaas, an Italian artist. His father was an artist, as was his brother. Only if the elder liked animalistic plots more, then Eugene was more interested in writing plots on the theme of the life of ordinary Venetians. Then he became a professor at the Academy of Venice.

painting by Eugene de Blaas
painting by Eugene de Blaas

Modern academicism

The greatest period of prosperity of this direction was from the 17th to the middle of the 19th century. Now, under academicism in art, they mean artists who have received a systematic education in the field of painting and haveclassical skills for high-level creations.

This term is more related to the method and manner of performance than to the plot of the paintings. But in Europe, America and Russia, interest in the academic style of painting of the 19th century increased, and some contemporary artists began to interpret the paintings of famous academic representatives.

Academism is one of the most famous trends in painting, which was dominant from the 17th to the middle of the 19th century. The masters strove to improve their technique and they managed to create paintings that became masterpieces in world art.
