"How many parrots are in the boa constrictor?" - an almost Hamletian question

"How many parrots are in the boa constrictor?" - an almost Hamletian question
"How many parrots are in the boa constrictor?" - an almost Hamletian question

Those of our fellow citizens who happened to be born in the sixties or early seventies remember this wonderful cartoon, which, along with "Winnie the Pooh" and "Cheburashka", entered the treasury of children's culture. Three characters - a monkey, a baby elephant and a boa constrictor - not only perform various good, and sometimes roguish deeds, but also reason, each showing his own character. This animated series has been entertaining children and adults since 1976, but it also teaches them to think. Charging, it turns out, can be done as the physique allows (for example, in a boa constrictor it is very specific). The attitude towards the older generation is also not ignored by the example of the snake grandmother. Sharing a glorious mood is a common thing for cartoon characters. And, of course, to determine how many parrots will fit in a boa constrictor without swallowing the birds …

how many parrots in a boa constrictor
how many parrots in a boa constrictor

Psychological component

The melancholic psycho-type attributed by G. Oster to his “born to crawl” character immediately sets you up for the upcoming long explanation. The monkey (obviously of a choleric warehouse) seeks to quickly convey toconsciousness of his friend, the simple principle of dimension, gets excited, but the boa constrictor is in no hurry, he tries to understand everything in all details. He, in his good heart, does not want to swallow unusual food in order to find out his height, which he unambiguously declares. The baby elephant, a typical phlegmatic, watches the scene, from time to time commenting on it briefly but succinctly. Ultimately, all ends well. Having understood how many parrots are in the boa constrictor, the wise serpent expresses a desire to know its own length in other units of measurement. The resulting jubilation pleases not only the characters, but also the audience.

boa constrictor in parrots
boa constrictor in parrots

Metrology in its purest form

The fact that the size does not depend on the method and unit of measurement should become clear to any child immediately after viewing. The boa constrictor in parrots seems longer than in monkeys, because the number "38" is more than five. In fact, we are talking about a specific snake and a very specific monkey. If, instead of a monkey, a gorilla of impressive size suddenly appeared on the screen, then the result of the measurements would be different, and the figure could turn out to be fractional. By the way, when determining how many parrots are in a boa constrictor, they could not do without a partial appendage - a wing. Again, this cockatoo or Melopsittacus (wavy species) could also have a meaning. And boas are different: some are shorter, others are longer. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that some unified unit of measurement took place. A real standardizer-metrologist can also be puzzled by the way in which the measurement was carried out. The monkey rolled the wheel, instead of successively laying down in length, notingextreme point, and moving in the direction from the tail to the head, or vice versa. However, in this particular case, due to the lack of rulers, tape measures or other means with divisions applied to them (reference parrots) in the jungle, this method seems to be quite suitable as a training one.

Logical aspect

It's hard to convince a boa constrictor. Like all melancholics, he is distrustful, especially of those he knows well. He will listen to any hyena that comes from who knows what savannah more attentively than a monkey, with which, judging by the scenario context, he has already eaten what is called “a pood of s alt”. The baby elephant wisely avoids the argument, but is more favorably disposed towards the enthusiast of metrological science.

Despite many psychological mistakes, the monkey still manages to explain to his vi-a-vis how many parrots are in the boa constrictor, using the most obvious method of almost direct attachment. If the task had been more difficult, it remains to be seen how successful the case would have been.

how many parrots in a boa constrictor
how many parrots in a boa constrictor

Why do people love 38 Parrots?

In Soviet times, many cartoons were made that survived both their creators and, alas, many of the first viewers. Yes, they were shot on faded film, no special effects, and not in 3D, no Dolby Surround. And it is still unknown whether the director Ivan Ufimtsev could convince the current Goskino to allocate funds, albeit modest, for such a non-commercial project. In this age of computer graphics and handheld tablet computers, the question of how many parrots are in a boa constrictor sounds naive. But there is in this cartoonsomething that is so lacking now - the liveliness of the characters and kindness. These are signs of true art, which is eternal.
