Comedy: TOP funniest. Rating, stories and reviews

Comedy: TOP funniest. Rating, stories and reviews
Comedy: TOP funniest. Rating, stories and reviews

In our time, films of the comedy genre are gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising, because many people, when they come home, want to relax after a hard day at work or school and enjoy a quality film. It has been proven that good comedies relieve fatigue, making even the most gloomy viewer laugh, not to mention those who have a good sense of humor. So, the article will provide a top list of the funniest comedies from various countries.

Russian comedies

Comic films of our country can be considered almost a separate genre, because such tapes have their own charm and appeal, motivate people to watch them again and again. In our top of the funniest comedies in Russia, only serials will be listed, since they have high ratings and popularity among viewers. All these films are very famous, popular with a wide audience, and have good ratings on many forums and sites.

Top 10 funniest Russian comedies in series format: "Interns"

Our top opens a popular series,which began to appear in 2010 under the name "Interns". This film was successfully broadcast on TV. The plot tells about the daily life of hospital workers who always find themselves in various stupid and awkward situations. Based on this, plots of individual series are built. At the same time, the doctor-leader of the interns team only laughs at what is happening, because he has a very sarcastic and caustic character. This series is interesting, full of jokes, so it deservedly takes tenth place.

The series "Interns"
The series "Interns"

Univer. New hostel

Ninth place in the top of the funniest comedies is the series "Univer. New hostel". He began to go out just a year later than "Interns" and immediately gained incredible popularity among viewers. In this series, we will not be told about the daily life of doctors, but about how students spend their days. Just like in the first series, they get into comical situations related to student everyday life. In addition, the comedy rests not only on romantic feelings and love triangles: sometimes the plot takes unexpected turns. This series is in the top 100 funniest comedies in Russia, so every fan of this genre should watch it.


A series that makes older viewers remember the past, because all events take place in the eighties of the 20th century. Therefore, the project received a simple and concise name "Eighties". Ivan Smirnov - the main character of the series included intop of the funniest comedies, studies at the university, where he meets the lady of the heart, whose name is Inga. At the same time, she manifests herself as a very bright personality, standing out from the crowd, so the main character behaves with her very timidly and shyly. As already mentioned, the series reminds many of the carefree times when, without modern gadgets, people enjoyed life, communication, experienced warmer and brighter feelings for each other.


Food tempts, inspires, delights, and sometimes repulses. But a person cannot live without food, which means that the one who creates delicious dishes can rule the world. So thought Maxim, the protagonist of the modern and very funny film "Kitchen". This series is also included in the top 20 funniest comedies filmed in Russia. The main character decides to start working as a cook in one of the best and most expensive restaurants in Moscow. However, the chef protests his hiring, but thanks to his cunning and incredible luck, Maxim Lavrov still starts working at the restaurant.

As it turned out, the team was far from perfect. Viktor Petrovich, the chef, who invariably aroused confidence among restaurant visitors, actually abused alcohol, and while intoxicated, he often lost large sums of money on cards. Victoria, the woman whom the protagonist met before getting a job, looked beautiful and confident, but had a cold heart and turned out to be too independent. The same is true with colleagues: under the masks of professional chefs, real scoffers are hiding,who are not averse to playing a trick and making fun of the newcomer. Cheese-boron is diluted with a romantic line, thanks to which it is interesting to observe the development of feelings between the characters, love affairs. Also, new characters are added to already familiar, familiar characters, making the series more diverse and exciting.

Tv-series "Kitchen"
Tv-series "Kitchen"


The series "Fizruk" tells the viewer about a man named Foma, who is the main character of this comedy. Previously, Foma worked as the head of security for the owner, whose past was connected with crime. But due to a minor quarrel, the main character was fired. However, the creative chief of security did not intend to give up and decided to return back to the former boss at all costs. It would seem that what could go wrong, because Foma simply decided to get a job as a physical education teacher at a school where, in his opinion, the son of the former boss is studying. The plan was simple and ingenious: to make friends with the owner's son and with his help return to business. But, as it turned out, in practice it is much more difficult to do than in theory. Throughout the series, not only the situations in which the main characters find themselves change, but the character of Thomas himself and his attitude to life undergo changes.

Sweet Life

So, the top 5 funniest comedies are opened by the series "Sweet Life". He will tell us about several residents of Moscow, whose life changes dramatically after the appearance of Sasha, the main character of the series, in it. She is a single mother who moved from Perm to the capital. For lifethe girl earns by dancing in a nightclub. However, after an unpleasant situation that occurred during the birthday of one of the local rich, Sasha is forced to send the child to her grandmother. She herself moves to her once close friend, with whom she previously performed at the Bolshoi Theater. The short-lived series explores the many, many different personalities of the characters.

Between us girls

The series, included in the top of the funniest comedies, called "Between Us Girls" tells about the life of a provincial family. It so happened that all the women in it have problems in relations with the stronger sex - they are very unlucky with men. However, the rest of the ladies are absolutely opposite in character, have completely different outlooks on life. But suddenly the beloved Olesya, a student, breaks the usual order of life. Mother and grandmother are indignant, because luck in her personal life did not smile at the girl. Women are horrified after Olesya declares that her boyfriend will now live with them. What decision will the relatives make in relation to the young man and how will their daily life continue after the appearance of the man? The answers to these questions can be found by watching a wonderful series.

How I became Russian

So, on the third place of our top is a hilarious and kind comedy called "How I Became Russian". This interesting project was able to convey an amazing, warm atmosphere, energy and strength of the Russian spirit and heart. Therefore, for many, the humor of this series will be understandable andclose, because it is based on common stereotypes about Russian people.

According to the plot, at the very beginning of the series, a young American journalist named Alex comes to Russia. During the business trip, he lives with Russian women who help him adapt in the country. Getting into various awkward, sometimes absurd situations, he learns to understand the Russian people, and also comprehends the immense soul of the people, which he writes about in his blog.

The series "How I became Russian"
The series "How I became Russian"


Women understand better than anyone that the birth of a child is a huge responsibility. This is not only immense happiness and a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, but also daily routine work, sleepless nights. This burning topic is taken up from a humorous point of view in the modern comedy series Moms. The main characters of the film are three women. One of them recently gave birth, the other is a mother of many children and a good housewife, and the third has not yet waited for her prince, therefore she is in an active search for a man with whom she wants to spend her whole life. According to the canons of the genre, they find themselves in unusual situations related to children, everyday life, everyday life, from which they then find an original way out.

Policeman from Rublyovka

The first place in our top of the funniest comedies (to tears) is occupied by a series that will not only make you laugh, but also attract with an interesting, non-trivial plot. We are talking about the series "Policeman from Rublyovka". The main character - Grigory, although he works as a policeman, but leads a rather riotous andrelaxed lifestyle. However, he is soon sent to patrol a famous and very we althy area, where only the elite of society lives.

Unraveling intricate cases, the guy often exceeds the allowable powers, positioning himself as a risky and very persistent person. He also easily wins the hearts of many girls thanks to his catchy appearance. At the same time, the guy is quite cynical, loves black humor.

Often, characters find themselves in various interesting and awkward situations, from which they have to get out with the help of quick wit and creative problem solving. According to many viewers, this comedy is the best and funniest of the top 10 Russian TV series.

Policeman from Rublyovka
Policeman from Rublyovka

There are many different interesting humorous films created, but it is worth clarifying that this top contains the funniest and most hilarious of them. You should also focus on the fact that all the series included in this list are in the top 100 funniest Russian comedies on the authoritative site "KinoPoisk".

American comedies

The US is famous for its popular, professional film industry. Over the years, there have indeed been several interesting comedy films that deserve places in our top of the funniest comedies.


So, the top of the funniest American comedies begins with a movie, or rather an animation project (in other words, a cartoon) called "Zootopia". This sensational cartoon a few years ago continues to enjoypopular among many residents of Russia and not only.

The plot tells about the brave rabbit Judy, who since childhood dreamed of working in the police and achieved this. Many dissuaded her, because rabbits cannot work in the police, and her parents even wanted her to go to work on a carrot farm, like them. However, thanks to her fortitude, faith in her own righteousness and the efforts of the rabbit, she achieved her goal, graduated from the university and got her first job.

But since Judy was a rookie, she was not trusted with serious cases, except to issue fines. Soon, she independently takes on the investigation of the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Vydrington, and she selects a crook and a sly fox as her assistants. This full-length cartoon, most likely, can be attributed to the top of the funniest family comedies, because the humor in it is unusually kind. But at the same time, he can make almost every adult laugh. So this animated picture is perfect for a family movie night when you want to laugh and enjoy a good story with the kids.

Cartoon Zootopia
Cartoon Zootopia

The Big Bang Theory

The series, which began airing in 2007, occupies second place in our top and managed to earn huge popularity not only at home, but also in many other countries. Despite the simplicity of the plot and idea, the series still does not become less interesting. It attracts thanks to the events taking place on the screen, and the actions of bright, unusual characters. The series tells abouteveryday life of young scientists-friends. Their names are Sheldon, Leonard, Razhd and Gordon. All have interesting and unique personalities, but are quirky and odd.

The daily life of Leonard and Sheldon, roommates, is disrupted by the arrival of an attractive new roommate named Penny. One of them falls head over heels in love with her. At the same time, he experiences some problems in relations with the female sex, however, like all his friends. The beauty of this series lies not only in the hilarious humor, but also in the fact that throughout the entire work the characters change and grow up, respectively, their outlook on life also undergoes changes. This series is included in the top 10 funniest comedy films on many sites, so its ranking is simply beyond doubt.

The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory


Our top of the funniest comedies to tears simply cannot do without the so-called legend of humor. The series "Friends" has become almost a cult movie, because few people have not heard about it. The Six Best Friends are the main characters of the series. A wide variety of romantic events, love triangles hovers around this company. The main characters then begin to meet, then part and converge again. Everything that happens between them is seasoned with a share of witty and appropriate humor that will make even the most gloomy person laugh.

This movie is perfect for watching with close friends, because you can discuss the development of the plot and the actions of the characters together, as well as laugh heartily. No wonder this movieis present in all the tops of the funniest comedies in the world.

Comedy "Friends"
Comedy "Friends"

Undoubtedly, comedies are a multifaceted genre in which each person can choose something for himself and at the same time laugh a lot. The article provided the top of the funniest comedy films, according to the audience, however, consider your own opinion - if your favorite film did not make it to this top, this does not mean that it is bad, because there are no comrades for the taste and color.
