How to draw a French Bulldog? Elementary

How to draw a French Bulldog? Elementary
How to draw a French Bulldog? Elementary

The French Bulldog is a compact dog with well-developed muscles, a large head, a snub-nosed muzzle, and almost vertically set ears. Impressive power in a small size. Very smart and active dog. It seems that it is very difficult to draw it. But "the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." Trying to draw a French Bulldog? How? According to the proposed schemes with a description of each stage. Everything will work out!

Dog sketch

First sketch out the head and torso. To speed up work and correct lines, you can use a compass or coins of different diameters. It is better to take a soft pencil, and do not put pressure on it, since all the lines drawn at this stage will either need to be erased or retouched.

Paw sketch
Paw sketch

At this stage, it is important to observe the proportions and mutual arrangement of circles and arcs on the muzzle. The circle for the back of the body is the same diameter as the head, for the chest - 10-15% more. Distance between circles for the torsominimum, otherwise you will get a mixture of bulldog and dachshund.

When connecting the circumferences of the front and back of the torso, the line of the back should be curved and in no case horizontal. Ears should be large and set almost vertically. The image of the dog is in a semi-profile, so the right ear is slightly smaller than the left. The lines connecting the head and chest are almost straight, the bulldog has a very powerful neck.

In the second step, it is important to make a correct sketch of the paws. Frenchies are square dogs, the length of the front paws is approximately equal to the diameter of the chest circumference. Pasterns are horizontal, parallel to each other. The hocks on the hind legs are located above the elbows. The dog in the figure is depicted in a semi-profile, so the pasterns of the hind legs are depicted just above the pasterns of the front legs. Agree, it’s not at all difficult to draw a French bulldog in stages. Even in the sketch, the dog is already recognizable.

If the drawing will be done in watercolor, you should outline the outline with a thicker line, completing the outline of the paws. Further description - how to draw a French Bulldog with a pencil.

Drawing the details of the head

Now draw the head. Press the pencil harder for sharper lines.

Head drawing
Head drawing

The eyes of the bulldog are large, black, the proteins around the pupil are not visible. In the center, you need to depict glare in the form of a small speck of white. Around the eyes for the image of the eyelids and eyelashes make a few lines.

The Frenchman's nose is always black, without white spots. Nostrils directed verticallyup. The tongue and teeth are not visible from the mouth.

Having drawn the main details of the muzzle, you need to make a series of pencil strokes depicting folds and imitating dog hair. At the same time, they do not adhere strictly to the line of the circumference of the head and the contour of the ears.

Drawing the details of the torso and paws

Drawing the details of the body
Drawing the details of the body

The upper part of the paw is wide, narrowing noticeably below the elbow joint. Pyas convex, should not be very wide. The nails are black, small, triangular in shape. Similarly, you should draw the second front and hind legs. The hocks on the hind legs are more pronounced than the elbows on the front.

Finally outline the outline of the dog with a clear line, not forgetting to display the small tail of the French bulldog. Draw lines inside the torso representing the folds of skin on the dog's neck and rump. Gently erase all auxiliary lines.

Finishing the drawing

Finished drawing
Finished drawing

How to draw a dog - a French bulldog, it is clear from the proposed diagrams and text. Now the drawing must be completed, giving the resulting image volume.

To do this, first of all, you need to decide on the direction of the light source so that the shadows correspond to it. When shading with a pencil, it is better to choose different degrees of shading, then the drawing will look more voluminous.

In order for the French bulldog not to look hanging in the air, you need to draw a shadow under it, or draw grass.

You can draw additional details, for example, draw a black mask onmuzzle, make a dark ponytail and add spots on the dog's torso.

You can draw a brindle French bulldog with a white spot on the chest. This detail will also need to be slightly shaded, giving depth and volume to the breast. When depicting a tiger bulldog, it should be borne in mind that the spots on a black background should not be chaotic, but arranged in the form of elongated lines.
