Happy: quotes, sayings, aphorisms, catch phrases

Happy: quotes, sayings, aphorisms, catch phrases
Happy: quotes, sayings, aphorisms, catch phrases

What is happiness? Each person on a certain path of his life understands this in his own way. Much has been said about this. And no wonder, because happiness is the basis of the life of every person. So, today's publication will be devoted to happiness, aphorisms, sayings, popular expressions and quotes, happy thoughts of which will be your advice, parting words, and, possibly, a joke, which, as you know, is also a component of happiness.

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happy quotes

Happiness is different

Don't forget that happiness is in the little things! For a little girl, this is delicious ice cream, for someone - a sparkling car, for someone, a bouquet of roses or, say, a pair of fashionable high-heeled shoes is enough for happiness. It is on this occasion that we will open our list of quotes from happy people. So:

“My friend and I are walking, she is so beautiful in high heels! And I'm in flip flops - so happy!”.

Continuing our theme, let's say that happinessindeed, there are different things, someone finds it in their children, someone, quoting Marilyn Monroe, believes that “diamonds are the best friends of girls”, and it’s hard to argue with this, looking at the brilliance of these pebbles. Isn't it happiness?

Happiness is a house with a garden where self-planted apple trees bloom, a gazebo, roses, green grass.

"There is no place sweeter than home," said Cicero.

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happy ex quotes

House. Sweet home

Quotes about a happy life remind us that happiness lives next to us, here it is: your sweet dear home, a place where you relax, dream, receive friends and family. This is where your children grow up.

"Homes are warmer than anywhere else."

"Home comfort is the treasure of the whole world."

And it's hard to disagree with that. I remember people often say that "houses and walls heal." Or that “Happy is the person who is happy at home.”

If you have your own little cozy world, where every little thing is so familiar and sweet, where food smells delicious, and remembering the cute children's cartoon "Spruce Apple" let's say that "happiness is when everyone is at home!".

But sometimes you come to the house of, say, unfamiliar people, and you begin to feel all that atmosphere of complacency, and happiness fills your heart without an invitation. You enjoy this nice homely atmosphere with great pleasure, and you and your thoughts become bright and pure.

It's nice to see when people hurry home, bake pastries together, make dumplings, at this very moment you understandthat happiness rests on simple things.”

happy people quotes
happy people quotes

You and me

Well, what kind of happiness can there be without love? Every person needs love, it is a vital necessity, like breathing, eating or thinking. Sometimes a person begins to learn the world around him through love. This is love for a mother, and love between a man and a woman, and love for children, for our smaller brothers, for the Motherland. And as Remarque said: “If your soul reaches out to someone, then do not resist! Only she knows what she needs.”

The following quote about happy lovers by Polish writer Stanisław Lemma speaks for itself: “A man needs a man.”

Writers, like no one else, said a lot of wise and beautiful words about love.

"If you love, then in the name of love you want to do something, you want to sacrifice yourself, you want to serve" - Ernest Hemingway.

After all, love is a power that can inspire a person, and sometimes destroy him, break his heart into thousands of pieces, ruthlessly trample and destroy. What to do and how to be?

“Patience, my friend, and everything will pass, your pain will pass, it will go into oblivion, it will melt like ice, it will disappear forever, and maybe you will say so in a year. Thank you for the lesson! For the pain and longing, thank you that now I love so much, and I live again!”

With words of gratitude, a happy quote to the former is dedicated to everyone!

happy life quotes
happy life quotes

Pencil babies

Happiness is soft, warm hands, behind the sofa - wrappers, on the bed -crumbs.”

Cute, mischievous naughty ones who sometimes get on our nerves, but it is impossible to imagine life without your baby, without his endless “why”, without the smell of his top, without toys scattered around the house. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: "Be sure to spoil the child, because it is not known what kind of test life will prepare for him."

But be vigilant enough, because children do not always listen to us, but they regularly imitate, you should not only know this, but also not forget for a minute, being with them. In addition, there is a true quote for good reason: “A happy child will teach an adult to rejoice for no reason, find something to do and be able to insist on his own.”

happy life quotes
happy life quotes

Love to travel

Happiness is seeing the world in all its splendor. These are big cities, and beach resorts, and museums, and cuisines of the peoples of the world. The world is amazing and unique! You are happy with what you see, you are happy with your courage, you are happy with the opportunity to experience a new culture, and as Burroughs said: “You don’t have to live, you have to travel.”

According to the author, this is how you can live a bright and interesting life. This is happiness and joy, because we do not live in order to earn money, we live in order to earn money and be happy. And as Albert Camus said: “Travel is like the happiness of rediscovering yourself.”

World of books

Books are another facet of happiness, they are able to give us the whole world, they teach us to think, love, empathize. They provide an opportunityfeel the taste of adventure, even fulfill a dream or feel like a carefree child again.

"The book has always been for me an adviser, comforter, eloquent and calm, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits, I kept them for more important occasions" - J. Sand.

After all, plunging into the world of books, you have the opportunity to plunge into centuries of history, get a lot of pleasure, acquire a taste, expand the horizons of knowledge. Books are what our ancestors and our contemporaries wanted to tell us, it is an opportunity not to forget the history of their lives.

"Books make us happy to sew the pieces of the universe together" - Ray Bradbury.

No wonder Fernando Pessoa remarked with great elegance: "Literature is a way of ignoring life."

No one can argue that this is also some kind of happy quote. The ability to be distracted, dissolved or transported wherever your heart desires - this is the world of books.

happy baby quotes
happy baby quotes


And in conclusion, summing up what has been said, we note that one irrefutable fact has been proven, which says: it’s not hard work or untold we alth that makes us happy at all, it’s a good attitude towards each other that makes us happy.

Finally, our last happy quote: "Invest in your future - build good relationships now."

It is worth thinking about these words, and you will be guaranteed dividends and on time, in the form of boundless happiness, good he alth and amazing memory.

The biggest stakes in lifeit is worth doing only for your family, friends and like-minded people, and happiness will never leave your home. And do not forget that happiness is not sought, like a golden treasure, it is created with their own hands, but only those who have knowledge, strength and incredible courage are capable of this.
