Various gypsy dances

Various gypsy dances
Various gypsy dances

The songs and dances of the Gypsies were created by various groups of this people. The prerequisites for their emergence, as a rule, were the interpretation of such art, borrowed from other cultures. Some types of this craft were intended directly for enrichment.


gypsy dancing
gypsy dancing

Gypsy dances, based on the manner of performance, can be divided into salon, street, stage, camp. They are all very curious.

Tabor style is distinguished by a variety of movements and lack of system. The main goal is to demonstrate a certain level of virtuosity in front of fellow tribesmen. Such a gypsy dance is performed in a close circle: at discos, family holidays and at home.

The stage style is primarily designed for theatrical, as well as variety performance and entertainment. Performed by artists.

Salon dance is a variation of the previous one in the absence of a stage and a relatively small enclosed space. Performed by artists at home or in restaurants.

Street style is the forerunner of stage style. Now this is the name of improvisation, combining elements of tabor and salontypes. The performer in this case chooses the optimal movements, taking into account the current situation: the number of spectators, the distance to them, the available space, the features of the street surface and the music.


gypsy dance
gypsy dance

Gypsy dances of this type have composition as their feature. It may be absent in a tabor manner. A gradual increase in tempo is expected - at the beginning it is very slow, at the end it is energetic and fast.

This gypsy dance pays special attention to the complex footwork. In the male version, the characteristic movement is a rhythmic, quick pat on oneself. In the women's - shoulder fight and expressive graceful hand movements.

Russian roots can still be traced in many elements. Famous dancers from Russia: Ganga Batalova, Zemfira Zhemchuzhnaya, Lyalya Chernaya, Boris Sankin.

Balkan version

songs and dances of the gypsies
songs and dances of the gypsies

Such pair dances of gypsies are non-contact. They are performed with a significant distance between the partners. During such a dance, people change places several times. They seem to run in circles.

Romanian gypsy dances involve turning a woman around in place. Of the movements, snapping fingers, tap dancing, and foot play are used. Flappers are typical for men.

Belly dance

Gypsies in Turkey and the Balkans perform this type of art to make money. Their dances are somewhat sharper and simpler than the usual oriental art. Balkan gypsies also have expressive handplay, snapping fingers and typical foot movements.

Turkish representatives of the people we are interested in perform several special types of dances, including: küchek, sulu kule chiftetelli, roman havasy. Their work often includes acrobatic tricks, as well as small pantomimes on romantic or everyday topics.

The nature of this dance is perky and flirtatious. There is also shivering in the shoulders. There are also options with a bedspread, shawl or scarf. Such a belly dance has its own male party on the territory of Muslim countries. She is more aggressive.

Interesting facts

romanian gypsies dancing
romanian gypsies dancing

Having Jewish and Moorish roots, flamenco dance has long been considered a gypsy art. Its performer is called bailor. Flamenco is a professional gypsy art, so it mainly exists in street and stage form. Among the most famous performers of this gypsy art are Carmen Amaya and Joaquin Cortes.

Gypsy dances are characterized by soloism. This people does not perform such creativity collectively or in pairs. In the masculine version, impetuous, agile and fast, the dancer beats the rhythm with his heels, accompanying it with the blows of the palms on the soles, shins and thighs.

The manner of a woman is less angular, she is more fluid and soft. The dancer almost on the spot crushes with her feet. She moves slightly to the side and forward. The mill is in a vertical position.

Movable palms raised above the head, arms and shoulders. Gypsy dancers pay attention primarily to the game of fingers andpalms, collecting them, straightening and creating different shapes from them. All this is familiar from Indian figurines.

One of the figures of women's dance is this: as the tempo increases, the melodies of the movements of the hands become faster, until at the climax they fall down and stop. At the same time, the dancer's shoulders tremble as if in ecstasy.

The dances of the Magyar gypsies are distinguished by rich movements, an expressive male part, as well as an inexpressive meager female part. This type of creativity consists of clapping, snapping fingers, and playing with feet.

The Gypsy Hora belongs to the Balkan groups of the people we are interested in. This type of art was borrowed from the surrounding peoples. Can be presented as a round dance.
