Actor Andrei Sokolov: biography, personal life

Actor Andrei Sokolov: biography, personal life
Actor Andrei Sokolov: biography, personal life

Actor Andrey Sokolov belongs to the type of people who cannot calmly exist and stop there. People like him are always looking for new sensations, constantly striving for self-improvement.

actor Andrey Sokolov
actor Andrey Sokolov

Andrey Sokolov's biography makes it clear that he is a strong personality with amazing energy. This person is able to lead other people, support the weak and weak-willed. In addition to all of the above, Sokolov is the idol of women, he has a lot of fans of different ages.


An interesting biography of Andrei Sokolov. He is a native Muscovite, born on August 13, 1962. All his childhood passed in Moscow, in a small wooden house. From an early age, the boy began to develop comprehensively, striving for greater achievements.

Sports sections for Andrey were like home, he was awarded the title of "Best Goalkeeper" at the "Golden Puck" tournament. Later, the guy even played in a professional team, was a candidate for master of sports. Everyone knows that a coward does not play hockey, so Sokolov cannot be considered a coward. Bold and strong - these qualities characterize him. But sports he himselfdid not limit, besides this, he still had many activities.

Andrey attended a music school, for four years, from the fourth to the eighth grade, he studied ballroom dancing. His partner was Svetlana Pakhomova, with her they became winners of Moscow. But boys can stretch out in height in just one year, this happened with Andrei, he has matured dramatically and has grown by as much as 15 centimeters. Ballet was no longer for him, he retired from dancing.

Despite all-round interests and activities from childhood, Sokolov raved about the theater, the dream of becoming an actor did not leave him. The world of theater and cinema seemed so distant and unreal to the guy, he was not sure that he was capable of becoming an artist.


The biography of Andrei Sokolov continued as a student, but contrary to his wishes and dreams, he did not study at the theater. Either because of uncertainty, although this rarely happened, or because of the convincing arguments of his parents, Andrei entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. While studying an unloved craft, he was ready to quit the university several times.

Andrey Sokolov movies
Andrey Sokolov movies

In 1986, a graduate of the aviation institute held a diploma in his hands, his speci alty was called "mechanical engineer for the production of aircraft." It's time to put up with it and start working on distribution, but the dream of becoming an actor haunted me. Finally, Andrei made up his mind, immediately after the institute, he appeared before the selection committee at the Shchukin school. He had practically no chances - there were 286 people for one place, but Sokolov had crazy energy, and he was accepted the first time.

Actor Andrei Sokolov: first steps in cinema

The aspiring artist received his debut role in 1987: having successfully passed the audition, Andrei was accepted into the film crew of the film “She with a broom, he is in a black hat”. But real fame came to the actor along with the role of Sergei in the scandalous film of perestroika times "Little Vera". After the release of the picture on the screens, actor Andrei Sokolov woke up famous. Moreover, after this film, he became a sex symbol of a huge country, in which before that, as was commonly believed, there was no sex at all. This role gave Andrey a great start in the cinema, he was noticed and began to be invited to shoot.

Andrey Sokolov roles
Andrey Sokolov roles

Today, the filmography of the actor has a huge number of beautiful pictures. In recent years, Andrey Sokolov has practically never left the screens, films with his participation are very popular. Only one series in the artist's track record is more than a dozen. Among them are "Red Square", "Protection Line", "Lawyer" and many others. A very talented actor - Andrey Sokolov, the roles that he is offered are mainly of the first plan.

Theatrical life

Schukin Theater School Sokolov graduated in 1990 with honors, after which he successfully played in the theater. Moscow City Council, in the theater. Lenin Komsomol and at the Luna Theatre.

biography of Andrey Sokolov
biography of Andrey Sokolov

In addition to the acting profession, Andrey mastered the profession of a director and started staging performances himself. His hallmark as a stage director was the play "Bunk". Since 1999, a talented actor andthe director is the artistic director of the Monologue XXI Century Theatre.

Prizes and awards

Actor Andrei Sokolov was awarded many awards and prizes for his creative work:

1. Prize for the best male role at the film festival "New Cinema of Russia" ("Letters to a Past Life") - 1994;

2. Order of St. Anne, Third Class - 2000;

3. Best Actor Award at the B altic Pearl Film Festival ("Abyss, Seventh Circle") - 1994;

4. Golden Order "Service to Art" - 2007;

5. Figurine "Good Angel" - 2007;

6. Golden Order named after F. N. Plevako - 2002.

Andrey Sokolov: personal life

Everything that concerns love, Andrey Sokolov tries to keep under lock and key, but it is almost impossible for such a famous actor to keep his family happiness a secret. It has long been known to everyone that Sokolov is a thief of women's hearts and a convinced bachelor. But he could not resist the charms of the young model Olga, who became his wife and gave birth to a wonderful daughter, Sofia.

The actor was already married once at a young age, but Andrei stayed as a husband for only one year, after which the marriage broke up, there was no child in this union. After the first failure, Sokolov decided that family life was not for him, but the bachelor's convictions collapsed before the shy beauty.

Andrey Sokolov personal life
Andrey Sokolov personal life

At first, Andrey just sometimes met with Olga, then imperceptibly light flirting grew into a deep feeling. The lovers spent more and more time togetherlasted for about a year and a half. But as soon as the girl informed Sokolov about her pregnancy, the inveterate bachelor surrendered without a fight and led the beauty to the altar. The actor does not have a soul in his little Sophia. It turns out that sometimes for simple human happiness you need quite a bit!
