How to draw a pony. How to draw "My Little Pony". How to draw a pony from Friendship is Magic

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How to draw a pony. How to draw "My Little Pony". How to draw a pony from Friendship is Magic
How to draw a pony. How to draw "My Little Pony". How to draw a pony from Friendship is Magic

Video: How to draw a pony. How to draw "My Little Pony". How to draw a pony from Friendship is Magic

Video: How to draw a pony. How to draw
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Remember how cute little horses with long tails and fluffy manes evoked in your childhood. These crumbs, of course, could not boast of royal grace and grace, but they had funny bangs and kind eyes. Do you want to know how to draw a pony? It is not easy, but both you and your children, who probably have a love for these mini-horses, are quite capable of learning.

how to draw a pony
how to draw a pony

The main differences between a small pony and a big horse

To correctly depict our baby, you need to find out how it differs from a "full-sized" horse. First of all, pay attention to the head of our animal - it seems somewhat large and heavy. And our horse is distinguished by some squatness. She has not very long legs, but the body itself is strong. We have already noted a long fluffy tail and a luxurious soft mane, as well as a magnificent fringe.

How to draw a pony step by step

Now it's time to arm yourself with a pencil and start practicing. Now we will planoutlines of the future horse.

Draw two circles on paper that will outline the croup and front of the horse. Draw a curved line under them, it should not completely capture our roundness. So we will designate the pony's tummy. In principle, we already present the dimensions of our model and, based on them, we can continue to draw the animal.

how to draw a pony step by step
how to draw a pony step by step

From above, we unite our circles with another line, just don't make it too curved, but you don't need to straighten it at all. This is the pony's back. Stretch two lines from the front up: shorter and longer. Guessed? Yes, it's the neck. She should be pretty good for us. Make it more powerful.

Draw a head above the neck, draw a rounded nose and outline the cheeks.

Now let's get down to the legs. They don't exist yet, but we'll fix it now. We add smaller circles to our two original circles from below. From them we stretch down two lines. It looks like a short four matches. Let's outline a small ball at their ends. And we will complete the whole composition with modest triangles. In the future, we will transform them into wide hooves.

Well, with how to draw a pony from circles, dashes and lines, we figured it out a bit. But while our sketch is still far from final. Details need to be carefully worked out. We smoothly outline our contours, achieving similarity to the original. To make it easier for you, keep a photo of a cute horse in front of your eyes.

So gradually, from the hodgepodge of lines, ears, muzzle, eyes will begin to look through. Don't forget proportions. Also rewardhis horse with a spectacular mane and tail.

how to learn to draw a pony
how to learn to draw a pony

The most famous ponies in the world

Now that we have practiced drawing real animals, we can start learning how to draw "My Little Pony". These fabulous horses from the anime series of the same name have become world stars. They have a lot of fans. And some of them have long gone beyond childhood. The success of big-eyed horses lies in their cute image, bright characters and recognizable appearance.

Character Features

Again, we start by calculating the distinguishing features. This way we will know exactly what points to focus on.

So, our character has huge expressive eyes. Big head. Short torso. And the legs are long and remind a little of the silhouette of flared trousers.

Also, some heroes have a small horn that makes them look like unicorns. Oh, and don't forget the wings.

Start with a sketch

Now we are prepared and almost know how to draw a pony. Friendship is Magic certainly boasts several charming characters at once, but once you get the hang of portraying one of them, you can safely start creating your own gallery of your favorite characters.

how to draw pony rainbow
how to draw pony rainbow

First, draw a circle. The big one is the head. Remember what we said about body proportions? That's right, under the head we draw a circle much smaller. It will turn into a torso in our future.

Divide the circle-face in half by a horizontal line. Focusing on it, it will be much easier for you to outline the eyes, nose and mouth. Let's get on with this. A tiny arch will become a nose, draw an eye next to it. It's big for us. Outlining the second eye, we make it smaller, and even if we cut it in half. After all, part of it is hidden by our nose. Then we add a nice little smiling mouth to the character. And don't forget about the nostrils.

Now we draw one ear, the second one will be hidden by provocatively protruding bangs. Our combat crest completely covers the forehead.

Now let's see how to draw pony wings. One tiny wing, similar to an elongated oval, will be located on our back. Several lines represent feathers. There is no need to pore over the other wing, it is not visible.

It's the turn of the legs. Let's draw the front. You can even try to give the figure movement. To do this, bend one leg at the knee. It remains to draw the hind legs.

In the final we reward our horse with a gorgeous long tail.

In the end, you need to bring beauty: clean up pencil strokes and extra lines, colorize. And since we have now practiced how to draw a rainbow pony, then the tail, and the mane, and the bangs should be rainbow.

how to draw friendship pony
how to draw friendship pony

Bringing the drawing to life

Having completed your first drawing, you will most likely want to diversify your technique so that the characters emerging from under your pencil are alive. And for this you need to give the static image as much plasticity and movement as possible. Let your character jump, run, fervently shake his head. A mane or tail will helpemphasize each turn of the head or impetuous swing of the leg. Yes, and the wings add brightness and character. They convey the emotions of the drawn character just as well.

Smile, cry, get angry

Emotions in the image is the main thing. And any lesson from the series "How to learn to draw a pony" cannot do without a description of how to give character to the muzzle of the hero, make him laugh joyfully or, conversely, be sad.

We have already discussed the importance of movements a little higher. With their help, you can convey the mood of the character. But the eyes do the job best. On them you can read a variety of feelings. They may be surprisingly open. Or scornfully squinted. Fear, coquetry, anger - learn to put all these emotions into the look of a drawn pony.

how to draw my little pony
how to draw my little pony

And, of course, the expression of the muzzle is largely determined by how you portrayed the mouth. He can laugh happily. Or maybe sad, then the corners of the lips are directed down. In surprise, we seem to silently draw the letter “o”. And when we are very offended, we pinch our lower lip with our teeth so as not to burst into tears.

Depicting your favorite character

The basics of how to draw a pony are already clear to us. With them, it will not be difficult for us to portray our favorite characters from the series. Each of the heroes has his own distinctive feature, by which he is recognized.

For example, Princess Cadence is inconceivable without a graceful crown, almond-shaped charming eyes, soft curls on the mane.

But Pinky, justifying hisname, rightfully proud of her pink curls. Apple must have a bow.

But it is not necessary to follow the canon thoroughly. It is much more interesting to come up with your own characters that could exist in the world of the series. In this case, your imagination is not limited by any limits, you yourself are responsible for the character and habits of the character, for what he loves, what he wears, what he does.
