Documentary "Sugar": reviews, release date, plot

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Documentary "Sugar": reviews, release date, plot
Documentary "Sugar": reviews, release date, plot

Video: Documentary "Sugar": reviews, release date, plot

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What qualities should a good documentary have? First, it must be objective and unbiased. Secondly, its authors should not deceive their viewers and give them only truthful information. Thirdly, it, of course, must be staged and directed with high quality so that as many people as possible become interested in it. Documentaries like this don't come out as often as we'd like, but 2014's Sugar is a different story. It is about him that will be discussed in our publication. If you want to know about the plot of the film "Sugar", the audience's feedback after watching it, as well as about the people who took part in its creation, then we recommend that you read this article to the end.

Film "Sugar" 2014
Film "Sugar" 2014

General information

That Sugar Film premiered on March 10, 2014. The film was directed by Damon Gano. The documentary was filmed in Australia.

The plot of the film "Sugar"

According to statistics, the vast majority of Australians eat 40 teaspoons of sugar per day. Not worth itthink that they eat a lot of sweets, pastries and chocolates - hidden sugar is found in 90% of the products that you can buy in a regular supermarket. Damon Gano, director of the documentary "Sugar", decided to conduct an experiment: for a month he will follow the diet of the average citizen of Australia. Before the experiment, he passed all the necessary tests, and also consulted with doctors and experts in the field of nutrition. According to the results of the examination, everything is in order with his he alth: he does not have a predisposition to diabetes, the level of sugar in his body does not exceed the norm, and the liver works without any problems.

Image"That sugar film"
Image"That sugar film"


During the experiment, Damon Gano completely excluded sweets from his diet and began to eat classic "he althy foods" - yogurts, cereals, fruit juices and ready-made sauces. In addition, he did not change the usual number of calories consumed. Before the experiment, his diet was approximately 2300 calories per day: 24% carbohydrates (fresh vegetables), 26% protein (eggs, fish, meat), and 50% fat (nuts, avocados).

When conducting the experiment, Damon was guided by the fact that 4 grams of sugar is placed in one teaspoon. Already during the first breakfast, the director was truly shocked: one serving of wheat flakes, yogurt and a glass of store-bought apple juice contains 20 teaspoons of sugar!

During the 12 days of the experiment, Gano gained 3.5 kilograms. By the endexperiment, his weight increased by 10 kilograms, and his waist added 10 centimeters. In addition, Damon, who previously had no he alth problems, has a predisposition to diabetes.

The plot of the film "Sugar"
The plot of the film "Sugar"

Why is the movie "Sugar" worth watching?

"Sugar" is different from standard documentaries in many ways. This project, in a sense, is a reality show in which the main character puts on himself an experiment in real time. Damon Gano uses a lot of sci-fi cues that make it easy to read and perfect for family viewing.

"Sugar" is not just a movie. The people who had a hand in creating the project continue to pay attention to the topic of proper nutrition, posting he althy recipes on the website and social networks, interviews with nutritionists and stories of people who changed their diet after watching the film. New articles and publications are followed by hundreds of thousands of subscribers on social networks, and one of the most famous publishers in the UK, Pan Macmillan, has released a book based on the film.

Documentary "Sugar"
Documentary "Sugar"

Myths about proper nutrition

In many of the positive reviews for the film "Sugar", people praise this project for debunking the myths associated with proper nutrition. We list some of them:

  1. Fat-free foods help you lose weight. Lastlow-fat products are very popular. Damon, following this trend, made his diet exclusively from low-calorie foods that do not contain fat. As it turned out, such food is absolutely not suitable for people who want to lose extra pounds. The fats that the human body needs for balanced work are replaced by manufacturers with a large amount of sugar. As a result, within a month, the main character stopped feeling full, regardless of how much food he ate for lunch or dinner.
  2. Sweets cheer you up. You have probably heard that eating sweets contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness. This is true, but there is another side to the coin. Sweet foods stimulate the production of serotonin in the body, but their excessive consumption can lead to chronic depression and insomnia.
  3. Sugar is not addictive. Sugar affects the same areas of the brain that sex and drugs do. If a person frequently consumes sugary foods, their brain gets used to the feeling of euphoria from receiving a tasty reward. Simply put, the more sugar a person consumes, the more he wants it.
The film "Sugar": release date
The film "Sugar": release date

The film "Sugar": reviews and opinions of the audience

The documentary discussed in the article was generally positively received by the audience. On the IMDb website - the most popular Western film portal - its rating is 7.4 points out of 10. On "Kinopoisk"her score is even higher - 7.62 out of 10.

People who liked the film praised it for using interesting visual techniques: musical numbers, cardboard scenery, cartoon inserts, etc. This, in their opinion, makes viewing interesting not only for adults, but also for young audiences.

The film grossed over $1.5 million in the UK and Australia. Thus, this picture became one of the most successful in Australia in 2015, which put it in 3rd place among the country's documentary releases of all time.

Now you know about the plot of the film "Sugar", reviews of the audience, as well as many other interesting facts related to this project. If you decide to get acquainted with this picture, then we wish you a pleasant viewing!
